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Not wanting to kill people, but the game forces me to.

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Am i the only who feels bad about taking other players lives?

Every time I've tried the "hey man, friendly here... want to travel together a bit?" I get shot (this has happened 4-5 times now).

So now i have to shoot on sight, otherwise I'm gonna get shot myself.

Its a vicious cycle of mistrust and assuming the other person is gonna shoot if they don't do it first.

Is there anything i can do to be more friendly? I'm not willing to take the risk of moving in a massive circle around the spotted players just to avoid them.

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there is nothing you can do to know if you will get shot by another survivor. you can stick to your good hearted side and make the first step sometimes, risking you will get shot

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i used to think that aswell before. but then, as much as i have been friendly. you just cant stop being shot at no matter how friendly you are.

learn a life lesson , Killed or Be Killed. but dont forget you're human as well , just dont forget to help a guy out from time to time

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Altering your course I think is your only option if you don't want to put yourself in harms way. But you run the risk of them spotting and following you.

My general rule is strictly to only return fire.. So far I have 5 kills all of them I attempted to communicate but was shot at and force to rip them to shreds with my m249.

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I just lay low when I see another player, wait it out in a bush or something.. No point interacting with someone you don't know since EVERYONE (okay, maybe somewhere around the 75% mark) are going to shoot you for loot, fun or safety. I will only return fire - but so far I haven't had to using this tactic.

Edited by BECKiEE

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yesterday me and a mate surviving in cherno. In the church we saw a body and ofc went to loot it.

Cuz there was no gear option but a check pulse we found out he was still alive.

I asked my mate to shoot or not to shoot, we decided it wud be lame to kill a player like this.....

Using the ingame voice chat i told him we wud epi-pen him.

The moment he gets back on his feet the mofo takes his pistol and shoots my mate 1600 hp before i killed him........

So even when you are doing friendly stuff its a no-guarantee....

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I don't think you can hear voice chat while passed out. So I wouldn't be supprised if he thought he had woken up right before you guys were going to cap him and loot.

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I helped out a guy for two hours got him fully geared and he turned and shot me. Since then I kill on sight unless they are unarmed or have a melee weapon. I've tried to use voice comms to be firendly most of the time it cause the guy to panic and start to blind for before I put one or two in him. So I dont know.

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Is there anything i can do to be more friendly?

Look for a clan on the forum, nobody ever try killing a small group of players, the risks are too high.

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I understand the whole "vicious circle" thing, and yes, it sucks that by being KoS enough times you're forced to adopt a similar attitude, but honestly, why would it be any different in a real life zombie apocalypse? You'd band together with the few friends you had nearby, you'd protect the ones closest to you first, and you'd be forced to look out for number one, if not immediately, then eventually. The persistant-death mechanic is a strong motivator in-game, so just imagine what kind of a motivator it is IRL. Just saying.

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I understand the whole "vicious circle" thing, and yes, it sucks that by being KoS enough times you're forced to adopt a similar attitude, but honestly, why would it be any different in a real life zombie apocalypse? You'd band together with the few friends you had nearby, you'd protect the ones closest to you first, and you'd be forced to look out for number one, if not immediately, then eventually. The persistant-death mechanic is a strong motivator in-game, so just imagine what kind of a motivator it is IRL. Just saying.

In a zombieacolypse. You wouldn't shot on sight due to the danger of alerting zombies nearby. You would more then likely try and stay away or try and get the other survivors to band together (in a rather small group).

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Yeah I'm trying to get in a group atm to avoid this. Sometimes I'll hear shots or footsteps right next to me in a town while I'm hiding and I try direct voice chat but they were either out of range, or just didn't respond. I don't know the range of direct voice/text chat but that seems like the safest bet, before you can even see eachother.

Edited by BananaMartyr

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It is a hard call to make when you are out on in the Uloo and you are forced with ending someones life or allowing them to live. I have met several survivors out there that i have let live and even teamed up with but i have also sent some to meet their maker, it is a hard call to make but lately with so many plebs firing at me i take no risk and kill before im killed unless they are unarmed or indicate that they pose no threat.

At the same time i am trying to restore my faith in man kind and trying to help restore others faith also by responding to calls for medical assistance.

Edited by Etnie

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...So now i have to shoot on sight, otherwise I'm gonna get shot myself.

Its a vicious cycle of mistrust and assuming the other person is gonna shoot if they don't do it first...

circle around the spotted players just to avoid them.

No one HAS to shoot on sight; that is a cop-out and denial of reponsibility.

There is no compulsion mechanic in DayZ. Every decision is ours to make.

If enough people remove themselves from the cycle, it will eventually lose momentum and wind down.

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I dont have so much bad luck like u guys . yesterday I ve found a survivor and then we get together .After some time we were 6-8 guys .

