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Dr Wasteland MD

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Need a medic ASAP, broken legs, awesome weapons, good gear, can't afford to loose it. :(

I'm near Devil's Castle, next to the deer stand south of the Castle.

Anyone please help me once more?

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So, i just got rescued, many thanks to Brian and Austin, they fixed my broken leg, even got a Makarov mag and some heatpacks. Such an awesome service, kudos to you. :)

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So' date=' i just got rescued, many thanks to Brian and Austin, they fixed my broken leg, even got a Makarov mag and some heatpacks. Such an awesome service, kudos to you. :)


One of our most successful missions to date. Quick and stealthily! Thanks for trusting RMG!

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Dr. Murdoc, saved my life, he found me broken with no blood and helped me out, and left, without saying a word, great guy

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Did you get help yep? If not, let me know.

Need a medic ASAP' date=' broken legs, awesome weapons, good gear, can't afford to loose it. :(

I'm near Devil's Castle, next to the deer stand south of the Castle.

Anyone please help me once more?


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In the woods east of Staroye. Need a blood transfusion bad. Been trying to find matches so I can cook my own meat to get my blood back but I am having trouble because I keep fainting. Blood is at 2400. I can hook up the medic or whoever with a ghillie suit for their services.

heading to polana now, hoping the supermarket will have matches.

No longer need help. Thanks though. I was able to find matches and cook some meat to get my blood back finally.

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In the woods east of Staroye. Need a blood transfusion bad. Been trying to find matches so I can cook my own meat to get my blood back but I am having trouble because I keep fainting. Blood is at 2400. I can hook up the medic or whoever with a ghillie suit for their services.

heading to polana now' date=' hoping the supermarket will have matches.


check your pm's

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Heads up. I'm online and will be roaming Chernaurus. Probably be hitting some supermarkets to see if I can get some spare stuff people would need.

PM me if anyone needs help.

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So I sorted out my blood issue, but I have the infection and I slowly losing blood. So if anyone has any antibiotics it would be much appreciated.

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I'm in pretty bad shape just north of Stary Sobor. I need a blood transfusion, and 2 morphine injectors. Willing to trade a Bizon PP-19 SD with three mags for your assistance.

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yahhzoo, I have the meds you need but it will take me awhile to get to Polona.

Arne, I'm on and able to help but will need to run down close to Elektrozavodsk to help out the patient below.

Sarge4206th, if you do not reply my PMs or add me on Steam in the next 10 minutes, I am turning around to help Arne and then make my way to yahhzoo. You have been PMed my Steam ID and I have tried looking for yours. You have 10 minutes

The problem with Steam names and ID is sometimes if doesn't come up. Please link to your profile next time?

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Great guys and very helpful the good doc patched me up and offered me upgraded gear even as a kind gesture.

highly recommended and pass the love onto others!


yahhzoo' date=' I have the meds you need but it will take me awhile to get to Polona.

Arne, I'm on and able to help but will need to run down close to Elektrozavodsk to help out the patient below.

Sarge4206th, if you do not reply my PMs or add me on Steam in the next 10 minutes, I am turning around to help Arne and then make my way to yahhzoo. You have been PMed my Steam ID and I have tried looking for yours. You have 10 minutes


The problem with Steam names and ID is sometimes if doesn't come up. Please link to your profile next time?

he got helped XD

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he got helped XD

he pmed me about 30 minutes ago about blood and what not near a corssroad up north of Elektro...im very sceptical abt it...

and might i suggest that not only medics pay attn to their PMs on the forums but the patients as well? Its not easy to fix you up if you don't want to talk to us -_-

tho, i am partially at fault too (but seriously, I'm asleep when most people in the States and EU play)

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I'm West of Zelenogorsk in need of a blood transfusion. Been trying to get a damn hunting knife for ages now but still no luck so can't cook myself any meat. :(

EDIT: Now the game is just mocking me. I searched the barns north of Zelenogorsk and the other barn only had one hatchet and a jerrycan, the other one? Seven fucking hatchets...

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I posted earlier about need antiobiotics kalskirata responded and came out to help me. He gave me the antibiotics I needed. We grouped up for a bit to find some better loot. kalskirata is a very nice person. He did his job timely and politely. We also raided the NW airfield I have everything I need to survive and more. Thank you very much!

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Is anyone around Cherno/Elektro area that can help me?

I have a broken leg and I'm in need of Morphine. I'm just North of the gas station that sits inbetween Cherno and Elektro.

Add me on Steam: Cryptroparrot

I'm best off on an EU server but have had some lucky with a couple of the NY servers in the past.


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Edited: Already got a quick response by yahzoo via pm, who asked if I still needed help. But I already got help by a friend of mine, who luckily found some morphine nearby.

There are still some friendly people out there!

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Did you get help yep? If not' date=' let me know.

Need a medic ASAP, broken legs, awesome weapons, good gear, can't afford to loose it. :(

I'm near Devil's Castle, next to the deer stand south of the Castle.

Anyone please help me once more?

No sir, I have not gotten any help yet. ):

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im near Visota, just above Cherno.. im @ 4000 blood, and shaking becuase i have no more painkillers.. and i just ran outta morfine.. don't have a broken bone yet..

i can't seem to find any painkillers or animals to butcher, and i dont dare head to cherno with 4k blood.. any medics around that can aid me?


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Good day everyone!

I broke my leg and well tried to crawl to a hospital but i wont make it the last distance due to lack of food.

Im also at around 7000 blood.

Im playing on a 939XX server (cant play on the latest version as it just kick me out if i try).

Im over at


PM me here on the forum or add me on steam Kaldurenik

******This have now been solved by a friendly person over at the DayZ irc chat

Thanks for any help!

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I'd been looking for a knife for three days.

