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[DayZ] What's your reaction on strangers?

[DayZ] How do you react if you see strangers?  

190 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you react if you see strangers? (Multiple choices availabe)

    • Always friendly.
    • Almost always friendly.
    • Rarely friendly.
    • Never friendly.
    • Ignore and walk away.
    • I shoot only if he shoots me.
    • I shoot only if he got better loot than me.
    • I'm a jerk, I shoot everyone for no reason.
    • Depends on situation.

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  • Was it that necessary to remove awesome [Bandit / Survivor] system, instead of simply modifying it to fit the standarts of realism more?

Leave your comments below please.

Edited by Delta-Dude

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Well I only shoot when I see them being suspicious or pointing / shooting at me and my squad, I always ask through direct chat (micro and chat) if no reaction and I see him sneaking up, pow.

Rather than that I just like to sit back in a shade or a bush and study the survivor and his way of doing things, if he shoots every zombie on sight then I shoot him from a distance so he won't be an enemy to me in the future.

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Well, what if he's possibly friendly and is just a beginner clearing his way to make sure no zombie wil attack him while he's looting?

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Really depends on the situation. I don't really support KoS but If someone is acting in wierd ways pointing at me.. looking away .. pointing back I will usually pop them. For the most part I keep to myself and just move from building to building when I need things. Although once I did stick someone up over the mic. I was hungry and he had a pistol so I had a the winchester at his back .. told him to turn around and drop food and walk forward. I told him if he turned around I would shoot him.. He dropped the food and ran out.. It was actually pretty awesome.

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Chances are Id shoot 1st cause I dont know you and Id think you are Zed. If I wait to find out, Id be dead.

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Im taking the mostly friendly approach, though Im still getting the hang of the game and usually dont have any weapons anyways hahaha

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I would tail the stranger for a while then question him in direct comms, if no answer I assume he is hostile and I will shoot him if he starts pointing his gun at me. Otherwise I just generally ignore survivors, and offer them some of my rations/med supplies, but I NEVER EVER AGAIN will give them any sort of weapon since I have been shot to the face point blank when I have given them small sidearms ._. My DMR seems so tempting they cant resist to take it..

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I've made myself a dedicated medic when not with a group, in which I'm overwatch. When I'm not with the group, my options of interaction with other people are:

1. Run.

2. Die.

3. Heal them.

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I don't understand the results of this poll. I have NEVER met another survivor who wasn't trying to gun me down first chance he got.

Are there some special servers for "nice guys"?

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The fact is that before Bandit / Survivor system was removed - people had motivation to be friendly, even though the law sanctions were "dead", they had social sanction that turned them into bandits, so people could see they've murdered someone and acted appropriately. Now there's like no sanctions for killing others, only increased heartbeating which u can hear only from 15 meters distance, what makes no sense to me, since if you're on 15 m. distance already it's like 99% you will be detected.

If Rocket want's it to be realistic - there should be ways of asking if someone's friendly without approaching him that close. Like shouting from cover, or any means to attract his attention to you, without shooting like: "Psst, hey dude, lets team up and kill those damn zombies, together we have better chances. If we open fire at each other - we're fucked". Also when he wants to make it more realistic, comparing it to the video from "The Walking Dead" he've posted - he didn't include that in real life people would understand that they are killing a living person, their conscience would speak, they would count many factors including noise that could attract more zombies and bandits..

What happens here is - I shoot, I kill, I make a quick relog to get rid of zombie aggro, I loot, I leave with a thought - who cares, this is the game, he will respawn anyway. Such "REALISM" just does not work in DayZ Rocket.

And one more thing - the only thing people are afraid of in this game - losing their porecious gear. They don't fear zombies at all.. just a crowd of mentally retarded people with forks. They are easy to deal with. Getting zombie aggro should be as dangerous as having a bandit-sniper's crosshair on your head. Currently crosshair is more fearsome.

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I'm non-aggressive

I will stay low and watch them for a bit - work out where they're headed + if they're a bandit if possible.

If they've seen me, I'll steer clear and keep an eye on them.

If they've seen me and point their gun at me for too long, I'll spin around and blast them with my .45. Because it feels cool to do it like that.

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I only found another survivor twice, first time he headshot me with a makarov for no reason. So i think if I ever encounter another player, i would shoot only if he see me, otherwise I would try to avoid him. Second time, both had no guns, but hatchet in hand, he started walking towards me and tried to hit me, so I did the same and killed him.

Edited by sebastian.w
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Use the mic and say: Hello, please, do not shot me!

