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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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Hi there fellow Medic people, i would be in need of great help in front of the church at pogorevka.

I would be in need of : blood transfusion and morphine, Optional: Food, water, any medical supplies.

thats it, if any medic is aviable let me know!

I post this before but i had to go to bed, as it's the morning i'm ready to live!! :)

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Hey there,

I was recently a patient for SoulShaper2 and we discussed that the medics needed more "logistics". I'd like to know more about what that entails and possibly help you guys out. None of my buddies have DayZ and, frankly, I've run out of things to do. And I think this community needs less ass holes.

If you'll have me, my Steam is: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tetters/ or you can PM me on here. Thanks.


Have just spent some time playing with Tetters and he was kind enough to provide me with some cover while i looked for some items in the NWAF.

Any medics looking for a bodyguard/spotter this guy is extremly honest and trustworthy, was an enjoyable gaming experience.

Thanks for the fun mate

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Hi there fellow Medic people, i would be in need of great help in front of the church at pogorevka.

I would be in need of : blood transfusion and morphine, Optional: Food, water, any medical supplies.

thats it, if any medic is aviable let me know!

I post this before but i had to go to bed, as it's the morning i'm ready to live!! :)

Steam: Amadeus220 Name: Gordon Thompson

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Have just spent some time playing with Tetters and he was kind enough to provide me with some cover while i looked for some items in the NWAF.

Any medics looking for a bodyguard/spotter this guy is extremly honest and trustworthy, was an enjoyable gaming experience.

Thanks for the fun mate

I have a team working in the supply and logistics division, were always on the TMW team speak. This goes for the medics aswell, join the TS server, theres medics there on standby.

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Im finally up after washind dish's and defrosting the dinner etc :P anyone need medical help in the NE? add me on steam: SoulShaper2

Or join our TS and poke me :P *Poke Poke* ^_^ ts.ourdomain.me:9990

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SOS need transport up north to help a patient if anyone is free to give me a ride !!

Get on the TMW team speak, flying doctors are avalible - Means of transport for medics. Check it out........

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Alright everyone, I'm finally back. I'll be logging on shortly if all bodes well. I've likely lost my bike in the two weeks I've been absent, so my range is currently limited to my location (roughly 500m west of the NWAF...). So, anyone in the greater NWAF region PM me for help. I've been hearing about a lot of bugs, so let's hope I don't end up spawned on the coast or anything. Good to be back, in any case.

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Currently I'm available between Stary Sobor and Zelenogorsk, if you're in the area and need a medic just holler.

Edited by Antariuk

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Hi, are there any medics available to help me in Elektro please? I've got a broken leg and no morphine. My blood is low and I keep passing out. I'm Sula on steam and sulalee01 on skype. Many thanks. :thumbsup:

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Hi, are there any medics available to help me in Elektro please? I've got a broken leg and no morphine. My blood is low and I keep passing out. I'm Sula on steam and sulalee01 on skype. Many thanks. :thumbsup:

Send you a request in Skype.

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Anyone at all need help? I'm south of Mogilevka now. I'm currently running but I can switch to if anyone needs me to.

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Currently on a pretty low pop server with a car if anybody needs help and feels like trusting a stranger.

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Okay here the thing twice a bug happend where i log in the game and i lose EVERYTHING (even my backpack) but i still have the same debug monitor and ghillie suit.

so i'm like the lowest person in all the server with absolutely NO item on me not even the noob flashlight (And it happend twice today.....)

so i'm in cherno, a zombie start making me bleed and i don't have nothing...

So i would need a bandage and a transfusion. (anything you could spare would actually be super great)

I don,t exactly know where i am i tent to avoid cherno at all cost.

