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Green Mountain Survivors [GMS] Clan and twitch radio station.

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Name: John Lemke

Age: 19

In game name: Butcher

Steam Id: Butcher71793

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc):

Well i would love to play sniper, currently for my group (2 others) I have been the heavy hitter / food and drink guy. Getting more into the roll of sniper or an assault fella would be nice. But my love and well.. obsession with snipers is a mix of real life and its the only class i play in Battlefield 3 (which if you look at my score shows that i dont just camp... im active)

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) :

Honestly my group of friends arent enough in the game, we all work full time monday thru friday so we arent always on at the same time. I love clan attitude or what i should say is i love the pride that can be taken in being part of something bigger. Playing with others in DayZ instead of getting shot on sight would be great too... i mean i understand self defense but when im looking at you and yelling friendly like 40 times i would hope that you dont shoot...

What can you offer to the clan:

In game right now i cant offer too much as i was just murdered, but i am usually quite willing to go to dangerous areas for the needs of my group, or make long runs to pickup a member that just respawned. Im a friendly guy and will joke around a bit, but i know when to get serious. I also keep good knowledge of where i am at on the map at most times

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Name: Beau

Age: 24

In game name: Beau

Steam Id:



Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Sniper if possible but also don't mind playing other role as I feel I'm quite versatile

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : Because I'm sick of the shoot on sight, the banditory antics and the rest of the crap that comes with going solo and also because I'm looking for a fun, friendly and to make friendships with a bunch of awesome people. You guys seem to fit the bill.

What can you offer to the clan: I'm friendly and fun and I'll always be around to help out my fellow clan members, but as I'm fairly new to the game I can't really say much else but I'm learning quite steadly and enjoy the game throughly

Edited by Akear

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My names Liam.

Im 17 years old.

My ingame name is TinkAring.

Steam ID: liammcneil

Desired Combat: My preferred role would to be more of a player who would be going into the NW airfields, supermarkets, or any other spots to be raided wall be watched by overwatch. I prefer to have an assaut rifle. So call it an Assaulter.

Reason for attempt to join: I've really just been looking for a good group of mature, right minded DayZ players that know how to play wa'll also being able to have fun in the game. I love to loot spots, and having the camps and what not will be a totally new experience as i am normally playing on my own. Joining the clan would be a total honor and achievment.

What can i Offer: I can't say that i can offer alot of things outside of DayZ, mostly because i play sports and that wouldnt help alot during a voice call. I can offer, a general level of comedy, maturity, smart, and a good group player who isnt going to run off on his own (even though i normally play on my own)

And that is My entry i hope im accepted into Green Mountain Survivors and ill be waiting for the reply, cheers.


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Name: mark

Age: 15

In game name: derryl

Steam Id: Skyguard

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): scavenger

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : I would like to join because i want to help survivors across chernarus and fight the bandits , it also gets lonely walking across the land for hours and not having something exciting to do or have someone to talk to and of course someone to share my :beans: with , i want to play the game as it is meant to be not a lone wolf but as a team and overcome any chaallenges on the way as a team.

What can you offer to the clan: i can offer my loyalty will follow orders without a question i can offer what little shooting skills i have with my silenced mp5. :)

(hope i am not to young to join)

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Hey everyone,

I thought you might enjoy some images of the camp we've managed to set up and secure. Although we're not 100% setup yet, the area is now zombie-free (spawns are locked out) and highly defensible ^^.



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In game name:Danten

Steam Id:Danten

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc):Sniper preferred do not mind any role tho

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : looking to play seriously and sick of all the damn shoot first answer later ive found a few nice people but we usally lose each other before we can trade steam names or something. i would also love to do events and raids and you can only do those in groups

What can you offer to the clan: im pretty dedicated player who has been playing all types of shooters for years since the days of half life one so i got quite a bit of expeince in all shooters. ive also learn some very cool tricks i havent seen online such as hiding from zombies in bushes when being chased and have no ammo. i also would like to help other new player who are in trouble in the wild i think that would be awesome being a medic getting dropped of to save survuors or being the sniper covering him.

Thanks for the considersation

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Where is this clan located mostly? Doesnt say anywhere. :) Edit, saw that it was probably in the US. Do you take applications from Europe? And do you guys have a homepage and/or forum?