If I see someone... wait... and wait, they usually shot to the girls :P

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From now on i kill anybody i see after about 10 deaths of being shot in the face :(

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I will usually shout friendly and walk away. I only shoot if they shoot, have their gun pointed at me, or if I am in stary sobor or NW airfield

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I don't understand the results of this poll. I have NEVER met another survivor who wasn't trying to gun me down first chance he got.

Are there some special servers for "nice guys"?

The thing is we've made a test with my group lately (though more like a bet). If the person was friendly, responding and didn't act hostile, trying to kill us or steal our stuff - we gave him all our loot, since we stocked up ways too many good supplies already that is just too much for our small community.

Results are following:

  • 19 out of 30 tried to shoot me on sight, even though I told them "I'm friendly" and didn't open fire back.
  • 6 out of 30 tried to shoot me, even after they called themselves "Friendly" (I was shoot 1-20 minutes after, mostly when they were behind me)
  • 2 out of 30 just instantly disconnected as soon as they seen me approaching or anywhere nearby
  • 3 out of 30 only 3 guys were actually friendly to us, and even though I gave them the chance to kill me on purpose like.. sitting with my back turned to them, or looking at different dirrection via binocular - they did not try to shoot me, instead offered help and blood transfusion if I need one. Those few good guys recieved Coyote Backpack, NVG, Rangefinder, BAF AS50, full toolbelt, M4A1 CCO SD, SVD Camo, FN FAL, L85A2, food, water and medical supplies. Those guys asked me if I'm sure I want to give this loot out and thanked me for help. Lately help or thanks in this game from stranger is equal to a fucking miracle.

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I use the old patch to be immortal and kill noobs with no loot in Electro

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If they don't see me and I see them, I'll ask if they're friendly... And only if they don't answer and look potentially dangerous do I shoot.

Normally I won't shoot anyone if they answer me, I guess I'm pretty trusting when it comes to random strangers that I encounter. :P

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The better loot you got - the less you trust, that's normal though =p

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The thing is we've made a test with my group lately (though more like a bet). If the person was friendly, responding and didn't act hostile, trying to kill us or steal our stuff - we gave him all our loot, since we stocked up ways too many good supplies already that is just too much for our small community.


Lately help or thanks in this game from stranger is equal to a fucking miracle.

I've never even heard anyone shouting "Friendly!". Actually, the only communication I heard was someone with a hatchet asking if I got any food on me. I told him no, that I had just respawned. He killed me anyway.

So far shooting first and not asking questions later is just the safe approach for me.

Playing with a larger group would be nice though. Lately it's just been a team of a friend and me. I don't suppose you're in need of more people?

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Depends where I'm at. In the cities it's a very anarchistic place, everyone shoots everyone and not doing the same just gets you killed. If I can I just avoid them, but I do call out friendly If i can before I shoot.

Outside of the city I avoid everyone. I used to try and approach them, but they have always shot at me first. It's sad what the game has come to, but I don't think Halls wants the bandit system back...which is sort of depressing. Right now bandits have a massive advantage over everyone right now, they shoot first with no provocation. We need longer direct communication chat, or a return of the skins to even things up a bit.

It sucks because the game sort of forces you to be a bandit because it's just so weighted in their favor that it's suicide not to be. Avoiding everyone is the next best thing, but we players who do that are still at the mercy of assholes who shoot people on sight.

Edited by Cheeseburger

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There's a clan called {CQF} almost 100 members and strong subordination. Don't really get what's the point of collecting all the vehicles by clan to use them only for video and streams, making group screenshots around.. like a fucking totem.. or comming to Airfield in group of 25 people.. like half of the server are friendlies.. that might be fun for a while.. but.. that's all in all stupid, no adrenaline, cause you always have ur ass covered from anything. Also subbordination.. well I can't judge - someone just likes to play a marine or soldier, for me the game should remain game, not a job =p

So yeh, we've seen them few times, so 2 of us were able to shoot 16 of them, like 5 of them disconnected, flanked us on the other server, re-logged and killed right after.

Edited by Delta-Dude
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There's a clan called {CQF} almost 100 members and strong subordination. Don't really get what's the point of collecting all the vehicles by clan to use them only for video and streams, making group screenshots around.. like a fucking totem.. or coming to Airfield in group of 25 people.. like half of the server are friendlies.. that might be fun for a while.. but.. that's all in all stupid, no adrenaline, cause you always have ur ass covered from anything. Also subbordination.. well I can't judge - someone just likes to play a marine or soldier, for me the game should remain game, not a job =p

So yeh, we've seen them few times, so 2 of us were able to shoot 16 of them, like 5 of them disconnected, flanked us on the other server, re-logged and killed right after.

How is it "Stupid" to not expect everyone and their dog to shoot you just for the sake of "having fun"? That kills other peoples fun and ruins any attempt to socialize in the game.

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