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My honest opinion of Day Z (And message to the creator)

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Well, I'd been wanting to play this game for ages, and was an xbox 360 player, my computer was terrible (Thus never gaming on a pc). I recently fixed it up and was so hyped to play! Then I played.

First off, we start off with no gun, no melee weapon etcetc.. That is a really bad part of this game - Who really wants to try sneaking into a city to look for a gun, sometimes you'll spend hours looting to find one, then other players will kill you for literally no reason and you can't defend yourself.

Second, other players - frankly, every single person playing this game is a player killer, and to be honest, it's fucking retarded. It's not hard to say 'Hey! Wanna team up?" .. Instead you all just shoot on sight, even if the player you are trying to kill has literally NOTHING on them. In real life, would you really do that? Would you actually be brave enough? I know for a fact that if someone tried to kill me in real life, I'd set them on fire and stamp on their skull whilst they burned. - Unfortunately for me, I suck at pc gaming, so I can never shoot back quick enough and always die.

Basically, this game is fucking whack, just because of the players.

My message to the creator is this, if you are going to make Day Z a stand alone game, make sure there are servers without player killing, or even take it out completely. Make sure players can jump, make sure players can jump down from a 6ft wall without breaking a bone.. I mean really, what kind of soldier in any army has bones THAT weak that they break their leg after walking off a wall their own height? Fix that shit.

And to all the player killers who will probably come in here, diss me and say I suck at the game. Yes, I suck at Day Z, and yes, I am moaning about other players. Frankly, I couldn't give a flying fuck, as my life is far better than most who will attempt to insult me i.e trolls. It's called having a life, when you do so, you will no longer find the need to insult people you do not know on the internet.

Good day. ;)

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I laughed at the last bit. It's cute.

You start with nothing because when you do find something, the risk to stay alive is greater.

Player killing is from assholes. There are good people in the game, you haven't had the opportunity to meet them yet ;)

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First off, starting with no guns or weapons was concerning. I had no idea what to do except run like a frantic fool. I decided to do 10 minutes of research online to give me a head start. The endless amounts of help online are more than enough. It will take you hours to find 1 weapon if you do not care to spend a little time learning about the game. It doesn't cater to idiots. Survival of the fittest in a way.

Many people in this game are killers. It is the entire premise of the game. The prized moments are when you meet friendly people. It balances out. You dont need to meet friendly every day. It is nice and I enjoy it when it does rarely happen. Honestly, do you expect to team up with someone you just met? Don't ask to team up right away, it seems suspicious. Just talk like normal people and part ways. If they are really friendly then they will let you tag along. I became part of a group after I lost all my weapons in a lake and I was hurting bad.

You don't suck at the game. You just don't want to get better.

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Go back to playing Call of Duty u n00b.

Seriously, what are new players expecting? If you start off with a gun then that takes away the "challenge" and will encourage more player killing.

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The game itself is great, really, I'm a huge fan of zombies, games, movies.. You name it. Yeah, I managed to find so many worthwhile weapons then someone shoots me from out of nowhere and I have to respawn, it's ridic.

I was just in a server for at least 2 hours, sitting on top of a building watching players run up and kill each other. It was insane. Then one guy pretended he was gonna help me find the sniper shooting at me, but then he killed the sniper and shot me.

Hopefully I can learn to use the mouse a little better, get a sharper shot and so on. Player killers really need to gtf, you can pretty much tell that most of them are skinny-not-very-bright-virgins who more than likely still live with their parents.

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Go back to playing Call of Duty u n00b.

Seriously, what are new players expecting? If you start off with a gun then that takes away the "challenge" and will encourage more player killing.

I was expecting this sort of reply, the end of my post is directed at you, you prepubescent skidmark.

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Go back to playing Call of Duty u n00b.

Seriously, what are new players expecting? If you start off with a gun then that takes away the "challenge" and will encourage more player killing.

