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Dr Wasteland MD

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Alright I´m back on duty!

Get on TS and I will help you in the North-West ^^


Edited by Obvious

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I can get some for you askar, quick stop to cerno for some supplies for you.

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I can get some for you askar, quick stop to cerno for some supplies for you.

That'd be great if you could do that or just help me loot cherno, but what I need most right now is someone to donate this huge gun to who would use it for a good cause. ;)

Comes with 500 rounds, that's 500 zombie kills or 250 bandit kills. Accurate sight on it, very good and reliable weapon. Loud as all hell, but it's good when you need it. Magazines take two spaces each, but ammo isn't too uncommon. I've seen it from deerstands and dead military zombies even, but the gun itself is very rare.

Edit: Does anyone know if you actually get banned for carrying hacked weaponry? I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter unless you spawned it in, but I did find my primary in some tent and I'm pretty sure it's hacked in. It's a M4A1 Holo M203 SD Camo with a tactical light.

Edited by Askar

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need urgent medical attention at the north east airfield (on top of the tower) bleeding out have 3.5k blood...

im in your teamspeak in the northeast channel if anybody could possibly help me, thank you!

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Would love to join this group. Emailed Dr. Wasteland. Let me know how I can help/join.

Boothyzz, I dont use teamspeak, but you're welcomed to add me via steam: Pvster. I'm somewhat close to your location so you're welcomed to msg me if you cant get any help.

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need urgent medical attention at the north east airfield (on top of the tower) bleeding out have 3.5k blood...

im in your teamspeak in the northeast channel if anybody could possibly help me, thank you!

I logged off near there but won't be on for another 5 hours :( Hopefully U get the help U need from someone and if not, ill help ya ;)

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Would love to join this group. Emailed Dr. Wasteland. Let me know how I can help/join.

Boothyzz, I dont use teamspeak, but you're welcomed to add me via steam: Pvster. I'm somewhat close to your location so you're welcomed to msg me if you cant get any help.

Always good to have another medic on board. To join you can help someone out, have them post about it on this thread, and then send a pm to Dr. Wasteland with a link to that post.

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need urgent medical attention at the north east airfield (on top of the tower) bleeding out have 3.5k blood...

im in your teamspeak in the northeast channel if anybody could possibly help me, thank you!

I can start making my way to you buddy. I'm currently just NW of the NWAF atm so it'll only take me a few mins to run to you. Got everything onb me except antibio's so i can get you on your feet again :)

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Fixing up a car in the north, teleported to beach after stuck on loading after server reset, ran back with the last needed car wheel in my inventory, caught a cold, got one-hit unconscious by a zombie glitching through a wall, came to with <2k blood, shuffling animations for ages, by the time I pulled the zombie out of the wall to kill it and patched myself up I was at 723 blood, making driving out of there rather awkward, fainting and falling out of the car every few moments, eventually raided 2 supermarkets and ate all the canned foods to get my life back enough to travel, since then raided 3 hospitals, no antibiotics, stored my car, changed server to main and backup camp sites, all tents flattened, another camp site had 1 tent left others flattened for no reason I could make out. Reequipped with my best remaining gear, set out with a coyote backpack full of med supplies to meet fellow medic Askar to resupply him and get a shot of antibiotics in return. Logged onto the server we wanted to meet on, spawned on debug plains, all gear wiped. Relogged, spawned on the beach, nothing left, not even a single bandage, but still losing blood from the cold, and zombies already aggroed upon spawning. Ran away, picked up a makarov with 2 mags and a bandage in a building in that small town, ran off, picking up more zombies along the way and running away as best I could, tried losing a good dozen zombies in the sparse vegetation I eventually encountered, couldn't shake the last two, turned around, shot the first in the face from some distance, shot the second one as it closed on me, it took it a moment to realise it was dead (again), so it still ran up to me, hit me once, which knocked me to the ground, broken bones, bleeding. Used up my single bandage, hungry, 7k blood and losing at 3/tick, broken boned, in the middle of nowhere, crawling, hoping Askar can get to me in time because I probably won't find morphine in either of the 2 deerstands within crawling reach as my blood steadily runs out. It's been a good life! 14219 humanity, 769 zed kills, no murders as usual, attached to my character despite being naked but for a makarov with a handful of bullets, and a ghillie suit that, truth been told, has been starting to smell a little due to lack of launderettes in Chernarus. I've gotten out of similar situations on my own, but this time, I may just end up having to become a patient. Rescue underway, will it reach me in time? Will keep you posted.

