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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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hahaha thanks trooper :P and im considering joining the Med team? :P

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I need a blood bag,south of Berezino.

Trooper how does that link work,i can't write anything!

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Sorry, changed it now :)

Need to restock supplies when I next get on, so can't help out atm

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ok Trooper,i filled the thing there...

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I managed to get myself out of the trouble i was in last time, by myself :P

Took me some hours but hey, i made it xD

But now i managed to get myself into trouble, again... xD

If anyone care to help me im at "Pop Ivan" just north of "Vyshnoye" and south of "stary sobor" with a broken leg (again xD)

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Some feedback for Trooper:

It was just a trip in Berezino.

I had just given a look to the local supermarket,when i decided to get into one of the apartments.I had to regret that.

On the upper floor there were 5 zombies.

One knocked me unconscious,i had less than 9000 blood.

I started bleeding,and by the time i got up i had 1200 blood.

I took the Zeds out with my M1911 pistol,but i soon discovered that i had a broken bone.No much of a matter,i had the morphine.

Soon i reaqlised that the only way to get out of the city was running.

I agroes lots,and when i reached the woods,somehow managed to take em all out.

I asked for help,and Trooper answered my cry!

He soon arrived and gave me a blood bag before i could even figure it out!

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If anyone care to help me im at "Pop Ivan" just north of "Vyshnoye" and south of "stary sobor" with a broken leg (again xD)

im heading to your location how ever im not an official medic, but would like to become one. if i heal you and patch you up mind putting in a good word for me?

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Hi, I am down near the northwestern airfield and have a broken bone. I ran out of Morphine and I seem to be no where close to getting any at all. I was hoping someone could message me on Steam and give me some aid.

Username: Absent_light

I do have a Saw MG that I am willing to trade for help and a couple stacks of morphine.

I will be making my way out of the airfield and getting to the wilderness.

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Hello Wastleland Medical team! I am in need of some assistance! I am stuck in the large metal warehouse on the east side of Stary Sobor. I am at around 3 or 4k blood I believe. I do have an extra side arm I am willing to trade for help, or I also have an extra morphine and a few extra bandages. Let me know if you can help!

Steam: FractiousSword

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I'm in need of assistance WMT. Currently I've drug myself miles through the woods with 4k blood and two broken legs. At the moment I've been searching the deerstand directly north of Dolina, and the farm nearby for morphine.

I have a bevy of smoke grenades, m249, m9, lee endfield, 1866, STAGNAG ammunition. I have a toolbox, hatchet, matches, painkillers, watch AKM and Makarov for trade if necessary.

I just want to live!

Ingame name is Matthew. I usually play on Atlanta 10 but will go where necessary.

Steam name : Dynameaux

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Doing some rounds for the next two hours. If anyone needs help, post here and I'll see if I can get to you.

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One of the RMG Medical Teams is heading SW for a rescue. If you are in need of assistance, please let us know and we can help you on the way.

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I'm in need of assistance WMT. Currently I've drug myself miles through the woods with 4k blood and two broken legs. At the moment I've been searching the deerstand directly north of Dolina' date=' and the farm nearby for morphine.

I have a bevy of smoke grenades, m249, m9, lee endfield, 1866, STAGNAG ammunition. I have a toolbox, hatchet, matches, painkillers, watch AKM and Makarov for trade if necessary.

I just want to live!

Ingame name is Matthew. I usually play on Atlanta 10 but will go where necessary.

Steam name : Dynameaux

[/quote']Matthew, if you still need assistance please PM me here.


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Matthew' date=' if you still need assistance please PM me here.



FieldMedic (whom I think is understudying Merino) got to him.

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Matthew' date=' if you still need assistance please PM me here.



FieldMedic (whom I think is understudying Merino) got to him.

Very good, thanks for the update.


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Fieldmedic was kind enough to supply me with extra morphine and cooked meat. He requested nothing in return for his troubles. Thanks guys, I'm up and moving around again.

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Hello brave medics of the wasteland. I know how rare Antibiotics are but I figured I would give this a shot. Dr. Wasteland himself helped me out with a transfusion when I first started playing dayz and now I have come down with a sickness from getting attacked by a zombie while bleeding. I am south of Stary Sobor and can come on TS and hop in any time today.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Hello brave medics of the wasteland. I know how rare Antibiotics are but I figured I would give this a shot. Dr. Wasteland himself helped me out with a transfusion when I first started playing dayz and now I have come down with a sickness from getting attacked by a zombie while bleeding. I am south of Stary Sobor and can come on TS and hop in any time today.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Check your PMs inbox

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I was lieing in the forest with broken bones and with about 5000 blood. Brian and his team came fast and fixed everything. Thanks alot guys!

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A huge thanks to kalskirata who responded to my post almost instantly and helped me big time by giving me his last antibiotics. He is a true hero medic.

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After Action Report

Got in and spent my time looking for a vehicle to use as a transport and mobile storage (running around and being able to carry so much gets a little irritating after a while.). Did not find any but saw mburch2 needed some attention a kilometer or so from my last position.

I contacted him and found out FieldMedic was on his way and I told mburch2 to say hi to him for me. Proceeded to Black Forest for some game hunting (which I found a boar. Wild bacon never tasted so good.) before noticing Fluffyjr required some Antibiotics for an infection.

We agreed to meet at a particular point on the server I usually hangout at this time. It was night-time and a game of night time Marco-Polo (no shouting of 'Marco' and 'Polo' occured.) ensued. I spotted him running across in front of me and told him to stop. Administered my last supply of Antibiotics to him, exchanged pleasantries and went our separate ways.

All in all, simple night.

Well, I have no antibiotics left. Ergo, infection cases will have to be picked up by someone else and/or I need to drop by a hospital or two to see if I can find more.

Done for the night and sleep awaits. G'nite and stay safe.

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For the 1st time, I reached the NW airfield. After closing all the doors in the fire station to get my bearings and loot the building, one zombie walks through the doors with a suspicious amount of knowledge of my position. I blasted him with my Makerov, ran to the tower, dropped my CZ-550 to use my Axe, and the 1st zombie I saw somehow managed to break my leg on the 1st hit (I even had 12000 blood). I've crawled into a hanger and I'm quite safe.

What is the price for a med evac these days? Or a delivery of auto-inject morphine?

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^The price of a medic? I am not sure, most of us do it because we like to, not for anything in return. Some choose to donate an item to the medic and their cause or even just a thank you in the forums.

Downside to your position, you are in a PvP Hostile Zone. When at least two RMG teams are available, we can head your way and escort you out.

Dont give up, have faith and live another day.

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I am in dire need of a blood transfusion. I am at the intersection between the roads to mogilevka, staroye/ctapoe, elektrozavodsk. where the roads form a "Y" just north of Topolka Dam. Send me a PM if you can help please! Much appreciated! Also if you have a can of food that would be amazing!

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