I'm a new player and I appreciate this game. It has so much potential. I am one of the people that played Operation Flashpoint before it was officially released. Maybe I am biased because this game feels nostalgic to me but I don't think that is just it. ARMA II was on sale on steam so don't be too surprised when we get a bunch of kids who are used to being served with silver platters. There should really only be a section for people dedicated to help the Alpha in a mature manner with constructive criticism. Strict moderation.

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The game itself is great, really, I'm a huge fan of zombies, games, movies.. You name it. Yeah, I managed to find so many worthwhile weapons then someone shoots me from out of nowhere and I have to respawn, it's ridic.

I was just in a server for at least 2 hours, sitting on top of a building watching players run up and kill each other. It was insane. Then one guy pretended he was gonna help me find the sniper shooting at me, but then he killed the sniper and shot me.

Hopefully I can learn to use the mouse a little better, get a sharper shot and so on. Player killers really need to gtf, you can pretty much tell that most of them are skinny-not-very-bright-virgins who more than likely still live with their parents.

Wow, i can tell that you're an asshole in real life.

Anyways, go to the dayzwiki and learn a bit more about the game. Always be on your guard especially if you hear gunfire or if someone is helping you(except for me). It's annoying as hell when people kill you when you have nothing, but you learn to live with it. Also, avoid big cities if you're tired of dying.

I was expecting this sort of reply, the end of my post is directed at you, you prepubescent skidmark.

It was a joke, hence the "seriously". Take a chill pill.

I'm a new player and I appreciate this game. It has so much potential. I am one of the people that played Operation Flashpoint before it was officially released. Maybe I am biased because this game feels nostalgic to me but I don't think that is just it. ARMA II was on sale on steam so don't be too surprised when we get a bunch of kids who are used to being served with silver platters. There should really only be a section for people dedicated to help the Alpha in a mature manner with constructive criticism. Strict moderation.

There are stickies that help new players and lots of threads too. I'd be less of an asshole if the TC were less of an asshole.

Edited by iminnocent
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I'm not an asshole in real life mate, I'm just someone who isn't scared of anything - irl, I'm able to go ahead with someone who talks shit, make them realize they can't get away with it.

The internet on the other hand is really shitty for me, I'm not good at arguing online ahaha. But yeah. I'll continue playing this game, hopefully I get better.

Anyway, I actually don't really like forums much (Unless it's for Class 3, that shit looks immense).. So yeah, I just wanted to rant. I probably won't be back on here, so anyone else who comments after this saying I'm an asshole and an xbox noob, so on and so forth.. Please, take a little time to come off of your computer, and stick something long and sharp up your rectum.

Edited by Adelitas

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I'm not an asshole in real life mate, I'm just someone who isn't scared of anything - irl, I'm able to go ahead with someone who talks shit, make them realize they can't get away with it.

The internet on the other hand is really shitty for me, I'm not good at arguing online ahaha. But yeah. I'll continue playing this game, hopefully I get better.

I usually post this to people who need help looking for guns. It is the most simple way I know of finding a simple set up with weapons and other items.

Use this map as reference (Use landmarks to find out where you are) www.http://dayzmap.info/

Then use this map I made to do a run for loot. Be careful near the barns. Approach low and slowly. Let the zombies walk away from you then move in. Same with the deer stands: http://i48.tinypic.com/kehs9d.jpg

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I'm not an asshole in real life mate, I'm just someone who isn't scared of anything - irl, I'm able to go ahead with someone who talks shit, make them realize they can't get away with it.

The internet on the other hand is really shitty for me, I'm not good at arguing online ahaha. But yeah. I'll continue playing this game, hopefully I get better.

Great, now I can be mature. Also, you shouldn't try to "argue" online since there are so many trolls out there and assholes.

This game/mod/whateveryouwanttocallit isn't the easiest to learn right away so you're going to die a lot when you first start out. Fire stations, supermarkets, and hospitals are hot spots. I suggest you try to stay away from them if you don't want to die. I can assist you if you'd like.

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I can understand, there is a big learning curve, I watched a lot of online videos of the game before I jumped into. After a while you remember where you need to go for a weapon, food and drink and medical things.

