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Killed in action. Have to get me some basic gear and restock.... could take up to 1h.

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I quickly need someone who gives me some blood please :/ i am at 2k blood actually and i am sitting at the haven in Berezino! need ya help x.x

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Broken leg, bleeding and the shakes cause of Mr Bandit. Off medical duties for a while since now I have to restock.

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Broken leg, bleeding and the shakes cause of Mr Bandit. Off medical duties for a while since now I have to restock.

need any help?

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If someone happens to be close to Zub i would be happy if he could give me a blood transfusion out of my backpack :D

Edit: Vyshnoye now, taking the road northwest, which ends a bit before Stary

Edited by VoLLi

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After being shot in the head last night, I'm gonna rearm myself and get back to base, hopefully either my bicycle or motorbike will still be there (or both :D)

Then I'll be able to help a bit :thumbsup:

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Im not sure how this works - i submitted a ticket on that other site. I've only been playing a day or two. Managed to find some good loot, but came at the cost of being down to 2.6k blood and hungry :( If anyones around pop ivan (north of Vyshnoye) i could use a transfusion and bite to eat.

Don't think i have anything particulary rare or valuable. but you're welcome a rumage through my rucksack.

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Im not sure how this works - i submitted a ticket on that other site. I've only been playing a day or two. Managed to find some good loot, but came at the cost of being down to 2.6k blood and hungry :( If anyones around pop ivan (north of Vyshnoye) i could use a transfusion and bite to eat.

Don't think i have anything particulary rare or valuable. but you're welcome a rumage through my rucksack.

PM sent

i need morphine in server au20


Edited by RikkuIyanna
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I quickly need someone who gives me some blood please :/ i am at 2k blood actually and i am sitting at the haven in Berezino! need ya help x.x

Done and done

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Im not sure how this works - i submitted a ticket on that other site. I've only been playing a day or two. Managed to find some good loot, but came at the cost of being down to 2.6k blood and hungry :( If anyones around pop ivan (north of Vyshnoye) i could use a transfusion and bite to eat.

Don't think i have anything particulary rare or valuable. but you're welcome a rumage through my rucksack.

If someone happens to be close to Zub i would be happy if he could give me a blood transfusion out of my backpack :D

Edit: Vyshnoye now, taking the road northwest, which ends a bit before Stary

I'm on a motorcycle, could help both of you in one go

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H'mmm I posted a theard not here, (Didnt know this theard existe'd, Well I did but didn't find it) and some guy name'd Teach, Immidiatly replie'd to my theard and didn't wait a second, He came to help me with blood bags, bandages, gave me some items, and helpe'd me scout some houses + really Teache'd me some things, great guy :D just wante'd to say thanks.

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Thnks Volli but Ben was close to me anyway so he helped me out, as usual :).

Big thanks to all the people responding on steam though. Awesome to hear our efforts are being appreciated and that people are actually willing to repay the favour or even hunt the guy down lol.

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Online for a Little while more! anyone need a medic, give me a hollah!.

This guy loves the picture I stole for my profile so much he also steals it, AND he finds a chopper, when all I have is an AmBlueLance ?

Guess I'll have to grudgingly give you my :beans:

Well done, sir, keep up the good work! B)

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PM sent

Absolute super star, thanks for the help. First person i've met (actually i never even saw you ha) who hasn't tried to kill me on site. A great service you guys offer, and adds a bit of humanism into game that appears to favor the selfish. Great work!

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Great idea, I had always hoped people would form groups like this. I may be interested in joining. I'm running around with about 12 bags of blood and 12 or so morphine, antibiotics, adrenalin and so on.

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Hello everyone, I'm new to this game and I've been struggling with low blood for some time now in Elektrozavodsk after two snipers tried to kill me, but I got my revenge ! Any of you amazing medics can help me ?

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Teach came over on his motorcycle, we met up at the barn near the military camp at Stary, he gave me my blood transfusion and made sure i am fine. Thanks for medic-to-medic help. Greatly appreciated.

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Hi everyone,still in need of help,still broken legs,I'm on the roof of the fire station in Elektro(on top of the TOWER*ON*the tower,k?)

Message me here if you could help me :/

I'm willing to give something in exchange for the help,just make sure that you approach me slowly,if you run towards me and you wont make it clear that you're an friendly(do something like salute,or sit down)I *will* shoot you :S

So please,help!

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This is SoulShaper2 reporting for duty! i am low on stock as of now since im away from base and had to time to rearm however can treat roughly 1-3 patients =)

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