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Anybody up for a rescue mission?

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My first character. I've been doing pretty well I think. At least I was. I was walking up the stairs in Zub Castle and fell off. I was unconcious for a while, and when I came to, I had a broken leg. I crawled slowly but surely to the top of the castle where I now reside. I don't have the means to mend my leg, or defend myself really, all I have is my trusty hatchet and an empty makarov. Night will be falling in a couple hours. It is approximately 7pm on this server.

I put a note on the map saying "Broken leg Need Morphine" so hopefully someone will see it. I watched as two survivors run through Vyshnoye a little while ago, but they didn't come to my rescue despite my yelling into my mic (How far can people hear me in direct chat btw?). Aaaaanyway, I am not one to give up just because i'm stranded in a tower with no weapons, minimal provisions and a broken leg! I intend to hold out until the bitter end. I'll be here if anybody wants to help out.

I'm on US 221, Zub Castle. I'll be the one at the top of the tower twiddling my thumbs/watching people with binoculars.

Steam name is BigMoneyPuss777. I'll be on for another hour or so (currently 11:27 US eastern).


K5v9n is the fucking man

Edited by drseptapus

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To spare your troubles, you should just respawn. I mean, even if you get morphine, how long will that take? How long could it take you to just find more supplies? Believe me, I was in a similar situation and spent a day just waiting and talking in direct chat.

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It's a bad idea to announce your presence like that publicly, experienced non-bandit players will stay away thinking it's a trap, while bandits looking for a fight will come to kill you or the people who they think are laying a trap.

I would just respawn if I was you, your body will stay for about two hours which is plenty of time to make it back to the castle, although I know how difficult it is to do logical thing sometimes, especially early on into your first couple of lives.

I would seriously come If i didn't have a meeting with someone else, but there is a town just East of the castle of you're up for a crawl. It might have what you need.

Edited by Cheeseburger

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if you wont shoot me ill be happy to help. if your still up there it is dark sooo :( another server would be good like a one that is day time. i have morphiene and bloodbags! i would like to team up when we find each other too! steam name is hubbabubba110

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That's awesome. Don't respawn man, wait it out. If you respawn you'll miss out on potential awesome events/friends.

I'd be keen to help in about 3 hours if you still need it. I believe direct chat mic is 80m range.

If I do come and help, you'll probably have to come down from the castle. Might pm you later anyway :)

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Stick it out. Be a man. Don't respawn just because you broke a leg or you got an unfavorable spawn position. If you can't get someone to you (I would happily help you out, but I'm very far away and probably won't be in the area anytime soon) then start crawling to the nearest town. Enjoy that journey. You'll never take walking for granted again.

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I'd love to help but it'd take me half an hour or more just to run there, and I'm a little wary of that spot since you just announced it. I'd expect bandits to be camping it to kill the geared players coming to help you.

As Sephka and KennyNZ said, don't respawn. Seriously. Sure, you could respawn, get all of your gear back, and be much farther than you currently are now before you get help most likely. But you'd be missing out on some great opportunities for some amazing experiences, just like combat disconnecters do. Maybe noone will come, and you'll crawl 10 minutes to a town only to die there. Or maybe you'll find morphine and go on your merry way. Or perhaps a bandit will respond to your distress just to kill you for fun. Or maybe someone genuine will come, all the way across the map potentially, and help you. Maybe they'd become a new friend. Any one of these outcomes would be a unique experience that you would just waste by hitting respawn.

Just yesterday I got spawned in the debug plains randomly, with no water left and 6km to the nearest town. I could have just hit respawn, I didn't have much. Instead, I ran that entire distance, at night, and as I was dying of dehydration (around 7k blood left at this point) I stumbled across a shack with a handful of zombies. I've never been so relieved to see zombies as I was then when I blew them apart with my Enfield and found a can of soda.

The point I'm trying to make is that you'll enjoy this game much more if you don't exploit server hopping or respawning. You never know what will happen.

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I have been rescued. I'm glad I held out like you guys said, it made the experience so much better. K5v9n found me and delivered the morphine. Easily one of the coolest games ever.

So... The adventure continues.

Edited by drseptapus

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As other people have said already, it was a terrible idea to place that map marker on your location saying you have a broken leg and need morphine. I guarantee, if you aren't dead already, someone is going to be paying you a visit and it won't be to give you morphine. All it takes is 1 person out of the 40 or 50 people on the server thinking to himself "Oh, this should be fun. Let's go investigate! *Trollface*". Since this is your first character, let us give you some helpful advice. Never place a map-marker on your location. It's a giant risk you don't have to take, ESPECIALLY when you're immobile.

Edit: Good to know you were rescued. I'm glad a good guy came along and patched you up. But my advice still stands... don't ever place a map marker down where you are since every person on the server can see it and immediately know where you are, as well as seeing the condition you were in since you advertised it. Instead, come on the forums in the survivor section and make a post. Be aware you're still taking a giant risk by doing this especially if you have a good amount of gear that people may want for themselves. That's the nature of the game. If this happens again, and you have to make a post... have your weapon up and ready to fire. When you hear someone coming, alert them to your presence and tell them you have your weapon facing the entrance to your location. If they act funny, they die. Establish communication with them, and then hope everything goes smooth. You got help this time, which is great. Don't expect it to be this way every time though, because I promise you it won't. There are bandits that will lull you into a false sense of security, and then put a bullet in your brain right before giving you the morphine so they get to keep it, as well as taking anything of value off your body, even a can of beans(They may not have any, and aren't around a town) or soda, among other things. You may have an inferior weapon, but food & water is important when you're in land.

Edited by KField86

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Yeah I guess I lucked out. In retrospect I should have known better seeing as how I lurked here pretty much all day before playing. Oh well, good to know not all of the players are PvP ballsacks.

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