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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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Eleoste, are you and your buddy still in Komorovo, I might just make a suicide run into Cherno for blood bags. If I make it out we can just heal each other up.

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Aha, definitely, I can try and meet up with you too. If you can skype, skype meh! wilsonlikespho.

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hey there dear survivors in need of help.

im currently offering medical assistance via my livestream, ultimately to get whitelisted and then get picked up by [TMW].

if anyone needs immediate help, join the chat and drop a line, we'll respond asap so we can arrange a meeting.


(non-commercial Livestream)

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I have read all your messages, and even if i dont post much here i pretty much read every post that gets on this thread...

1st thing i would like to say is that i understand your anger of the mistrust you are getting here and if you are innocent thats to bad!

But i think you go about it in a very immature way with the raging and all that, if you would just have shared youre side of the story in a calm, slightly more mature way im sure someone would have given you a chance to clear youre name, i know I personally would but to be honest...

I do have some issues with ppl acting out and raging, and i do not really feel the urge to give you a shot at redemption anymore...

Anyways... best of luck to you m8 and i hope someone will give you a shot!

Thats what i LOVE about this mod... there are so many different ways to play it and none of them is right or wrong!

The reason why we mainly go into those areas that are dangerous is cuz most medics wont set there foot there and its also grate fun if you engage other players =)

It gives us more then gear when we go in those areas and since we are pretty loaded with gear and dont need that much, this makes it so much rewarding!

Also we are no carebears and this is a great way to give something back to the community =)

I'm subscribed to a LOT of forums, and I mean a lot. And I can tell you I've gotten the same sort of issues I got on this thread with those others as well. And 99% of the time, if I write a kind polite response it is simply cast aside, and I mean that. I've seen this problem again and again. So when it comes to a stupid accusation, I'm in NO state of mind to go through another painstaking process of trying to kindly explain the situation. I'll give it to them right there and then. It works best, and gets the point across. Does it appear immature? I'm sure it does. But after dealing with this for years, going about it the way you describe has almost never worked.

I find it funny you took the main section of my argument out of your quote, leaving only my angry points at the beginning and end. It really does twist it to suit your point.

I won't complain this time.

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Anyone near Kabanino or NW Airfield that can come give me a transfusion?

[email protected] on steam if you are available.


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Eleoiste im goin in. If you guys are mobile and can make your way closer to Cherno would help.

We got help from somebody else =D. No worries though, we'll be on the way to help you near Cherno though.

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Thanks, hopelless for helping me out. If you need help, people, hopelless is legit.

Thanks again.

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hello there shard.. im not an actual member of the team so no hard feelings eh? if youre ever near elektro id take a chance at fixing you up :D

however youre kind of disturbing the atmosphere here so could you please just let the situation die?

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All good, I just got blasted in the Cherno hospital, I knew I shouldn't have stayed to look for extra morphine! Was fun though having a mission.

Crouched around Cherno in the pitch dark with pouring rain, heard gunshots and voices at the east tents so started for the north hospital. On the way there got a bit too close to a barrel fire and agroed a whole mob of zombies. Managed to lose all but one by the time I made it to the hospital.

Unfortunately the windows were up and I had nothing to throw so I shot my way in and stayed too long like a noob. In hindsight shoulda just went straight for the north hospital but shiet gotta check out the military grade beans while in town right?

Kudos to the pros.

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daemonik is now ok, BUT of course I f*cked up and threw a flare(oh boy what a noob mistake!) instead of shooting some Z and now I got a broken leg. Just lucky my "noob" to brother was with me, so I gave him my injection to give to daemonik. Currently they both are searching for morphine around the hotzone with no luck, so if anyone that currently are up for a challenge to give me some morphine near NW AF I could use some .

EDIT: NVM they got morphine!

So basicly my brother Rallykatten (not a member here, yet) saved daemonik, which then saved me!

So THANKS alot both of you! Got my beans for sure! Hooah

Edited by Flame81
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hey there dear survivors in need of help.

im currently offering medical assistance via my livestream, ultimately to get whitelisted and then get picked up by [TMW].

if anyone needs immediate help, join the chat and drop a line, we'll respond asap so we can arrange a meeting.


