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My honest opinion of Day Z (And message to the creator)

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"In my opinion, asking to take out player killing is ridiculous. It is the sole reason I still play this game. The zombies are easy to deal with but the players keep you on your toes. Hearing gunshots from behind you and seeing muzzle flashes in the distance account for some of the scariest moments I've had in gaming so far. Knowing whoever it is shooting is going to kill you on sight can be pretty scary. Especially in the dark. The Pvp aspect in this game is the best part."

this^ bloody 1000 times!

Edited by kajonna
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if this game had no pvp noone would play it

Sure they would, but they would call it Left 4 Dead and it would get boring pretty quick.. ;)

To the OP.

I can see where you're coming from. Don't think I'm trying to insult you, but it does seem like you're used to other types of games.

You need to realize that we aren't here to have fun. We're here to survive an alpha and beta phase..

If you don't want to help test, come back when we're finished. We'll still be here.

The challenge isn't just about pvp or players, there's also the bugs.. not sure which is the worst evil.


Edited by Cyanyde

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you seem to have no luck, eh? i've been playing dayz since a couple of weeks and yes i got shot. several times. so what? it makes it much more interesting and lets be honest, who dies because of zombies?!

starting with no weapon is one of the best things they could have added 'cause YES there actually are people who love sneaking into cities to get their stuff. if we had a weapon as we spawn where would be the challenge?

even if it's hard i can somehow respect your opinion but.. you're a minority so don't expect anything to change because most of us are happy about the way things are going in this mod plus rocket said often enough that he will not erase the pvp part. oh and by the way.. i'm pretty well geared but i don't kill on sight but observe them and sometime maybe help'em if there is any need and i'm pretty sure that i am not the only one

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what i think should happed just to give the new people a fighting chance, you start out with the 2 cans of beans, a water bottle, road flares, painkillers and also instead of a gun you start out with a pocket knife / switch blade that will be added to the game just so you could have a chance also make it so that if you dont have anything in you secondary slot or primary you can pull out your fists and punch people and zombies, which will help you get into a town for some loot

Sure i always have can of beans in my pocket just in cause a zombie outbreak would occur. Several people have made it through the first steps and not everyone are hardcore bean eaters. One could also make it without going into town there are several paths to pick not just one....

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Well, I'd been wanting to play this game for ages, and was an xbox 360 player, my computer was terrible...


sob sob sob sob

Good day. ;)

Carebear carebear whine whine blanket insult carebear carebear.

Yawn. Clearly DayZ isn't your game, so instead of ruining a perfectly amazing game to suit yourself, you quit. Awesome. Win-win.

Edited by Mercury
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i KOS because i dont trust anyone not to do the same to me. i play carefully and most of the time i know where people are in my surroundings before they know where i am.

this game is hardcore. op is a whiner. "mature" players, which you seem to think you are, would realize when a game isn't their cup of tea and simply not play it. they wouldn't come on here whining and disrespecting other players who they know nothing about.

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You have to be the single biggest cunt on the forums @OP - I cant believe you managed to navigate to the forums with your Xbox 360 conTROLLer and button mash this out.

Please just fuck off and don't play this game if this is the type of feedback you give, you just spoke a whole lot of bullshit.

Hope Rocket and the Dev team say good riddance.

I cant be bothered typing a "proper" response to you because you frankly dont deserve it, if i get a warning for this post - Totally worth it.

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wow... to be honest with u, my first reaction to this was a trololo. "make servers with no player killing" man this game is all about player to player interaction whether thats killing or befriending. Zombies are there to make it slightly more difficult and to encourage people to team up. Nonetheless, getting killed by a player is nothing unusual. And dude, this game would be boring if players were all friendly. Its not that fun to shoot at retarded zomies that are running around in zig zags and die of one shot (most time).

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You have to be the single biggest cunt on the forums @OP - I cant believe you managed to navigate to the forums with your Xbox 360 conTROLLer and button mash this out.

Please just fuck off and don't play this game if this is the type of feedback you give, you just spoke a whole lot of bullshit.

Hope Rocket and the Dev team say good riddance.

I cant be bothered typing a "proper" response to you because you frankly dont deserve it, if i get a warning for this post - Totally worth it.

