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Dr Wasteland MD

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Still need desperate help, I've moved to 1.5km NW of Cherno. I have 1 blood bag and two Morphine auto-injectors. I'll trade you the two injectors if you give me the one blood bag.

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Currently enroute to Barazino. If anyone needs assistance there please add me on steam: AlphaStalker then let me know whats your status.

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Looking for some antibiotics, we can meet anywhere, I have other medical supplies i can pass in trade. team mate is dying from a cold, guess he has AIDS.


^my credit for being trusthworthy as a medic.

Shoot me a message on here, or add me in steam as SilenceSoLoud, thanks.

I've sent you a request on Steam, But I'm only waiting a half-hour for a response. Getting late/early here.

Edited by ketchup504

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I was able to drag myself somewhere outside the city of Stary Sobor so if anyone happens to pass through that area I need a morphine auto injector! Thanks!

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still need help electro church broken legs desprate!!!

The church is not that far from the hospital in Elektro.

PSA: Remember to keep it to the PM or other means of communicating. I saw half a page worth full of 'Where you?' 'I'm next to the grey outhouse.' 'The one next to the red house?' 'Yeah' and then moving to the PM. Seriously guys.

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PSA: Remember to keep it to the PM or other means of communicating. I saw half a page worth full of 'Where you?' 'I'm next to the grey outhouse.' 'The one next to the red house?' 'Yeah' and then moving to the PM. Seriously guys.

Also remember that they are over a thousand server, so the chance that we find a dude that read the forum, and the exact spot at for the killing of the two guys, have to find them in over a thousand of server? even if 5 people were trying to.....i mean no big deal.

Between i still need help NW of Bor for Broken legs, Blood loss and transfusion :) Thanks!

Edited by JuniorQc

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Also remember that they are over a thousand server, so the chance that we find a dude that read the forum, and is at the same place for the loot of the two guys, have to find them in over a thousand of server? even if 5 people were trying to.....i mean no big deal.

We are fully aware of that there are thousands of servers out there. Which is why I didn't bother mentioning it. I would only remind people about servers IF they put up their server info.

Its not that saying all the earlier mentioned puts them at risk. No, its rather unprofessional and makes the thread very cluttered. It also buries other medical request.

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well Luckily I didnt have the long unconcious timer when i spawned back in, was able to bandage and made it to the tents at stary with 1k blood, could still use a transfusion ... I can make it to the treeline/field behind the tents w/o a problem

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Well this medic is signing off for tonight. Made it to Berezino but the graphical glitch is retarted. I'll be on in the morning my time to get the hell outta that town :(

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well Luckily I didnt have the long unconcious timer when i spawned back in, was able to bandage and made it to the tents at stary with 1k blood, could still use a transfusion ... I can make it to the treeline/field behind the tents w/o a problem

heading to stary. but it's a 5km walk for me...

Reached Stary now

Edited by VoLLi

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Any medics near Stary Sobor or Kabanino? Need a blood transfusion badly, I can supply the bloodbags myself.

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Any medics near Stary Sobor or Kabanino? Need a blood transfusion badly, I can supply the bloodbags myself.

If your willing to trust a non-medic, I can help ya out.

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If your willing to trust a non-medic, I can help ya out.

Whitelist medic available close to Stary, if you still need help.

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Whitelist medic available close to Stary, if you still need help.

I'm the one that needs help, sent a pm.

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Urgent need of food and possible blood tranfusion needed. im located in a building north of stary

add me on steam

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First time posting here as a patient. I am near Gorka, broke my legs twice and only had one morphine on me. If anyone could be so kind to come to my aid, I'll be forever grateful. Hit me up on Steam or Skype, if you don't have those, PM will do too.

Kind regards,


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On top of cherno hospital, 2900 blood left. I have blood bags with me, I need someone to administer them. Please add me on Steam if you are nearby and can help.

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Medic reporting in, taking requests now! info in the sig

this guy is awesome!! i was low on blood bad and he hooked it up...after that he gave me a ride to where i need to go!:)

thanx a ton man! keep up the good work

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On top of cherno hospital, 2900 blood left. I have blood bags with me, I need someone to administer them. Please add me on Steam if you are nearby and can help.

sending you a pm

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I knew I shouldn't have done that. Killing an Infected was one thing but engaging a fight was definitely beyond stupid. He broke my leg, broke it just 1,5 kilometers away from my destination. As I keep calling myself an idiot, I grab the radio and request help, not sure if anyone would answer my call. At first there was nothing, just the static noise coming from the radio. I decided to continue moving, the leg hurt like hell but that would not stop me from crawling. Just as I was losing all my hope, a voice escaped the small device in my hands. It was Teairra, the Medic of the Skies. As I told him my current location, he was already heading to me and while I was crawling to the meeting point I wondered how I would meet him. Would he really come in his chopper? Would I be able to see him soaring through the sky? Before I could come to a conclusion I heard an unfamiliar sound and froze. Was it him? In his helicopter? I searched the sky for a trace of him - and then I saw it. The unfathomable beauty of his aircraft left me in awe. He landed close to me on the road and went to my aid as soon as he touched the ground.

"A medic without morphine, you should be ashamed," he said. I laughed and told him that I was fixing my car so I had to get rid of some stuff. A mistake that would not happen again. But his kindness knew no end and he was offering me a transfusion and weapons, as I had only my hatchet at hand. I gladly declined, I did not want to waste more of his time. Sure, he was fast in his helicopter but seconds spent on me could mean the end of another patient's life. As he was ascending to the Heavens, I saluted this man and continued my way - never forgetting this very moment.


Teairra came to my rescue in his chopper. It was a sight to behold and if anyone dares to try and shoot that beauty, I'll break my vow never to kill a person and hunt him/her down. He deserved the beans.

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