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What is it with people...?

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Okay, I downloaded DayZ the other day and i've been playing it for a few hours now so i've gotten used to the controls etc, obviously as a total noob i died a few times from zombies and bandits, but on my latest run i was feeling awesome!

I had bumped into a deerstand while running north and found an ak74-u, the best weapon i'd seen so far.

So with my new weapon, after research online i decided to head up to stary sobor to raid the military tents.

I spent a lot of time sneaking up there carefully, taking safe routes through trees and never running out in the open, and when i got near to the tents, I saw another player coming out of one.

He turned to the left, and must have seen my head poking out of the grass, I shouted friendly down my mic and the guy replied ''OK, come here and i won't shoot you, if you try to run i have a friend in the hills who will shoot as soon as i say''.

I thought for a minute about just disconnecting but I ended up staying and i replied "Ok''. I followed him into a tent where there were three other players.

One player said ''Drop all of your food and drink on the ground and we will let you run''

I dropped a couple of cans of pepsi and sardines on the floor, and before i even turned around, they all open fired on me.

What is the point? They all clearly had superior gear, I thought this was supposed to be a survival game, If I wanted an FPS i'd go and play Battlefield 3...

Does anyone have a space for me in a group or a clan so i can avoid this happening again and have friendly people to fight off zombies with?

I'm 16 and from the UK (as you can tell by my username :P) but i am mature for my age and i'm just sick of these bandits who kill for no reason.

Please don't hate anyway guys :) Just wanted to share my story/thoughts.

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Best of luck finding a group that could make things like that not happen. The fact of this game is that it is a survival gamea nd the deadliest things in this game are other players. Everyone is so scared of each other your lucky he even said anything before killing you. Zombies are easy to kill as they are about as smart as a tree. But people, seeing someone puts your blood pressure into overdrive and you get nervous. It is intense and probably the best part of the game.

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What is the point?

Get all your inventory and not just your food.

I thought this was supposed to be a survival game.

It is, and you didn't survive

Good luck, you'll have a lot of fun with a group :)

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Trying to gain some information before I install and play the game, but damn, by the sound of it, looks like if you really want to make a very long run staying alive in this game, you have to be with a group, preferably with friends that you know in real life and not people in game you meet that can pretend to be your friend in the short run and enemy in the long run. Quick question though, once you are dead, you have to start a new account or you lose a bunch of items and equipment that you have collected while playing the game?

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You just lose the equipement you had in your inventory. You can put a tent and vehicles in a safe place (ie the forest, far from towns) and hoard a lot of weapons and equipements, you won't lose these when you die.

Edited by Kiro

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Telling you to put things on the floor, then killing you. Weird fetishes.

Get used to the lack of logic in here and on the internet in general.


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im currently recruiting a team for a live stream series im going to be starting shortly. We have a small group of 6-7 guys on every night, once i have a squad of 10 ill start the live streaming.. your welcome to try out.. skype -fxgtopgun

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dude just dont ever trust anyone ever, this is what the game turned into.. shoot on sight. better off findign a clan/group or play with irl friends. more fun then being a lonewolf.

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Step 1: Find AK47, feel on top of the world.

Step 2: Raid a military camp

Step 3: Become a hostage by a random player

Step 4: Do as instructed

Step 5: Die due to your own gullability


Step 4: Play the poker face and call his bluff (shoot him)

Step 5: Either

----------A: get shot by his buddies 'in the hill'

----------B: Find more players and turn the camps into an all out firefight

----------C: Find out he was bluffing and loot his gear

Edited by zenatsu

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Step 1: Find AK47, feel on top of the world.

Step 2: Raid a military camp

Step 3: Become a hostage by a random player

Step 4: Do as instructed

Step 5: Die due to your own gullability


Step 4: Play the poker face and call his bluff (shoot him)

Step 5: Either

----------A: get shot by his buddies 'in the hill'

----------B: Find more players and turn the camps into an all out firefight

----------C: Find out he was bluffing and loot his gear

Do you give a step-by-step guide on every thread you reply to?

What if it's a statement rather than a question?


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Ok thanks for the responses guys. It seems like only a few of you actually got what i was trying so say in my post.

1. I didn't try to 'make friends', I thought maybe this guy might have been decent enough to let me go, maybe he just needed food for him and his buddies?

2. All of my IRL friends are as people seem to put it 'COD kids' and none have a computer capable of running this game well.

I'll add you on skype blaze.

Edited by Yorkshire_UK

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Ok thanks for the responses guys. It seems like only a few of you actually got what i was trying so say in my post.

1. I didn't try to 'make friends', I thought maybe this guy might have been decent enough to let me go, maybe he just needed food for him and his buddies?

2. All of my IRL friends are as people seem to put it 'COD kids' and none have a computer capable of running this game well.

I'll add you on skype blaze.

Your IRL friends have obviously never played CoD for longer than two seconds before turning their noses up at it. Nobody asks you to drop your shit on that.


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Ok thanks for the responses guys. It seems like only a few of you actually got what i was trying so say in my post.

1. I didn't try to 'make friends', I thought maybe this guy might have been decent enough to let me go, maybe he just needed food for him and his buddies?

2. All of my IRL friends are as people seem to put it 'COD kids' and none have a computer capable of running this game well.

I'll add you on skype blaze.

"cod kids" is elitist bullshit

and sorry wasn't being very helpful, Stary is a high risk high reward area, better to avoid or ambush rather than reveal your position as people have more to lose further north generally and are thus more dangerous

add me on Skype (shagohad90)

not online for a week or so but always welcoming people into our party (we are planning on raiding some clans :) )

where you from?

edit: oh lol, let me guess... Yorkshire?