Malnutrition from eating nothing but canned beans was setting in. I needed real food. I'd found more matches and axes than I knew what to do with. The axe I had was covered in gore from countless zombies. But I needed a knife to dress a deer. I needed real food.

Up and down the coast, sneaking into towns. Occasionally one of the infected would get a hit in despite my precautions.

The world was slowly going gray. Blood loss probably, but maybe just the realization that the Zeds were winning.

Last night I was in Berezino, searching the top floor of an apartment complex for a knife. I thought the building was clear... I had axed two zeds on the way in. I rounded the corner into the last apartment. I felt the impact for I even saw the zed: I knew my knee was dislocated. The Zed got a faceful of hatchet for his trouble.

I knew there was a hospital nearby, so I started to crawl. Two hours, each moment more agonizing than the last, but I made it. An axe shatters glass just as well as it shatters Zeds. Morphine, sweet sweet morphine. Shot up and popped my knee back into place. Even through the opiate haze, it still hurt like hell.

I promised myself I would never be without medical supplies again.

Several days later I'm crouched on the hill above a hospital, surveying with my binoculars, seeing if the coast is clear. I'm out of bandages and pain killers and need to stock up. Oh yeah, and morphine. Sweet, sweet morphine.

There! Rounding the corner of a fence line. A survivor! Friend or foe? I take a bead with my Winchester and watch him through the sights, playing god for a moment.

Then the sound of an angry Zed: Grunting, furious. Animal.

The man jumps to his feet, running my way.

In the end, we are all human. I open up on the Zeds. The man comes to a stop near me, the thup-thup-thup of his silenced SMG a counter point to the rolling BOOM! of my rifle.

Out of bullets, I pull out my revolver, and let the Zeds have it. The Zeds are all where they should be: Feeding the worms.

"Hi, I'm Legdiin. I'm a medic."

We raid the hospital together, and he gives me a transfusion.

I can see again!

The world had been in gray since the dislocation. Occasional hits from Zeds, and the general wear and tear of life after DayZ had been slowly taking it's toll, and I knew the end was slowly coming.

But Legdiin, Angel of Battlefield -- Medic of Chernarus, had given me color back into the world.

On day 5 now of the quest for a Knife.

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Is there absolutely no medic online at this time? :(

I will be available in a few minutes, just restocked my supplies - contact info in my signature.

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Hello There! Im in need of antibiotics. Any medic that could help me out? Location will be given via PM.

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After Action Report:

Went in and began travelling from the last point I logged out to Pustoshka to see if I could get a few bips and bops for those who don't have them (matches really, those things are rare!). Received a PM from Sarge4206th about him having little blood. His location at first gave me some concerns (he said he was just north of Elektro) but after looking at the map and doing the calculations, I decided it was okay to go down and give him a transfusion.

However, he failed to respond soon after and I assumed he either went offline for the day. I then proceeded to my next patient Arne. The minute I saw the distance from his/her current location to mine, I knew it would take some time and gave the heads up. We decided its best that we meet up slightly later in the day.

Diverting from my original path, I went to Black Forest to meet up with yahhzoo who had caught an infection. After messing up my coordinates again (4th time I think on the job too!), we met up. I gave him the antibiotics and we proceeded to sit around a fire where freshly caught game was cooked and shared (the infection had caused him to lose blood).

We then partied up to get him a better primary as his current was the 'Dinner Bell of Chernaurus' @ the Lee Enfield. We first dropped by Stary Sobor before hitting the three deer stands nearby. Seeing as out current location was close to the NW Airfield, we decided to go for a quick raid.

We arrived at the Airfield, completely deserted and quiet. Or so it seemed. After going into the South-west barracks, we began crawling to the other barracks in the middle of the Airfield. Yahhzoo had heard gunshots but I didn't hear anything. As we were halfway across the last stretch of tarmac, we hear gunshots.

Looking at our surroundings, I spot a player entering the second hanger from the right. I call out what I noticed to my companion and we crawled back into a stretch of grass and bushes. As we were crawling, I spot a second player entering the same hanger. No gunshots were heard and we knew they were a party.

We maintain absolute silence and observer the hanger. When the two players come out of the hanger and into the last hanger, I spot something. A sniper rifle and an assault rifle on each of them.

I tell yahhzoo that I will only fire on them if they do not move out of the Airfield and look in our direction for more than a few seconds. When they exited, I was hoping they would just move on and get out of the area. They didn't. They turned around, stopped and looked at us.

It is my sad duty to report that I had to fire and kill two players. I know we could have attempted communications but they were a good 100-200m away from us. I made sure it was quick. Both received two rounds of 7.62mm rounds directly to the head and/or chest. They were dead before they hit the ground.

Yahhzoo and I dispatched the aggroed infected, raided the nearby firestation and hangers 1-3 before we began stripping the two killed players of their gear and supplies. Here, I bid farewell to my companion before going our separate ways.

Long post. Sorry. First time I had any form of PvP action and at night too. My thanks to yahhzoo for giving me a thumbs up for my work. Glad I could be of service and some help too. Also some gratitude to Arne for understanding and willing to postpone treatment.

I would like to make it clear, I fired the shots and not yahhzoo. I have the blood of two players on my hands which I am not so sure was warranted or not. One of them had his revolver pointing at my direction and held it for a good 5 seconds the least. He did not attempt any form of representing himself or his partner as friendly.

I also believe that my RoE for a PvP hotspot was good enough (not firing immediately when I spotted the two players) and even risked the life of both yahhzoo and myself.

To all my fellow medics, to shoot or not to shoot that is the question.

I guess that's it. I'll be off till about Arne is back online for treatment and then a good wait for a certain something.

EDIT: Arne got back on his/her feet thanks to Merino. Thanks for covering for me ><

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