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I got a broken leg and in need of assistance!

What's your location? Add me on steam and I will see if I can make it to where you are.

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Good I see that. Come online on Steam so we can work this out. I'm still heading ur way

Yeah it says you're online but when I try to send a message

Trout is currently offline, message cannot be sent.

Trout is currently offline, message cannot be sent.

Trout is currently offline, message cannot be sent.

Trout is currently offline, message cannot be sent.

Trout is currently offline, message cannot be sent.

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When you're finished with him, Trout, I just talked to Kookehs and he said that he has a broken leg in Zelenogorsk. You're significantly closer to him than I am if you're helping out Iyienace near Kozlovka if you want to help him out too, otherwise I can.

Edited by StevieMJH

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Alright, I'm back on duty, right now in the immediate area of Cherno but willing to go anywhere really. Only caveat is that I personally could use a transfusion, if anyone is around.

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When you're finished with him, Trout, I just talked to Kookehs and he said that he has a broken leg in Zelenogorsk. You're significantly closer to him than I am if you're helping out Iyienace near Kozlovka if you want to help him out too, otherwise I can.

Stand by. I just got teleported to a military base I've never seen before. me and a bunch of unarmed guys (we lost all gear except what was in back packs) were being gunned down by hackers.... fml

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Alright, I'm back on duty, right now in the immediate area of Cherno but willing to go anywhere really. Only caveat is that I personally could use a transfusion, if anyone is around.

I could do that, I'm directly in Cherno if you are sitll around. Need the transfusion yet?

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When you're finished with him, Trout, I just talked to Kookehs and he said that he has a broken leg in Zelenogorsk. You're significantly closer to him than I am if you're helping out Iyienace near Kozlovka if you want to help him out too, otherwise I can.

Stand by. I just got teleported to a military base I've never seen before. me and a bunch of unarmed guys (we lost all gear except what was in back packs) were being gunned down by hackers.... fml

I'm north of Cherno and can head that direction. Does the victim in question have Skype or Teamspeak?

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Okay. My patient is not responding and I need an immediate transfusion behind the Berezino hospital. I get some weird artifacting error there and I'm completely blinded within Berezino, so I got mauled pretty badly by some zombies. I stabilized myself but I'm sitting here at 6k blood.

Hiding inside the hospital from the rain and zombies. I still can't see anything :(

Zombies somehow found me. Making a run for the forest, I'll let you know if I survive.

Ran through a barn and threw a frag grenade in behind me. Got about 20 zombe kills B)

I ate what food I had and managed to climb back to 8.5k, so I'm still alive. Sorry to whoever needed my help in Berezino, you weren't responding and I had to run.

And with that I'm signing off for tonight. Hopefully I can get some help tomorrow and then start helping people again.

Had the same "patient" last night he had to go out right after he posted, said he would get back an hour later, never did...

btw some members of my group and I had the same graphical issues last night as well, Frapsed it (didn't uploaded it to youtube) but its impossible to move through Berezino with this issue.

You can hit me up anytime to get some help/supplies through PM or via steam (GreasyMnky)

Edited by GreasyMnky

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I'm north of Cherno and can head that direction. Does the victim in question have Skype or Teamspeak?

Trout isn't able to help me now that he's been teleported, I'm at 4k blood and critical on food so if anyone can help me here just SE of Koslovka I'd really appreciate it. Edited by IYIENACE

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Hey, are any of you still in Cherno? I need some supplies if anyone wants to make a run to the hospital with me.

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Hey, are any of you still in Cherno? I need some supplies if anyone wants to make a run to the hospital with me.

I'm in that area, trying to get on a low pop server.

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I'm in that area, trying to get on a low pop server.

Send me a PM when you find one and I'll join. I'm north west of the city now.

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have a broken leg and need blood im in Solnichniy in the big house with 2 rooms

Steam and skype ID: Natetwoan

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[After Action Report]

Broken Leg,

Naka Naide hooked me up with morphine for the leg and one extra just in case.

He rode his bike about 10km just to help me out.

Gave him some food because he was famished and because I asked to help him in return.

As far as I'm concerned he's trustworthy.

Edited by daysuit

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[Need Help]

Broken Leg, near Vybor and Kabanino.

At full health, just took a bad corner into a zombie hoard.

Bastards broke my leg but I broke their zombies faces with my pistol.

Thank you in advance.

Steam ID: Daysuit

In game: Zero

has someone helped you, i don't use steam and am not a whitelisted but i can come out if no one has.

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I apologize gentlemen but the game doesn't like me this evening. Graphics artifacts like no tomorrow so I'm taking the hint and signing off. I'll be back tomorrow at some point.

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Still in need of assistance, I should be available all day Sunday.Thanks in advance.

I'm near the 2 north hangars at the NW airfield with a broken bone, I'd greatly appreciate some morphine (water, blood, and food are green).



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No help yet.

Just PM me and we'll discuss location/server info.

has someone helped you, i don't use steam and am not a whitelisted but i can come out if no one has.

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Hi, While crawling out of a house in guglovo i broke my legs somehow <_< . Now im hold up in a shack by the side of the road between guglovo and novy sobor. My steam name is Mr.mediocrity any help would be greatly appreciated

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Help! I got whuacked by a zombie and broke my bone =(

i am north of guglovo. My steam account is Xenitro. add me or reply here. and we discuss

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Big thanks to nakaNaide who put up with having to try and join an australian server to successfully fix my broken leg

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Help! I got whuacked by a zombie and broke my bone =(

i am north of guglovo. My steam account is Xenitro. add me or reply here. and we discuss

are you still in the area and in need of medical assistance?

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