And also CHEERS to this

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every single person playing this game is a player killer

Stopped reading there, since it became obvious that you were talking out of your ass.

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First off, we start off with no gun, no melee weapon etcetc.. That is a really bad part of this game - Who really wants to try sneaking into a city to look for a gun - I do

sometimes you'll spend hours looting to find one. - No, if it takes you more than 20 mins, you're doing something really wrong.

then other players will kill you for literally no reason and you can't defend yourself., - Fair point, mostly.

Second, other players - frankly, every single person playing this game is a player killer, and to be honest, it's fucking retarded.- The only thing that is fucking retarded is you. You only reason you think it's full of KOS, Pk, noob sniping coast campers is because those are the only ones you SEE. The friendly one's generally stay out of sight and observe. I've seen tonnes of people at close range, just going about their business, and they never knew I was there. A lot of the ask questions first, shoot later crowd do the same.

It's not hard to say 'Hey! Wanna team up?" .. Instead you all just shoot on sight, even if the player you are trying to kill has literally NOTHING on them. - See above.

In real life, would you really do that? Would you actually be brave enoughs - No. But this isn't real life, and it's not meant to be realistic. It's meant to evoke emotions using whatever means necessary. There will always be elements of realism and elements of imagination. Stuff that achieves the goal will be left in, other stuf will be taken out or not considered in the first place.

I know for a fact that if someone tried to kill me in real life, I'd set them on fire and stamp on their skull whilst they burned. - Unfortunately for me, I suck at pc gaming, so I can never shoot back quick enough and always die - You da man.... yep enough said there.

Basically, this game is fucking whack, just because of the playerst - Yep. How it's meant to be. Players get to do what they want, if you don't like it, do something about it in game. A lot of people already have and are.

My message to the creator is this, if you are going to make Day Z a stand alone game, make sure there are servers without player killing, or even take it out completely. - "The creator" has already said this will never happen, it is pivotal to player interaction and the creation of real emotion.

Make sure players can jump, make sure players can jump down from a 6ft wall without breaking a bone.. I mean really, what kind of soldier in any army has bones THAT weak that they break their leg after walking off a wall their own height? Fix that shit. - You ain't a soldier. You're a survivor.

And to all the player killers who will probably come in here, diss me and say I suck at the game. Yes, I suck at Day Z, and yes, I am moaning about other players. Frankly, I couldn't give a flying fuck, as my life is far better than most who will attempt to insult me i.e trolls. It's called having a life, when you do so, you will no longer find the need to insult people you do not know on the internet. - Not true. It's still fun as fuck

Sorry for the point by point rebuttal, but this was MY honest opinion.

Also, your mother was average last night.

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"Also, your mother was average last night."

lmao kenny u da baws <3

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its a survival game ok ! but why we can't all be friends

i don't want to kill unknown people anymore! i want to make friends

heal the world make it a better place for you and for me and the entire human race...

Edited by Sodom

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I kinda agree on few points. what DayZ has taught me is that people are assholes and that they deserve to die in the most horrible way imaginable. Just today when I was trying to introduce a friend of mine to the game, someone shot him. Not that far from the beach either. We had a fuckton of problems just finding a damn axe to hold off the damn zombies, and finally when we found that one small airfield close to the coast and were up in the tower, my friend, who at this point only had like a pack of painkillers and maybe bandages and no weapons, gets shot what sounded like an AK or maybe Enfield. To make matter worse, it wasn't one of the "I better shoot first and ask questions later" or "I'm low on supplies, man has to do that man has to do" situations. There was a big damn message saying that the server was going down for maintenance in less than 2 minutes, yet the asshole still shot my pal, and thanks to that, DayZ has managed to alienate another would-have-been-a-player. Thank you kindly. It sickens me how there's no downside to being a bandit/dickhead in the game. You get all the loot you need by shooting helpless unarmed people, and don't have to carry any sort of consequences for it.