Edited by Shagohad

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"cod kids" is elitist bullshit

No it's not, every CoD player I meet think it's fine to prey on other people, call their rifle a "primary" and their side arm a "secondary" and tend to be 13-16 years old. They belive the false crap CoD teaches and it's pretty disheartening. I'd pay in a can of beans to see a CoD player who doesn't do those things.

Edited by Cheeseburger
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Honestly, that sounds like pretty understandable behavior in a survival situation. Bandits group up, find a lone guy in the hills. Wants their stuff but can't be for sure he has buddies or that he'll hit at that range. Lure said victim in tent and shoot point blank, not revealing the other 3 guys in his group. If they did just take all your stuff and let you go, you could go find your friend and tell them where they are and how many there are, and what weapons they have.

Not everyone is going to want to be happy friends that hold hands and skip through fields of zombie corpses. It's a fight for survival, against zeds, and against other people as well.

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No it's not, every CoD player I meet think it's fine to prey on other people, call their rifle a "primary" and their side arm a "secondary" and tend to be 13-16 years old. They belive the false crap CoD teaches and it's pretty disheartening. I'd pay in a can of beans to see a CoD player who doesn't do those things.

I am/was a frequent CoD player yet I don't shoot people. But I'm not 13-16, maybe we need to teach them a lesson.

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Welcome to the game first off. Yeah man you need to watch out for everything and everyone in this game. I treat my character like I would my own life and it's kept me alive for a very long time. Being a former U.S. Marine really helps with the game as a whole. If you see another player your better off sending rounds down range at him. Shoot first and ask questions later.

I was nice one night and went to help out a guy who needed a blood transfusion on the firestation in Elektro. He made a boo boo though. He announced his position over the global chat (Biggest mistake you can ever make besides running on a road). Anyway I got up to him and someone came up the firestation tower and popped him one in the head. He asked my why I shot him and I told him it wasn't me and that it was the guy behind him who I had just popped in the face.

This game is unpredictable. It's almost as real as it gets when dealing with other players. You gotta use your head when you come into contact with another player. If you get too nervous you might as well just kill yourself cause your already dead. Your brain will do one of two things, fight, or flight. I would suggest the fighting one ;)

Also if something just doesnt seem right with a situation watch for hackers, they do exist and it's pretty pitafull that people don't know how to actually "play" the game.

Thats the best advice I got for a boot. :)

Hope all this helps a bit.

-Sgt Roberts

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Welcome to the game first off. Yeah man you need to watch out for everything and everyone in this game. I treat my character like I would my own life and it's kept me alive for a very long time. Being a former U.S. Marine really helps with the game as a whole. If you see another player your better off sending rounds down range at him. Shoot first and ask questions later.

I was nice one night and went to help out a guy who needed a blood transfusion on the firestation in Elektro. He made a boo boo though. He announced his position over the global chat (Biggest mistake you can ever make besides running on a road). Anyway I got up to him and someone came up the firestation tower and popped him one in the head. He asked my why I shot him and I told him it wasn't me and that it was the guy behind him who I had just popped in the face.

This game is unpredictable. It's almost as real as it gets when dealing with other players. You gotta use your head when you come into contact with another player. If you get too nervous you might as well just kill yourself cause your already dead. Your brain will do one of two things, fight, or flight. I would suggest the fighting one ;)

Also if something just doesnt seem right with a situation watch for hackers, they do exist and it's pretty pitafull that people don't know how to actually "play" the game.

Thats the best advice I got for a boot. :)

Hope all this helps a bit.

-Sgt Roberts

Respect to you Sir... This is just what i needed, thanks for actually helping, i'll try and get in the right mindset and then maybe i'll do a bit better. Thanks for the advice!

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No it's not, every CoD player I meet think it's fine to prey on other people, call their rifle a "primary" and their side arm a "secondary" and tend to be 13-16 years old. They belive the false crap CoD teaches and it's pretty disheartening. I'd pay in a can of beans to see a CoD player who doesn't do those things.


1. you are being elitist

2. what is wrong with calling it secondary and primary lol, sorry we aren't all military buffs, just people enjoying a shooter vidogame

3. i haven't played CoD since MW so i dunno if I'm still a cod kiddie, but i had a great time with Flashpoint and I must have been about 16 if not younger, I used to play Company of Heroes (strategy game) a lot and was more a part of that community than I have ever been with Arma, but it seems like the same situation occurred there, everyone complains about how underrated the game is, then when new players join form a steam sale, everyone gives them a hard time rather than trying to get them involved in a positive way, thats the problem with elitism, it makes other people nervous about getting into what is quite a challenging game in comparison to most others

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Sorry you got robbed.

Having an AK47-U probably should have satisfied your need for big guns so no need to raid stary or at least not alone. There's plenty of friendly groups that will play with you on the forums.

If you're just bored and want to raid death zones then try to spend more time observing the area. Probably don't ever follow anyone into a tent with a bunch of other dudes either...


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in my experience, I will kill on site. I have even killed my friends on occasion since they came from a direction I was not expecting. I have met some very friendly survivors who have let me tag along and loot with them. You will find some nice people int he game, but a lot of bad ones too. If you do trust someone or a group, if things start to seem get weird or off, I would either run away fast, or open fire. Never second guess your instinct about someone. Better to be alive then looted and dead.

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Respect to you Sir... This is just what i needed, thanks for actually helping, i'll try and get in the right mindset and then maybe i'll do a bit better. Thanks for the advice!

Glad to see you're going to give it an honest try. It may seem like all these bandits are "killing for no reason" but they are trying to surive, just like you. You may choose to wander and scavange, they may choose to camp and steal. Everyone is free to survive how they see fit, so be careful who you trust, and avoid those popular areas as a solo player.

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