(non-commercial Livestream)

Thank you for the assistance You helped me very much and deserve to get on the white list

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Anybody near Berzino or Krasnostav? My buddy and I both broke our legs and are holding up in buildings. We could even trade some supplies or help retrieve things form a hospital.

We're both on Skype also.

Edited by Bulldog1775

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daemonik is now ok, BUT of course I f*cked up and threw a flare(oh boy what a noob mistake!) instead of shooting some Z and now I got a broken leg. Just lucky my "noob" to brother was with me, so I gave him my injection to give to daemonik. Currently they both are searching for morphine around the hotzone with no luck, so if anyone that currently are up for a challenge to give me some morphine near NW AF I could use some .

EDIT: NVM they got morphine!

So basicly my brother Rallykatten (not a member here, yet) saved daemonik, which then saved me!

So THANKS alot both of you! Got my beans for sure! Hooah

Boosh. Exactly what he said, his brother (stabbing needles in every bit of showing vein in my body) eventually got the morphine in me, next was the blood. Oh dear! I nearly lost as much by all the puncture holes by his blood needle!

Jokes aside, brilliant couple - really fun and rewarding (Found 2 crashed heli sites in the same server within 20 mins)

Recommend these guys, close to the chuckle brothers! hah.

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I'm subscribed to a LOT of forums, and I mean a lot. And I can tell you I've gotten the same sort of issues I got on this thread with those others as well. And 99% of the time, if I write a kind polite response it is simply cast aside, and I mean that. I've seen this problem again and again. So when it comes to a stupid accusation, I'm in NO state of mind to go through another painstaking process of trying to kindly explain the situation. I'll give it to them right there and then. It works best, and gets the point across. Does it appear immature? I'm sure it does. But after dealing with this for years, going about it the way you describe has almost never worked.

I find it funny you took the main section of my argument out of your quote, leaving only my angry points at the beginning and end. It really does twist it to suit your point.

I won't complain this time.

It wasent ment to be taken out of context at all, i just did not want to post a wall of text...

In my forum experience peaple acting out like you gets pretty damn hated... Specifically on smaller forums!

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I've no way of knowing if they actually came or not. 3 times I've been told they can't come because they got shot. Usually within 1 minute or so.

But regardless. They've never made it to me. So I've never gotten actual help and died every time thusfar.

How do you know it was within one minute?

Why would you post one day that you need help, come to fill out an RMA with us, tell me its been days, then that youre dead, then still request help from someone else in these forums?

Did you ever stop to think that maybe the way people treat you, is indeed the way you deserve to be treated? If you a part of so many online forums, and they all treat you unfairly, whats the common denominator?

Liar may of been harsh, I am a nice guy. So, with that said, Ill let it go.

Whoever reads this, don't judge me. This is what I saw in the few days time of him asking for help


Posted 11 July 2012 - 07:44 PM By Shard

I need help badly mates, I've got a huge amount of blood loss. (Only 500 or so left)

Location: Hospital in Chernogorsk, or whatever it is called. The easterly most hopsital.

I've got weapons and good stuff. I've just gotten out of a PVP fight, and I HAVE BLOOD BAGS.

If ANYONE can help me, please please PLEASE add me as a friend on Steam.

Username is owatch, here is a link where you can add me via the owner of the mod: http://steamcommunit...254&searchtext=

Or email me at: Ilovemalware.___

Thanks a ton.

Posted 11 July 2012 - 08:53 PM By Shard

Still need medical help, Come on, someone?


Posted 13 July 2012 - 03:36 PM By Shard

Hello Medical Team, I am in need of Assistance Dearly. Low blood level with the threat of STARVATION are my primary issues.

I am north of the southern Military base. Please, and please do. Help me.

My steam ID is: owatch (The same logo is next to my name as is the one next to my username here on this website)

I really need help. Please add me as a Friend on Steam.

(By the way, I carry a bloodbag, so if necessary that can be used for the blood transfusion) What I do not have is food.

