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About dvious

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  1. im 17 and im interested skype: Devious.m
  2. You can if you have proof of them scripting
  3. dvious

    Need a Vehicle..Wanting to Trade

    whats the point when you cant save them?
  4. dvious


    Update battleye manually
  5. dvious


    The servers were down yesterday for a while
  6. dvious

    I can't stand up

    1.Attract some zombies if your near any 2.let them hit you till you bleed 3.bandage yourself and move so you cancel the bandage animation 4.your free
  7. dvious

    Vehicles gone after server restart

    Its a known problem in Hopefully its fixed in the next update
  8. dvious

    I found Portable Generator

    Hacked? or A new feature in the version and people might be testing it
  9. Yeah just give up on vehicles for now. Hopefully 1.7.3 will be outs soon
  10. dvious

    Free stuff (Closing down server 26th of August)

    When are you guys closing ? What time on August 26th
  11. Fix the damn vehicles glitch so i can save my car
  12. dvious

    vehicles no saving?

    I hope its fixed soon
  13. Is it a some kind of bug? we got 3 vehicles and saved them in the woods after logging back in within 15min all the vehicles were gone We tried again on a different server and found a truck saved it logged back in and its also gone
  14. dvious

    Setup completed , please wait ... fix !

    Screen resolution problem? i have no idea never heard about it before
  15. dvious


    You didn't lose much stuff so i guess that's good