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Green Mountain Survivors [GMS] Clan and twitch radio station.

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Name: Lee


In game name: Leeroy

Steam ID: theshockingone

Desired Combat Role: Sniper/spotter/reconnaissance

Why i would like to join: I've been playing Day Z for 2 weeks now, solely as a lone wolf, fending for myself etc, and i think being in a community would help me grow as a player, not just from a personal perspective, but also from a teamwork perspective, providing overwatch and reconnassaince for a community that could benefit from it is undoubtedly more fun and interesting than doing it for self preservation.

What can you offer to the clan: I have extreme patience behind the scope of a sniper rifle, am good up to 800m with my m24 that i've recently acquired, i have a mic and the ability to provide clear and concise location reports/bandit sightings/zed locations. Will happily lie prone in one spot without firing a shot for hours in order to keep the group informed of potential threats.

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Never-mind that, the pm/add on steam thing will be continue. However, i'm going to be offline for awhile (sorry to the people I didn't get just yet) I'll be sure to add you to the group when i'm online next!

Edited by Dr.Lyme

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Name: Logan


In game name: Bobcat

Steam ID: Cpt. Bobcat #DayZPlayer

Desired Combat Role: Sniper, Assault.

Why i would like to join: I would like a good group of trust able guys and a strong supporting team to be part of. Aslo its great to have a smart and tactical group to have your back.

What can you offer to the clan: Iam very good with most weapons at hand, im very strong and a good shot with my M16A2 and my DMR that i have found. The last military groups i was part of, I was considered the overwatch, strategically placing myself on a nearby hill to cover my fellow group-mates that were searching the town. At the same time i can easily switch to a Assault Rifle and be a supporting assault shooter, when searching towns with low yield.

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Name: Logan


In game name: Bobcat

Steam ID: Cpt. Bobcat #DayZPlayer

Desired Combat Role: Sniper, Assault.

Why i would like to join: I would like a good group of trust able guys and a strong supporting team to be part of. Aslo its great to have a smart and tactical group to have your back.

What can you offer to the clan: Iam very good with most weapons at hand, im very strong and a good shot with my M16A2 and my DMR that i have found. The last military groups i was part of, I was considered the overwatch, strategically placing myself on a nearby hill to cover my fellow group-mates that were searching the town. At the same time i can easily switch to a Assault Rifle and be a supporting assault shooter, when searching towns with low yield.

I smell a potential sniper/spotter combination here

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Name: Kevin

Age: 18

In game name: St3alth

Steam Id: St3althkill3r8

Desired combat role: Sniper, Assault

Why you would like to join: I listen to the radio lots, want to join a group and set up a base.

What can you offer to the clan: I am pretty experienced in DayZ and I can record videos for the group on me and G0Dz's youtube:


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Name: Conrad

Age: 18

In game name: G0DzONSLAUGHT


Desired combat role: Assault/Scout

Why you would like to join: I have always wanted to join up with fellow "Friendly" survivors, It seems like a cool idea for the livestream to have its own Clan to go along with the music.

What can you offer to the clan: I am apart of 2CanadianGamers and I can help produce videos of the server and of the group/clan.

Keep rolling out those tunes guys! Listening to the broadcast from Dawn-Dusk!

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Name: Evan

Age: 17

In game name: Evan Bo

Steam Id: bomaster19

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Sniper

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : A bigger group in to increase the fun of the game and I desire a more team-based approach to the game

What can you offer to the clan: Honesty, team-work and trust. Complete trust. And also over 200 hours of experience in DayZ already

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Name: Alex

Age: 16

IGN: Csoul

Steam ID: Caffeinatedsoul

Role: I've mostly played as a lone wolf this far so I whould be most comfortable playing as a scout or gathering supplies, But im fine just being an extra body if you need it.

Why whould you like to join: I like the radio, And think it whould fun to start up a big clan like this.

What I can offer: A coyote backpack, A head full of dreams, And whole lot of guns ;D (And some sandbags/ barbed wire/tool boxes)

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Name: Ryan

Age: 28

In game name: Ryan

Steam Id: http://steamcommunit...561197992616260

Desired combat role: Support, Medic, Navigator

Why you would like to join : Looking for a group of people that can get together and do things for the benefit of the group. Wandering around Cheranus is less boring if you have buddies.

What can you offer to the clan: Scavenging and slight hoarding. I tend to keep tools that will benefit others in case of death (ie. knives matches, compass). I will shoot something if told to shoot at it. Additionally, I check my line of fire if friendlies are around.

Edited by UnarmedCiv

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Name: Ash

Age: 21

In game name: MONSTER KILL

Steam Id: crazytrains

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): any at all

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : after playing for a while, the game becomes boring on my own.

What can you offer to the clan: team work, trust, online a lot, etc.

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-friendly bump-

Going to be sponsoring this fine team with a server to act as a home base in-game where we can secure some parts of the game world :).

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Name: Manny


In game name: Manuel

Steam Id:Manny Snook

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Multi-Talented, Least interested in the medic field. More of a sniper/scout

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : Im looking for a fundamental team that i can work with and have a fun gaming experience. My idea of playing Day-Z is with a group in which you can work together and gather supplies, and survive ofcourse. I walk across the wasteland looking for survivors, and when i stumble upon some, i either get shot, or get let down. I'm looking for a fun experience and realism. I want a group that i can have as a family, a family that i have to do my part to protect. I'm a team player, all i need is a team.