Edited by m4rre

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Where is this clan located mostly? Doesnt say anywhere. :)

GMS Survivors are located on US-1038, Green Mountain. As seen on our site. http://gmsradio.net/

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In game name:Grim, or Reap

Steam Id:EternalDayz

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Sniper

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : i would like to join for reasons as such: sniping alone can be very dangrous your back is turned, i could use some help as well, im new a little bit, and doing things alone suck

What can you offer to the clan: i can offer long range sniping. am really good with any sniper, i have expreince for Mw3, such games for being a pro sniper, quick scoper, no scoper, and trick shot, i can offer, cover to scavengeing groups, i can take shots from over 1000, to 12000, and want to kill any bandits who atempt at killing newbies

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In game name:Grim, or Reap

Steam Id:EternalDayz

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Sniper

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : i would like to join for reasons as such: sniping alone can be very dangrous your back is turned, i could use some help as well, im new a little bit, and doing things alone suck

What can you offer to the clan: i can offer long range sniping. am really good with any sniper, i have expreince for Mw3, such games for being a pro sniper, quick scoper, no scoper, and trick shot, i can offer, cover to scavengeing groups, i can take shots from over 1000, to 12000, and want to kill any bandits who atempt at killing newbies

1200 i meantDX

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Name: Drake

Age: 18 yo

In Game Name: Drake

Steam ID: A Classy Emu

Desired Combat Role: I can be versatile; I have no issue playing a standard assault, recon, navigator, etc but my preference definitely leads towards a more scouting role.

Why would you like to join: Several reasons: 1) I like the radio station and think that the people who came up with the idea are creative. 2) I already spend most of my time in the game hanging around the mountain and it's adjacent vicinity. 3) You guys appear organized and are serious but not afraid not to have fun.

What you can offer to the clan: I can provide unwavering loyalty (as long as I'm not backstabbed) in addition to a fair amount of time spent in game (I can play often), as long as being able to provide a good set of eyes on the field in order to spot hostiles. Green Mountain and its surroundings is also my forte since, as I previously stated, I spend most of my in game time there. As far as gear goes, I'm set for the role I would hopefully be playing (Sniper, M4 CCO, PDW) so gearing me up wouldn't be a problem. In short, I can provide what you need. Having an Emu on your side never hurts either. We are known to be territorial birds after all.

*I also have a mic & teamspeak3, skype, vent, etc.

Edited by A Classy Emu

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Are we supposed to be looking at the base or the chat?

The base lol, don't mind the trolls :P

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The base lol, don't mind the trolls :P

I got to admit, that's a hell of a base. I've been wanting to get my buds to create one for a while now but haven't found the supplies to do so. I'm very impressed.

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I got to admit, that's a hell of a base. I've been wanting to get my buds to create one for a while now but haven't found the supplies to do so. I'm very impressed.

You should come see it in person :).

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I love it dude, I might come check it out as I'm gonna be on there in about 5 mins.

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Looks killer guyz....

I have to talk to my buddy but I think we would love in as well..

WE have alot to offer... fully geared with a small camp of our own... we would be giving up our vehicles and camp on our server but would bring what gear we could...

Check back shortly after talking with Azzmar..

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Name: Dailan

Age: 17

In game name: Dailandemon

Steam Id: Dailandemon http://steamcommunit.../id/Dailandemon

Desired combat role : sniper or scavenger, since i got nice aim and im good in sneaking, but if there is a hard fight put me in

Why you would like to join : i would like to explore the map with a team and dont worry about my blood level , also surviving alone isnt that funny, specially when you have to worry about each player in the game, i would like to fix and drive a helicopter some day but i cant do that without a team, I see that this team is well organized and i'd like to help, I have played like for half a month alone and I have leaned a lot of things

What can you offer to the clan: I got good knowledge of the south of the map, and I know how to move very well during the night, how to use most of the items, and how to sneak in any place, Im friendly and loyal (My natural language isn't english but im improving, if i have any mistake please forgive me)

Edited by Dailandemon

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Name: Jensen

Age: 20

In game name: KingJensen

Steam Id: kirkdk

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): sniper

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : lone wolf is fun, but team play is 2x the fun

What can you offer to the clan: 10 years of virtual military training

Edited by Jensen

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Name: Ryan

Age: 20

In game name: TheGamingRelated

Steam Id: razzall88

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Any rifleman/Sniper

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) :I want to be in a group thats well organised and adds more teamplay aspects to the game.

What can you offer to the clan: Security while you go about your business i like to kill bandits and such.

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You should come see it in person :).

I will as soon as I'm admitted into the clan. Wouldn't want to get shot on sight for be a stranger eh?

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Name: Edwin

Age: 15

In game name: Edwin

Steam Id: Lone Wolf IV

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Scout, Recon, attack

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : I've been attacked by bandits, zombies(like most people have), and backstabbed and now im just looking for a nice friendly envirement to protect fellow clan members and just have fun .

What can you offer to the clan: a fully loaded character that can scout and protect from snipers(L85,NVGs,M107,Gilli,M9 silenced) and a nice friendly attitude!

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Name: Nate

Age: 16

In game name: Baron

Steam Id: Ironmang_

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Sniper, Scout. Im pretty flexible though.

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : Looking for a way to make DayZ that much more enjoyable. Read the Reddit posts, and Forum posts and seems like a nice group I could have some fun in. Kind of a noob started playing a couple weeks ago and looking for some people that could help me learn the ropes a bit.

What can you offer to the clan: A strong teammate that's going to try to help the clan progress any way I can

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