Posted 13 July 2012 - 08:09 PM By Shard

Anyone going to help me? ( I posted earlier and got no help)

I'm North of the Southern Military field. I need food, but carry blood for the transfusion. Please help me.

Add me on Steam: owatch

See the logo next to my name, its the same on steam, so look for it.

Posted 13 July 2012 - 08:15 PM By Shard

Anyone? Please! Come on Kyle!

I can't rely on anyone until I am added as a Friend on Steam.

Because that is where I will post additional Information

Posted 13 July 2012 - 08:59 PM By Shard

UGH. Anyone else?

Posted 13 July 2012 - 09:05 PM By Shard

I've never actually been helped by a Medic yet. Despite posting here for 2 days. Only other players saved me.

Shit happens; we die, we loose our stuff, camps get raided. Are you paying us to do this? No. We do it because we like to.

Oh look, another huge break in time... did you die? Did a medic save you? Did you save yourself? No thanks publicly if a medic did save you... no cancellation of rescue if you got saved by someone else or helped yourself... or died.. rude imho.

Posted 19 July 2012 - 05:00 PM by Shard

I need help.

Low blood, In the control tower in NW Airfield. My server has nobody on it almost all the time. It will be high ping for others though. But not a problem because PVP won't happen.

Please assist.

Send me a message on Steam, User: owatch (Has the same profile pic as I have)

Posted 19 July 2012 - 05:48 PM by Shard

Can't anyone help me. I've posted here 3 times for help. And I never got any.

Posted 19 July 2012 - 06:40 PM by Shard

snapback.pngDr Wasteland MD, on 19 July 2012 - 06:29 PM, said:

It's best to friend a medic on steam and talk to them directly. Our goal is to be more efficient in how we deliver our services, but for right now, you're just going to have to stumble through with the rest of the patients.

So, am I going to get help? I've got one medic friend and he can't help me. (Offline)

The server I am using is EMPTY right now. Nobody in it. Literally. And I'm up to date. I'll give it to you on Steam if I am added.

Just need blood.

Posted 19 July 2012 - 07:32 PM by Shard

.....dum dee dum.


Posted 19 July 2012 - 07:38 PM by Shard

I wish I could be helped. I don't feel safe posting a plea in the forums and having someone shoot me dead.

Posted 20 July 2012 - 04:11 AM by Shard

I am not trying to spam the thread, and I have already signed up to the websites required.

Its just I've posted 3 times, waited 2 days for one, and never got the help I needed. I still have not gotten help to this day.

And then I get accused of spamming. Which is just irritating.

No members so far can help either.

(those that added me)

Posted 20 July 2012 - 06:50 AM by Shard

(Not trying to spam) But can anyone currently reading this thread help me?

Shard, if you want help, I wouldnt recommend doing the above again.

Edited by Brian @ RMG
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Available now. PM me, if you need medical help. Current location: NW Airfield :o

I need medical supplies - specifically blood bags, as I have only one left. If anybody near NW Airfield is willing to supply me with some, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

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nearly died of dehydration before i can even finish this emergency trip XD..

Available now. PM me, if you need medical help. Current location: NW Airfield :o

I need medical supplies - specifically blood bags, as I have only one left. If anybody near NW Airfield is willing to supply me with some, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

i have 4 to spare and a few other things.. right now im doing a run to vyshonye for a patient so after then i can meet you near airfield (definitely not there)

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Anybody near Berzino or Krasnostav? My buddy and I both broke our legs and are holding up in buildings. We could even trade some supplies or help retrieve things form a hospital.

We're both on Skype also.

Hey... I'm in your area and would gladly drop by. I actually stocked up too much on morphine earlier today... got like 6 syringes when I dropped into berenzion hospital. I'm probably gonna be playing soon/for a while and should be rather close by if you are interested.

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nearly died of dehydration before i can even finish this emergency trip XD..

i have 4 to spare and a few other things.. right now im doing a run to vyshonye for a patient so after then i can meet you near airfield (definitely not there)

oh, 4 blood bags are not so many as it might seem, I will leave them to you, looks like you will need them. ;)

I will make my way to Berezino for fresh medical supplies eventually, yet after I spend the last one thou.

Current location: NW Airfield

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