What can you offer to the clan: Well, We all have something to offer, some more than others. I can be organized, and i can think on my feet. I also have a keen sense of survival. I can tell what kind of shot is being fired, and i know where to look for supplies. I really can express through words of what i can offer, i can only show you by my actions. So i hope you take me in! Thank You!

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Name: Preston

Age: 26

In game name: Murderklok

Steam Id: Murderklok

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Medic/Sniper/Defense

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : I'm looking a for a group that supports the original ideals of the game. I like that GMS is anti-bandit because so am I. I'm interested in the true horror elements and survival elements of the game, not just playing to 'win'. I want to play as a team, where everyone can have a good time.

What can you offer to the clan: I'm dedicated, and honest. I won't lie, say I'm capable of something and not deliver. I've been playing shooters forever so I have some skills and I played WoW endgame for years so I understand teamwork and roles. As well as being able to listen and follow orders swiftly. If need be, I can delegate orders.

Edited by murderklok

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At last a replacement for dayz radio, ill tune in when broadcasting. Is it possible to give requests btw?

Edited by ImaffoI

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At last a replacement for dayz radio, ill tune in when broadcasting. Is it possible to give requests btw?


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Here is my steam, if you are still interested in joining; please add me there and i'll get back to you A.S.A.P. : 'Inkidda' (will show up as Dr.Lyme)



If you are still interested in joining despite the delay, please add me on steam so I can talk to you personally before officially accepting you.

Thanks again.

Edited by Dr.Lyme

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Name: Mayson

Age: 17

In game name: Casino

Steam Id: Reliquent

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Not sure...Havent played the game long enough to make a decision. Probably a medic.

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : I just bought the game a couple of days ago, and i dont like adventuring by myself. Ive played for about 4 hours and ive already died 3 times. This seems like a very fun game, and id like to play a lot more of it, and i figured why not learn the game some more while playing with a bunch of mates.

PS: Unfortunantly i cant find you on steam. Add me on steam whenever you get back from your vacation or whatever. My steam ID is Reliquent

Edited by Reliquent

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Name: Charles


In game name:The Wolf

Steam Id:charleskerby

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Hunter/Gatherer, Spec OPs

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) :

I was traveling inside the City of Elektro when I spotted two men traveling together, I was about to head north when i heard the mic chatter so i waited watched and listened for 20 mins before making contact. After a 3 min exchange we met on the roof of the hospital.It had started to rain so I decided to follow them to the office building to the north per thier invite. I'm glad I did not kill these guys when they came up my ladder :) I do not abide by Bandits but I do protect my own, and survival is just that. It would be nice to have some guys and gals to regularly count on it was a nice break from the constant stress of feeling out numbered. I would like to add my efforts to a cause, not just simple existance inside the zone.

What can you offer to the clan:

Willingness to follow orders and the ability to execute them. I have a degree of patience that might seem unerving to some, for me its my strongest weapon. Survey,Stategize,execute. I would love to have a place to store "extra" equipment and food, I know there are hungry folk out there unable to fend for themselves or just starting out.


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-friendly bump-

Going to be sponsoring this fine team with a server to act as a home base in-game where we can secure some parts of the game world :).

What is the address of the home server?


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Name: Sean McGrath

Age: 17

In game name: Xalo

Steam Id: darkzerokiller

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Sniper, Scouter.

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) :I would actually like to see more massive cooperation and fun among players and help new players with the game. Plus hearing this radio station seems like a great way not only to help supply ourselves but also other players. Lastly, it just sounds damn fun.

What can you offer to the clan: I'm a great coordinator, excellent sniper, an even temper, slow to anger, and honorable person.

Edited by Xalo
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In game name:Hashmark Johnson

Steam Id: deebo40

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc):Medic,bodyguard,overwatch,or Fire Team Leader

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) :Tired of the direction the game has started to swing, shoot on site joy killers who are shooting and killing innnocents, and fellow suvivors just for the joy of killing. I have survived alone in the woods for weeks now drinking from ponds and lakes and living off the wild animals. Ive avoided citys for some time now and want to link up with fellow suvivors to retake villages from the bandits and the true enemys the Zombie Spawn.

What can you offer to the clan: I can provide leadership, map reading and navigation skills and maturity. I understand unit tactics from real world experience (US Marine Corps Combat Vet) and I have played Arma and its prior games since its begining long before Day Z.

Edited by Hashmark Johnson
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Name: Rob

Age: 19

In game name: Kuhler

Steam Id: [AOSC] Kuhler

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Tactical Axe-handler/Rifleman

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : For fun! What better way is there to enjoy a survival-apocalypse-zombie game than by playing it with friendly individuals? I despise bandits for what they do, but a good fight is always fun to get the adrenaline going and heart racing, y'know? More people, less bandit attacks, same excitement and better chance of survival: MOAR FUN.

What can you offer to the clan: A loyal and trustworthy member? No, that old line won't fly... I need something catchy and interesting. Um... I can make brownies for everyone? But, seriously, I can offer a meat-shield for others, a second set of eyes, and just one more gun trained on those who wish to do harm. Plus, I can be a packmule. Not the drug kind, though, unless the drugs are painkillers. The munitions kind. Oh, and I can drive a stick-shift.

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