PS.Not all are shooting u on sight .PSps :much of us were killed later cause of a sniper -.-

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the game doesn't "force you" to kill players. You only think you HAVE TO kill them. You can make them run for their lives by shooting next to them (believe me i've done this before), you can avoid populated areas, etc etc, there are a lot of solutions, you're not searching hard enough

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Am i the only who feels bad about taking other players lives?

Every time I've tried the "hey man, friendly here... want to travel together a bit?" I get shot (this has happened 4-5 times now).

So now i have to shoot on sight, otherwise I'm gonna get shot myself.

Its a vicious cycle of mistrust and assuming the other person is gonna shoot if they don't do it first.

Is there anything i can do to be more friendly? I'm not willing to take the risk of moving in a massive circle around the spotted players just to avoid them.

Join a group via TS, problem solved, only play when they are around.

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This is pretty much what my group is experiencing. Meet person, get shot. Restart, meet person, get shot. Restart, meet person and say "Friendly" and get shot. Meet person who asks for food, go to help a random guy out, get shot. Have nothing but a bandaid and a flashlight? Get shot. I have to laugh because it also always happens roughly 10 minutes after I find a gun. We take it as an omen when I happen upon a gun at this point.

Every person we've met has tried to kill us. There are no nice people. Our new rule is that if you get within 50 feet or even start coming towards us and you're dead. The community is quickly turning all would-be mobile-medic/nice guys into people who will now shoot you in the head even if you've got a broken leg and no weaponry because we know you're going to go ruin someone elses life at some point.

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So many people sucked into this game thinking it was something other than a pure pvp shooter.

Don't feel bad about killing anyone, it's what the game is about.

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One thing that wonders me about being friendly... Is that is the direct comm just randomly broken, or don't half of the people know how to use it.

I've used the direct text chat on numerous occasions to try to communicate to a person, at quite close range too. And nearly half of the time people just don't answer at all. So I've shot a few who had guns because of that (because I assume they are hostile).

If I clearly say out who I'm talking to... Like "hey you on the roof". And then ask him if he is friendly... And nothing... Even when I say that "I consider having no answer meaning not friendly.". Nothing. At that point I generally proceed to try to shoot the guy before he gets the chance to surprise me, because at that point, I consider him a bandit who just does not want to reveal his name or just does not want to have lie that he is a friendly.

Now, it it possible that the direct chat is just broken. Or the guy is totally not paying attention to the text on the screen. (but seriously, there is not that much spam on the screen anymore, so he should be able to see it). Or he does not know how to use the chat. But all of those are issues that I cannot affect. I'll have to go with the assumption that the chat works as intended, as it seems to work most of the time. And if he does not understand english, then shouldn't he just say something in his own language to indicate that he hears me, but speaks only in a different language.

Or maybe the guys just got spooked and thought it was better to run off to safety than try communicate back, perhaps thinking I'm hostile.

But now... Why? If someone asks if you are friendly, and indicates that he knows your position (thus making sure it is not a trick to make you reveal your position), why would you decide not to answer. The only thing you can lose is your anonymity. And the only reason to protect that is if you are hostile.

And a player that does not wish to communicate back, cannot really claim that he is playing the game for the human interaction and the PvP is ruining that, since he is actively choosing to avoid communication. Thus, I'm not ruining his game experience by shooting him.

So, in addition to getting shot on sight before the possibility of communication, even when there is communication, it seems to be difficult. This is why I now just try to deal with unarmed/hatchet wielding guys. Avoid the ones with any gun. (Because it's either that, or just shooting them on sight.)

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I am friendly. ALWAYS. I found another player and we teamed up and we got into chernogorsk easily. Got our m16 and Ak. Yeah we had the life. I stayed alive in total of 6 hours and 53mins. As we walked around he heardgun fire. So I was nervous found a old camping tent and we both knew it. Someguy snuck up on us and shot me and my friend. Little did he know his aim sucked. I was hit in leg as my friend was downed and i pulled m16 out and let loose like a mad man. Killed the player and he RQed about it. I laughed and helped my friend and we found a guy which happned to be his friend. So we 3 walked to apartments in Cherno. We heard a shot close by. I saw smoke from it hitting the wall next to me and I was "Shit RUN" in my mic. We booked it to a hospital. I heard movement upstairs. I knew it was the sniper. I got my m16 ready and LET LOOSE on him. To find out it wasnt a sniper. ((Sorry whom I had to kill)) We were set for ages on food, blood, ammo, and everything else. I was ready to go loose on zombies. But then a grenade happened to come rolling in the door and BAM! We all died...... people were like we are friendly on the mic and we died so no point in saying that. I learned only help ones without weapons get ammo, food, water, and blood. Why? becasue they might kill you if they had weapon!!!!!!!!!!!!

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