After you do have all your gear or at least enough to feel safe, you explore, yes you can kill others you see for better stuff but it is a challenge, after all it is a game about surviving.

I find it more fun to play to play with a buddy you trust. someone you have played with before and enjoy talking with. This was easier because I have moved from PS3 to Xbox and now to PC. The group I play with I know and that makes it more fun.

I hope you have better luck with the game and maybe play with some people you know and like.

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It's also easier to find "friendlies" outside of the game first. Check survivor HQ, find a group, learn the ropes. Grow. Adapt. Overcome.

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This game, sir.... is a simulation. It is the fact you have nothing, the fact that other players are not your friends, and the fact that you... oh wait I just read that last paragraph...

Yeah Fuck you too, I don't think this is the game for you. No offence, but you are asking for a different game. As far as I'm concerned, there isn't that much in this game that is "broken" as far as balance goes.

There are absolutely a bunch of bugs, but the authenticity is what this game shines in... For example if I were to push you off a small building would you not get hurt? Can you leap over fences while carrying weapons and equipment? If another person chooses to shoot you (and I would completely understand their choice) do you not bleed?

I mean this as no offence, but Rocket knows what he's doing, and "feel good" servers would actually break the game. For one it would be boring as hell, but players would grab a bunch of stuff with little risk and then go to hardcore servers to slay people who work for their gear.

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Oh god, a butthurt, used to Xbox, survivor. DayZ gets so much better once you get the basics and by judging from your post, you don't.

Also, it's in Alpha.

I hope to player kill you one day, kind sir.

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I for one think you're right, Most of the players kill each other out fun, ... following situation,... did you spend in the game longer than 10h, and have all sorts of equipment, maybe an great sniper ore granade launcher... what do you do now, you continue to kill zombies?, (now you have over a thousand kills) or you are looking for a challenge and kill a player meybe you get better eqpt... In real life you would also do things the trust would not you now ... when going to survive it. belive me...and as for the game ... it is still in ALPHA BETA that is, not yet fully developed to an end!!! oh ... :murder: ... one can shoot you, then you are not attentive enough :facepalm: :D

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Skimmed over it briefly and I agree with some parts I saw, there should definitely be seperate PVE servers and we certainly should start with a god damned gun, if not a piece of shit pistol then atleast a knife or something.

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Seriously maybe i´m playing a completely different game cause i didn´t have that much trouble to find a weapon in the game, and so far as player killing goes the first person i´ve met in the game was a friendly fellow, i helped him with his little zed problem and in exchange he helped me with a blood transfusion, it was pretty great.

Maybe i´m lucky but i don´t seen to have half the problems people complain over here.

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Seriously maybe i´m playing a completely different game cause i didn´t have that much trouble to find a weapon in the game, and so far as player killing goes the first person i´ve met in the game was a friendly fellow, i helped him with his little zed problem and in exchange he helped me with a blood transfusion, it was pretty great.

Maybe i´m lucky but i don´t seen to have half the problems people complain over here.

they're crazy that's why

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Basically, this game is fucking whack,

Whack? Fucking Whack? "Dis game is like friggin wack yo". wack wack wack wack wack wack wack wack wack wack.......wack wack wack wack wack wack wack

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You can just be like me. I hunt the hunters, and try to protect the newbie spawns and new people to the game.

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Whack? Fucking Whack? "Dis game is like friggin wack yo". wack wack wack wack wack wack wack wack wack wack.......wack wack wack wack wack wack wack


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You can just be like me. I hunt the hunters, and try to protect the newbie spawns and new people to the game.

Thankfully there are a good few people like us that do this :)

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Surely you have friends in real life, why not play with them on a server and get a decent group going?

Or are you all to stupid to be able to coordinate in a game which makes it so easy to stick together.

Player killing is half, no 3/4 of the mod, you don't fear the zombies, you fear the players, the zombies are just there to break up the monotony of looking for your next engagement or big loot pile.

Find a group of friends in real life if you don't have any, and play the game with them then you'll realise where the true fun is.

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