+ spawning without weapons of anykind. Sure I can understand that "we wish to protect the players so that they won't get hurt by other assholes at the spawn". Yup, but think for a moment.. if you were to look outside the window and think "gee, the neighbours look a bit "zombie" and I gotta go get my morning paper, what should I do? grab a kitchen knife and maybe my wristwatch which I always wear, or throw all the crap in the corner of the house and go outside naked?" I would go for the kitchen knife.. heck, even a bloody hammer would do, but I would not go in to a god damn nation filled with zombies without a damn wristwatch and something to defend myself.. and back to bandits. I don't care how artificial, unrealistic and stupid the solution is the dev team comes up but SOMETHING has to be done to the endless playerkilling by circlejerking bandits. There has to be some sort of downside to killing other people, otherwise that's what ever.. oh wait, that's what everybody is already doing! there's no meeting new people unless the meeting is started and ended with few nice 9mm opening speeches. I thought this game was about surviving, meeting other people trying to survive, communicating, banding together, exchanging information and supplies. but naw, now it's just dipshits with NV goggles and highpowered sniperrifles waiting in the middle of darkness to blow your head off just because "it's what I do baby, I blow down your dreams in this game because I can." . Bah.

The only reason I still keep playing is that one day, ONE day I will meet that one person who doesn't say "Hello" by shooting me in the face.

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Point of the game is to SURVIVE starting from basically nothing.

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Great. I just got this game, played a few saves and I for one love the difficulty it presents. I mean for gods sake it takes the challenge away if you start with everything.

Oh and I love how you contradict yourself completely...you decide on becoming exactly what you are claiming to hate...and you are abusing people over the internet yourself mate. You can't tell someone they are a "virgin, skinny fuck" and not expect retaliation. Honestly, yeah I'm a virgin, yeah I'm pretty skinny, but mate I'm 16. That shit ain't even legal, and you say it as an insult?

Please think before you type, I'll just wait until you try insult me because you think you can't get off of your high horse and think you are better than us.

I lost my virginity at 12 years old kid, when I insulted people - it was those who were insulting me, that was stated before they even attempted to do so. Good job.

Anyway, played again, got myself an AKM, DMR and an M1911, plenty blood packs, bandages, food, drink and such. Counting 18 bandits killed so far, only been playing for about 2 hours. Good day!

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Lawl butthurt, i like getting killed by players and i like to kill players so? wtf is the problem?

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I appreciate the OP's candor.

It does sound like this mod is not for you. I will say that I am perfectly okay with the PvP aspect and that most people are rampant psychopaths. I do wish that sniper rifles in general were removed from the game, but this topic has come up many time with wildly passionate opposition on both sides.

OP: If you would like to group up in game and play together using Ventrilo or Teamspeak, let me know. Fire me a PM and I will help show you the ropes a bit. =-)

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Sounds to me like a standard 17 year old Scottish chav playing the big man card, especially with all the "Ima fuck you up irl blud! brap brap brap - innit!". Please go get your 16 year old missus pregnant, get on the benefit and drink your IRONBRU. Maybe go buy a new tracksuit, some new nike trainers. These things might cheer you up, prolly even stop you from being such a prick.

OR you could do us all a favor and "Respawn" irl.

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The post that the OP made shows how much of a virgin he really is. THE ONLY thing I'll agree with you on is the falling short distance/breaking bones ordeal.

As for starting out with no gun, It dosent take long to run around churnoble get a enfield, a pistol of some sort a good amount of food and water and then LEAVE, guess what you won't get shot at as much in the woods.. This is where things become very interesting.

You've spent this time finding gear, you've got your matches/wood/knife/toolbox/binoc's a good weapon maybe m-14 AIM, lots of ammo and a good sidearm, you have morphine etc. Whats left do you in the game? you just want to be a ZOMBIE DESTROYER? build cars and ride around circle jerking in them all day?

This is when the best part of the game kicks in.. when you get to hunt other people and you always have the feeling that you're being hunted. When you actually have to play tacticle enough to advance north and get very nice gear at the cost of other players carelessness / lack of awareness.

tdlr, If you don't like it, uninstall don't buy the stand alone version, I hear there are other so called fun games like Dota, or warcraft that might suit you better until you grow some peace fuzz on you're boys.

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Okay, how about this:


* [NEW] New characters start in a dark room, with no shoes and the floor covered in legos


Rocket is a secretly Jigsaw...

Everything makes sense now...

Edited by LeOverlord

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OP is just trolling guys, there is no way a person can be such a retard. He is posting just to provoke others so let's just stop responding. This thread really doesn't deserve any attention.

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