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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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I'm in desperate need of a transfusion, currently located in the forest between Komarova and Balota, I've managed to stop my own bleeding at about 4.5k blood. But me and my friend have no blood packs, we're going to head toward Bor to make things less dangerous for you. PLEASE contact me via steam (Daishin) or this forum ASAP. I can only pay back with some morphine and painkillers. But I really don't want to lose this AS50.

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I'm in desperate need of a transfusion, currently located in the forest between Komarova and Balota, I've managed to stop my own bleeding at about 4.5k blood. But me and my friend have no blood packs, we're going to head toward Bor to make things less dangerous for you. PLEASE contact me via steam (Daishin) or this forum ASAP. I can only pay back with some morphine and painkillers. But I really don't want to lose this AS50.

Look for my PM.


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i need some help i don't have a lot of blood left and i got a few blood bags so i just need some trustworthy player to help plz :D

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i need some help i don't have a lot of blood left and i got a few blood bags so i just need some trustworthy player to help plz :D

Hotshot, where are you in game, just generally.


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a little north of cherno

I'm in that area, I'll shoot you a PM here.


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Hello, doctors!I am with about 2 thousand blood, I have blood bags I am near the airfield and cherno but I will go into the forest if you guys want, deep inside if you know what I mean, please send me a message I do not want to die for a zombie that I did not even see it =)

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We are in position and ready to aid you!

Update on this, i traveled 9km to get to this guy, and i never heard of him...

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Update on this, i traveled 9km to get to this guy, and i never heard of him...

Wow ... now that sucks.


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Okay, update on my status:

I no longer am infected! Wooo!....

....Well, that's what I would say, except my server (US #00, Operon Technologies) just got hit with the everyone dies hack. At first I thought I somehow died on a ladder, then noticed that every player had a death message. I'm not too bummed, but I will miss my AKM and my Coyote backpack.

But this will let me turn over a new leaf and change from my ways (And I don't mean much by that. I've shot a grand total of 3 people over all my characters).

So, I suppose I will attempt to get onto this medic whitelist as soon as I am capable (I can probably help someone tomorrow, assuming I get some decent gear/don't get killed by Cherno/Elektro deathmatchers).

And to those that offered to/did help me, thank you, it's too bad noble efforts like that can be ended by some guy with hacks who is on the same level as a middle school bully. I suppose I'll post later on where I can help people.

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I really need medical assistance. I am in KOMAROVO by the factory, and I'm at only 800 blood and losing it due to hunger. I filled out an application on ratedMgaming but the guy who was supposed to meet up with me stopped answering. I desperately need help.

**thanks to Slagenthor, Brian, and whoever else was involved (i was basically blind) for the heal, was down to 200 life when they rescued me. I will kindly pay it forward.

Edited by NoseDragon

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If any medics are near lopatino/NWA area... i desperately need health im at 1500.... ill gladly meet up half way between Lopatino and the NWA on that main road... i realy need the help! i have Blood bags and other medical supplies if needed for you.

i have mic and skype so ill be glad to converse with u that way of my location and server. just pm me

Edited by Jasmer

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I'm so glad there are people that aren't just going around killing everyone. I play on the Lord Of The Craft 2nd server and I ran into a city and heard shots coming from everywhere. A guy had aggroed about ten zombies and was out of makarov ammo. I dropped a bandage for him, Started firing at the zeds with my 1886 and ran like heck, all the zombies following me. I offered the guy a double barrel with ammo but he apparently didnt trust me.

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This is for my good close friend that i found through venturing through and surviving the wasteland itself. His name is EfluXz and he usually carried the medical supplies and healed myself and one of our other friends that we found in the wastes. But he is a trust able guy and a great medic.

We all just need to survive one way or another. Whatever makes that easier, but helping eachother and others will make it easier.

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I need some help in Elektro. Some hacker broke my legs with some kind of a12 shotgun. -.- I hate hackers. Now, I'm at 1,000 blood with a blood bag but nobody trustworthy enough to help me. I could use a little help. xD Haha, I'm at the general store in Elektro. So, If anyone could help me, please help?

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My usual medic isn't online. Are any trusted medics online and near the town of Bor? I have a broken leg and half health in a deer stand southwest of Bor. Send me a pm and I'll add you on skype/give you my server location. I appreciate the help guys!

EDIT: I've friended Joe Shaw hoping for his help. Are the location divisions new?

Edited by tatortodd22

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Sadly :( I died before I was able to request assistance. Was on the NW Airfield at night and I got smacked down by a zombie, broken bones, coma, the works. >.< Didn't even wake before I was dead. Had a lot of goodies too. Dx Maybe next time, I'll be lucky enough to call for help. Till next time though, continue the good work saving mankind. I applaud you all.

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any medics here near topolka dam? i found an aks 74 kobra (without ammo) but would be a shame for me to just leave it. i have no space for it so if you let me know i can give it to you.

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My usual medic isn't online. Are any trusted medics online and near the town of Bor? I have a broken leg and half health in a deer stand southwest of Bor. Send me a pm and I'll add you on skype/give you my server location. I appreciate the help guys!

EDIT: I've friended Joe Shaw hoping for his help. Are the location divisions new?

Just got back to my PC, PMing you now.


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Hey all, so I just valiantly saved my friend and got dropped to 3.5k blood and dropping fast. I gave him my ghillie and everything to look for a bandage in town to at least stop the bleeding and logged so I wouldn't die. We're currently located South of Zelengorsk near the high value barn. Can anyone lend a transfusion?


Also a huge thanks to Joe for saving my ass earlier today. You were a huge help.

Edited by Daxin

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Hey all, so I just valiantly saved my friend and got dropped to 3.5k blood and dropping fast. I gave him my ghillie and everything to look for a bandage in town to at least stop the bleeding and logged so I wouldn't die. We're currently located South of Zelengorsk near the high value barn. Can anyone lend a transfusion?

What version are you running, if you running 95054 I can help you. May take a few moments to get in the area. Let me know

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Hey all, so I just valiantly saved my friend and got dropped to 3.5k blood and dropping fast. I gave him my ghillie and everything to look for a bandage in town to at least stop the bleeding and logged so I wouldn't die. We're currently located South of Zelengorsk near the high value barn. Can anyone lend a transfusion?

I just got killed by bandits in a really fucked up way, I'll be there asap if you need me

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