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About Joekanone

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  1. Joekanone

    finding duped shit. everywhere

    We found tons of tents along the coast, in the most obvious places, w/ basic gear, ghillie and an AS50 each. I guess some so called bandits were just tired of shooting unarmed bambis. Made high gear accessible to shoot well equipped bambis. We drove over most of the tents an destroyed them but they respawned with the next server restart. <_<
  2. My autorun is a piece of cardboard, right between W, 2 and 3.....Sure helps a lot and u even can go afk for a while :D
  3. Joekanone

    Server Issues

    Hey, am I the only one beeing concerned about the standalone not having company sided servers? I do understand that a mod is supposed to be supported by a lot of people and the need of servers hosted by the community, but this is a fact that concerns and annoys me a whole lot. So far I`ve had about 20 servers in my favorites list. Planted a couple of tents, even managed to find a car and fixed it up, gathered a lot of helpful gear etc etc. Of these 20 Servers there are eight left. Some were run by shitty admins or clans who follow the opinion, that since they pay for the server its their right to keep all the valuable stuff aka cars, chopper for themselves. Getting kicked from your designated homeserver, because the admin and his group wanna play alone after server restart is pretty frustrating if you have stored all your gear on that server. Some other servers went down for no reason. Some servers went down because of hacker issues, which I kind of understand. I wouldn`t want to cope with hackers on a daily base, `cause it takes a lot of playing time away. And some servers seem to have no stable connection or a major lack of hardware. My personel endgame consists of permanent building up a new camps, finding valuable weapons and tools, stealing a car every now and then, finding a car all by myself, fixing it up just to realize that I loose everything for one of the reasons above without even beeing shot at. This is somehow taking the fun out of the game, because its just plain old grinding. I wouldn`t mind loosing my stuff because somebody shot me or because sombody stole my car or looted my basecamp. In the standalone I don`t want to depend on the goodwill of any clan or admin allowing me to get what they don`t need and my progression shouldn`t depend on servers with insufficient hardware. And No..... I don`t want to setup a server on my own. I couldn`t guarantee a permanent well run server and for sure people would be annoyed by me as an admin ;) So my only conclusion is, that the DayZ-standalone servers need to be hosted and run by professionals. I even would consider a monthly fee if that guarantees a stable, hacker free environment.
  4. Joekanone

    I need a fairly new server to play on

    May I suggest that you use the dayZ commander to start the game? You can sort out the servers all by yourself and pick the one that fits you best.
  5. Joekanone

    Just to clarify, tents and vehicles DO save now?

    Well maybe you could just tell me where it is and i have a look and fix it up for you ;P
  6. Seems to be fixed for me....played all day, came along tons of dead bodies & barbed wire and could even look at them without fearing to get suck into the portal of doom.
  7. Joekanone

    Just to clarify, tents and vehicles DO save now?

    Forgot to save it by any chance?
  8. Certainly has nothing to do with the closing. Happened to me, when i was sick of staring at the loading screen and left the game via task manager. Next server i tried gave me the death message and i spawned on the coast without anything but my bare hands. The kill stats didnt reset thou and since it was pretty close to cherno and balota airfield didn`t bother me any further.
  9. 1. Look in the "versions" section if everything is up to date. If servers aren`t running in realtime, the dayZ commander shows the actual servertime under the day/night column. Yellow time = daytime; Grey time = guess what ;) 2. The Zombies are supposed to be more "28 days later"-Style. You can loose them easily by running into a building, preferably with two exits or let them loose sight by zigzagging through bushes and go prone. 3. No....go find some weapons quick :)
  10. Joekanone

    Players - Server Population

    I guess the increasing number of servers, switching on private Hives and people just waiting for the standalone make a good explanation for dieing out servers. This could help After all we`ll see everybody back in the standalone. Hopefully less buggy and with company sided servers.
  11. Joekanone

    A way to deal with bandits, maybe?

    Even the bandits towel is a foul compromise, but since the gamemechanics don`t allow survivors to team up, build and defend decent camps and protect themselves against banditry it is okay with me. Anything else is just plain stupid. Since the ability to identify bandits was reimplented i only have been killed by my own carelessness. Just be carefull, stay alerted and you won`t get killed.
  12. Joekanone

    How can you still enjoy this game?

    This game had more *Omgomgomg*- ,*WooHooo*- & *d´oh*-Moments, than any game i`ve ever played. Maybe thats the reason i`m still enjoying it.
  13. Joekanone

    DayZ Funktioniert nicht

    Nicht das ich n großen Plan hätte aber bevor dir niemand antwortet..... Hast Du die Steam Version? Und hast Du Arma & CO wenigstens einmal gestartet bevor du den SixLauncher angeworfen hast? Das steht nämlich auch in den Tutorials. Ansonsten könntest du alternativ noch den DayZ Commander ausprobieren aber auch hier würde ich empfehlen das Spiel einmal normal zu starten. Good luck
  14. 100% agree - The Zombies should be avoidable, like they are right now. What usually makes the Zombies a threat is their numbers. There are far to few Infected, especially in the formerly high populated areas aka cities. Herds have been suggested a couple of times, which i would like to see. And referring to the Romero-Style, Zombies should be far more attracted to sound. A shot in the open can be heard for miles and should attract tons of zombies moving in the general direction. Technically i think it could be done by spawning 0 - 10 Zombies with each shot or salve fired within a radius of 10 - 400 Meters. This also could be a solution for the KOS Playstyle, thinking about it twice shooting s.o. for their loot, knowing that each shot attracts a number of x zombies. It also could add a little tension to the Sniperbandit Playstyle taking out Flashlightwarriors at the coast and the usual hotspots. At least they have to watch their back more often and change positions to avoid to get overrun.
  15. Joekanone


    Not as many as threads you opened on this topic... -.-