But i'm in a building with some kind of restaurant on the first floor, and on the second floor there is three room, the bulding in front of me is king of big, with only a lobby enterable (there is glass all over the place so you can see inside super easily)

Anyone near cherno i would be in great need of your help :)


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Okay here the thing twice a bug happend where i log in the game and i lose EVERYTHING (even my backpack) but i still have the same debug monitor and ghillie suit.

so i'm like the lowest person in all the server with absolutely NO item on me not even the noob flashlight (And it happend twice today.....)

so i'm in cherno, a zombie start making me bleed and i don't have nothing...

So i would need a bandage and a transfusion. (anything you could spare would actually be super great)

I don,t exactly know where i am i tent to avoid cherno at all cost.

But i'm in a building with some kind of restaurant on the first floor, and on the second floor there is three room, the bulding in front of me is king of big, with only a lobby enterable (there is glass all over the place so you can see inside super easily)

Anyone near cherno i would be in great need of your help :)


PM'd you.

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Okay, I run around with Rikku (trusted wasteland medic) I normally woudlnt ask in the thread. Im in the high value barn just south of Zelengorsk Grid square (1002)

Bleeding and in need of a transfusion. I can supply all the medical equipment (or replace) after someone has healed me.

PM me :)

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i just wanna say "thank you" to +Ben+ for his help!

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Weird medic request and I swear I am not a combat log type of player. Was walking south of vybor when a guy teleported to our position on a dirt bike. My friend called it out (it was daytime on the south side of Vybor headed toward the grocery store and there is no way he drove up) and we all opened fire. The guy took far too many shots not to have God mode on and I personally hit him with 40 + rounds from an M240 which should have destroyed him and his bike ten times over. He ran over both of my friends and murdered them and clipped me. This put me in shock with a broken leg and a horde of zombies plus the hacker getting off his bike so yes I did log out (mostly so he would not get the satisfaction of all the gear I had built over two weeks the legit way).

I am now in shock and when I log in I bleed out. All I need is a bandage (if you can do that to a fallen survivor) or an epi so I can bandage myself. Not even sure if this is a possible request or my cheapness for logging means I am convicted to death. I would not ask but I finally landed a pair of NVG and really do not want to kit up again.

PS, I already know combat logging is a sissy move and I feel somewhat bad, no need to rub that fact in.

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Weird medic request and I swear I am not a combat log type of player. Was walking south of vybor when a guy teleported to our position on a dirt bike. My friend called it out (it was daytime on the south side of Vybor headed toward the grocery store and there is no way he drove up) and we all opened fire. The guy took far too many shots not to have God mode on and I personally hit him with 40 + rounds from an M240 which should have destroyed him and his bike ten times over. He ran over both of my friends and murdered them and clipped me. This put me in shock with a broken leg and a horde of zombies plus the hacker getting off his bike so yes I did log out (mostly so he would not get the satisfaction of all the gear I had built over two weeks the legit way).

I am now in shock and when I log in I bleed out. All I need is a bandage (if you can do that to a fallen survivor) or an epi so I can bandage myself. Not even sure if this is a possible request or my cheapness for logging means I am convicted to death. I would not ask but I finally landed a pair of NVG and really do not want to kit up again.

PS, I already know combat logging is a sissy move and I feel somewhat bad, no need to rub that fact in.

Where are you in Vybor? Right outside the store?

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The guys could not get to met via patch differencies (i have (well the most recent one))

So i would still need a bandage and blood transfusion in cherno,

Near a really big building (hotel like) with a lobby full of windows (i think i'm east to this building one that seem like the first floor is a small restaurant and the second floor is made of three room)

Thanks again fellow medic.

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My thanks to Antariuk. Who patched me up and sent me on my way. An extremely kind and helpful player and medic. If I can ever be of help to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. :thumbsup:

Edited by Sula

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The guys could not get to met via patch differencies (i have (well the most recent one))

So i would still need a bandage and blood transfusion in cherno,

Near a really big building (hotel like) with a lobby full of windows (i think i'm east to this building one that seem like the first floor is a small restaurant and the second floor is made of three room)

Thanks again fellow medic.

Currently waiting for a response from Megatron, I'll head there in a few after I fix him up and/or if he doesn't respond.

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