Edited by sya
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Ok... Um, I'm unconscious and losing blood at the NW airfield. Can a medic PM me with a server and a way to get to me? It's a really interesting story, BTW.

I'm there if you trust me to help you.. trying to become whitelisted.

PM for details..

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Ok... Um, I'm unconscious and losing blood at the NW airfield. Can a medic PM me with a server and a way to get to me? It's a really interesting story, BTW.

I'm omw dude. Got hit with the spawn glitch so I gotta make my way up there again. Add me on steam, Pvster.

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I can start making my way to you buddy. I'm currently just NW of the NWAF atm so it'll only take me a few mins to run to you. Got everything onb me except antibio's so i can get you on your feet again :)

Is this save sorted cus I'm not too far from NE airfield and could assist

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Fixing up a car in the north, teleported to beach after stuck on loading after server reset, ran back with the last needed car wheel in my inventory, caught a cold, got one-hit unconscious by a zombie glitching through a wall, came to with <2k blood, shuffling animations for ages, by the time I pulled the zombie out of the wall to kill it and patched myself up I was at 723 blood, making driving out of there rather awkward, fainting and falling out of the car every few moments, eventually raided 2 supermarkets and ate all the canned foods to get my life back enough to travel, since then raided 3 hospitals, no antibiotics, stored my car, changed server to main and backup camp sites, all tents flattened, another camp site had 1 tent left others flattened for no reason I could make out. Reequipped with my best remaining gear, set out with a coyote backpack full of med supplies to meet fellow medic Askar to resupply him and get a shot of antibiotics in return. Logged onto the server we wanted to meet on, spawned on debug plains, all gear wiped. Relogged, spawned on the beach, nothing left, not even a single bandage, but still losing blood from the cold, and zombies already aggroed upon spawning. Ran away, picked up a makarov with 2 mags and a bandage in a building in that small town, ran off, picking up more zombies along the way and running away as best I could, tried losing a good dozen zombies in the sparse vegetation I eventually encountered, couldn't shake the last two, turned around, shot the first in the face from some distance, shot the second one as it closed on me, it took it a moment to realise it was dead (again), so it still ran up to me, hit me once, which knocked me to the ground, broken bones, bleeding. Used up my single bandage, hungry, 7k blood and losing at 3/tick, broken boned, in the middle of nowhere, crawling, hoping Askar can get to me in time because I probably won't find morphine in either of the 2 deerstands within crawling reach as my blood steadily runs out. It's been a good life! 14219 humanity, 769 zed kills, no murders as usual, attached to my character despite being naked but for a makarov with a handful of bullets, and a ghillie suit that, truth been told, has been starting to smell a little due to lack of launderettes in Chernarus. I've gotten out of similar situations on my own, but this time, I may just end up having to become a patient. Rescue underway, will it reach me in time? Will keep you posted.

Wow, this could be made into a 90 minute movie starring (____________) as the main actor. Who would it be? Interested in peoples thoughts lol.

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Anyone want to give me a blood transfusion? I'll be your best friend, and supply you with Antibiotics. :)))

Skype name is msanc28, or just PM me on here. :)

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Anyone want to give me a blood transfusion? I'll be your best friend, and supply you with Antibiotics. :)))

Skype name is msanc28, or just PM me on here. :)

where you at?

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Is this save sorted cus I'm not too far from NE airfield and could assist

I havent had a response from the patient yet so if you can get hold of him for the assist that would be great :)

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Nurse on call in the NE region. Add me on steam or skype for assistance.

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prob one of the most interesting threads in this forum...this is a great community! plus i meet the guys that have saved me twice, and hang out and travel with them. learn the land a little and will easily/gladly help them any time!

btw, if you've been saved by this med team (or any whitelist medic), i would suggest helping by gathering vehicle parts and helping arm them with vehicles. your next save could be 10x faster via ATV or Van vs waiting on foot for someone to be 'close' by.

btw....sya, you still alive?

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