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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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I've added 5 guys from the medic list, who are all supposedly online right now playing ARMA II/ARROWHEAD, noone has yet responded... I'm in desperate need of some help. Broken leg and need blood transfusion. I'm also pretty hungry! I'm in a barn and have coordinates ready for anybody ready to help me!

I'm not a official medic but im a body guard for TMW under probation. Pm me your location and maybe I can help.

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Post your approximate location -do not post server name ever! - , that way, it will be way easier to find who can get to you best.

I just added you to Steam. Shall I talk to you on there?

My approximate location is in the squares 104 (from left of map) 032 (from top of map) Sorry, if this isn't a very good description. I'm in a barn...

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you guys need any like runners? people to run and find injured survivors or medic supplies? or just supplies in general? because I'd love to do that!

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Just finish my first time helping a guy, but would had taken less time if I had a map(anyone want to donate one to a new medic?).

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AAR with Teairra

So we get in game...i think the whole time he's on foot...then i start to hear a chopper...kinda like Apocalypse Now...so i jump in and off we go to a camp site. We land, he gives me the blood i need, then takes me to a huge camp site...and he lets me take whatever i want...what a BOSS...after a few minutes..i hear "Contact...incoming incoming back to chopper!!!"

We start running back then pause and take up position behind some trees. He spots a heat sig coming through the forest...not sure i think he said about 500m out. Not knowing how many and the size of the camp we decide to bug out...I'm in the gunner seat and we circle looking and waiting for trouble. Well i think whoever it was thought twice and no engagement.

We fly around a little more and he drops me at a spot of my choice.

Great guy...fun chopper ride...

thanks again Teairra!!

Damn i wish i was recording!!

Trust me that contact was taken care of :D

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I added you on steam, I'm not a whitelisted medic but I'm trying to be, so I'll help you out.

I believe he can be trusted. I helped him out last night.

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Available anywhere on the map for Emergency Medical Assistance.

Add me to steam: DewaneW a.k.a. Spoon

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All is fine.

Edited by ketchup504

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Help me I am multiple days into my character and have good gear and I am bleeding out beside the house south of Novy Sobor that spawns the bicycle. I dont have a bandage and lost a considerable amount of blood trying to get to one. Anyone that can help?


Edited by jamoonster

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I added you on steam, I'm not a whitelisted medic but I'm trying to be, so I'll help you out.

Dutch came to my aid just now, met up in a nice safe spot where he transfused me. Even hooked me up with an extra shot and pills. Thanks Dutch! You have my beans.

I propose Dutch Miller be whitelisted immediately.

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Dutch came to my aid just now, met up in a nice safe spot where he transfused me. Even hooked me up with an extra shot and pills. Thanks Dutch! You have my beans.

I propose Dutch Miller be whitelisted immediately.

Any time. Being a medic is a lot of fun, gives DayZ more of an objective. I'm looking forward to it.

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thanks to a glitch my multiday char is now knocked out, broken bone, and bleeding out pretty bad. i believe i have all supplies on me to help myself (cept maybe a blood transfusion). i have skype and ventrillo to communicate as right when i log i need to be woken up or i will croak before i wake >_<

http://dayzdb.com/map#6.043.107 coords are 043/044 x 107

red brick building in the heart of kozlovka , let me know if you can help, thanks!

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thanks to a glitch my multiday char is now knocked out, broken bone, and bleeding out pretty bad. i believe i have all supplies on me to help myself (cept maybe a blood transfusion). i have skype and ventrillo to communicate as right when i log i need to be woken up or i will croak before i wake >_<

http://dayzdb.com/map#6.043.107 coords are 043/044 x 107

red brick building in the heart of kozlovka , let me know if you can help, thanks!

im not a medic, but i can help you out. Im 10 minutes from there.

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thanks to a glitch my multiday char is now knocked out, broken bone, and bleeding out pretty bad. i believe i have all supplies on me to help myself (cept maybe a blood transfusion). i have skype and ventrillo to communicate as right when i log i need to be woken up or i will croak before i wake >_<

http://dayzdb.com/map#6.043.107 coords are 043/044 x 107

red brick building in the heart of kozlovka , let me know if you can help, thanks!

Im not an official medic but I am very close to your location. I'm a body guard under probation for TMW. contact me on steam if you would like me to help. I have no epi-pen to wake you up though


Edited by Zaebos473
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Up and on-duty in Electro.

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Im stuck with a broken leg and no morphine in Grishino, can someone come help me? I can give some bloodbags in return. rather not post my steamname here, if you can help just reply or send me a pm with your steamname, and i'll add you :)

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About 2k north of elektro, heading north, but at 2.5k blood. If anyone is near there, or heading somehwere ont he east coast, i'd love to meet up for a quick transfuse.

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any medics around Kamyshovo? got the old oneshot broken leg off a zombo :blush: i've got a mountain dew for the friendly soul out there that hears my plea! (just dont drink it and you'll be fine.) :P

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Looking for body guard work for any medics in the NW/NE area if anyone needs help.

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I'm just north of Cherno if anyone needs help around here? I'm unarmed and all I carry is medical supplies, so no point in killing me.

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