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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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Allright, yesterday got a call from ☠ Cereal_Killer ☠, so went out to help him on his feet.

Everything went well, he got to be a medic another day.

But, now I have a czech pack filled with medical supllies on me.

Since I'm in the group of Regulators(who actively help out survivors when attacked by bandits) I'm allways in a hotspot.

So I would hate to see the supplies go to waste :)

If any whitelisted medic wants to hook up to get the supllies add me on steam or pm me here.


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Medic operating on the whole coast, first post but have been getting at a few people when possible soley by browsing.

Ingame name: Paraskies

Steam ID: parachuteskies104

-Off Duty Now, Sorry!-

Edited by Paraskies

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Oh Nakanaide.. the night medic... he left as fast as he arrived.... it was a dark night... i couldnt see anything. but it didnt matter.. by the time i found his shadow. he had already healed me. and got on his dark horse and rode into the distance.

Thanks 100000x for fixing my broken bone! Hope he gets white listed soon.

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Desperately need morphine and maybe a blood pack, I'm just north of NW airfields.

Steam: redsox0717

Edited by plex0

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Desperately need morphine and maybe a blood pack, I'm just north of NW airfields.

Steam: redsox0717

sent you a pm on the forums

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Had the same "patient" last night he had to go out right after he posted, said he would get back an hour later, never did...

btw some members of my group and I had the same graphical issues last night as well, Frapsed it (didn't uploaded it to youtube) but its impossible to move through Berezino with this issue.

You can hit me up anytime to get some help/supplies through PM or via steam (GreasyMnky)

Sorry guys, seems every time I try to get one of u to help I have to go out or something, thx for the reply's though, much appreciated. Keep up what you're doing, I think it's amazing. Thx again


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sent you a pm on the forums


Naka just saved my ass, fixed my broken leg and gave a blood transfusion just moments after I requested help here

+rep to him

Edited by plex0

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LOL how was that for an epic ending? ;)

I felt so bad. :|. Why exactly hadn't you logged out? Said you were, just scared the fuck out of me in that next room D:

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Any medic around NW Airfield?

I've broken leg, so morphine would be nice :)

PM on forums

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I'm severely injured in what I believe to be Berezino with a broken leg and a dislocation, shaking in pain. If someone could come patch me up I'd deeply appreciate it. PM me, and thank you in advance. There's no medical spawns to crawl to anywhere nearby.

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Almost ready to go on a supply run again. If any1 wants to join, Hit me up on steam. Details on the white list :)

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Mayday Mayday......in desperate need for Help a.k.a. Blood West of Nadezhdino.......just PM me via Forum

Thx in advance

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Anyone that could give me some blood? I'm at cherno atm but could crawl somewhere a bit more safe.

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need morphine just west of Pusto. Anyone around to help me out? i can give exact coords when needed.

Edited by CrazyAirborne

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Not really sure how this works, but I'm in Three Valleys by the barn and in need of medical assistance! Also, just any assistance at all...

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I'm playing Sins, then i will be online to help, PM me if your in the NE district and need help :)

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I'm severely injured in what I believe to be Berezino with a broken leg and a dislocation, shaking in pain. If someone could come patch me up I'd deeply appreciate it. PM me, and thank you in advance. There's no medical spawns to crawl to anywhere nearby.

Sent you a pm mate :)

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Trout isn't able to help me now that he's been teleported, I'm at 4k blood and critical on food so if anyone can help me here just SE of Koslovka I'd really appreciate it.


I'm dead

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I am not a whitelist medic but I would like to be. If anyone is willing to take the chance I am in the north and can help people out.

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Doctor Ben is reporting for duty.

I'm currently up near Krastnostav but i'll be making my way down towards Zeleno to meet up with my team mate who will then be coming along on assists with me. Send me a PM or add me on Steam if your in need of help and are on my route down to Zeleno and i can help you out on the way :D

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