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Some PvPers come to DayZ for Easier Kills/Targets

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I apologize in advance if anyone wants to print this out and file it in the cabinet labeled: "Sh!t we already know!"

I've been thinking about gameplay, difficulty, and the human nature to follow the path of least resistance. I think some of the players who PvP on DayZ, came here because this game offers "softer targets" than games that offer 100% dedicated PvP.

WHAT?! Explain Yourself For This Heresy, Now!

Generally speaking, in other, dedicated PvP shooters, every single player is there for the same reason: Combat against other players. They practice, they get good, and they learn every trick in the book. Every player becomes very good at a very specific gameplay style.

DayZ, being a sandbox game, has offered many elements apart from PvP. There's survival, stealth, team-building, zombie-hunting, scavenging, collecting, driving, player-interaction, and role-play.

So, it's not outside the realm of possibility to say some players, who find dedicated PvP (and thus their opponents) too difficult a challenge, migrate to a sandbox game with PvP elements. That way, they are accessing a pool of players who aren't all PvP-centric. They can murder newly-spawned players, zombie-hunters, players simply scavenging, role-players, etc.

You Just Butthurt You Are Died!!!1!!1 I R Hardcorez Manhunter! The Most Dangerous Prey!111!

I'm sure you have such a sense of accomplishment. But before you want to gloat, remember:

Going on about your kill-streak in DayZ, is like bragging about being the most attractive person in Walmart down the street from the Professional Modeling agency.

Edited by bbilbo1
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I laughed at the last line.

I apologize in advance if anyone wants to print this out and file it in the cabinet labeled: "Sh!t we already know!"

Was that a quote from Red vs Blue, or am I getting the reference wrong...

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I understand your concern, but is your post just meant to make everyone aware of this? Because I think we are. You don't seem to offer anything else and I'm not sure what it is you are looking for when it comes to responses?

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I laughed at the last line.

Was that a quote from Red vs Blue, or am I getting the reference wrong...

Thanks. Yeah, that's from Sarge.

I understand your concern, but is your post just meant to make everyone aware of this? Because I think we are. You don't seem to offer anything else and I'm not sure what it is you are looking for when it comes to responses?

Oh, uh... Good point!

I just kind of made a personal observation, came to the forums and started typing. I was hoping that this topic would be a platform for others. Maybe others can agree, disagree, disprove, post anecdotal evidence. Just "general discussion" type stuff.

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Maybe, but I've come to realize that some people on this planet are just shitty. Especially between the ages of 11 and 16... I was skyping with this kid whose voice gave him away as being maybe 12, along with other, older, players and the whole time he was just telling everyone how easily he could kill them and laughing. The problem with games like these is little kids who would normally get their asses handed to them if they acted up even slightly have the same power as everyone else. they then grow some sort of uber-napolean complex. I don't know, thats the way i see it.

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Some targets are softer, IE fresh spawns, new players, ect.... however the core pvp element of this game and the more veteran bandits, provide a much more realistic, strategic and difficult form of pvp than in any other game, so gear up and stop being a soft target

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Considering that a large portion of the average person's interactions with games are power-fantasy, yeah probably.

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Hardcore PvPers should be seeking out other hardcore PvPers, not fresh spawns from the beach. There's more challenge in hunting a well-equipped, cunning enemy; not a hatchet-wielding beach-noob. But some just want that +1 murder stat and don't care how they get it.

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If you kill somebody in cod they just respawn in like 5 seconds. Killing people in dayz is way more satisfying because you can make them lose so many hours of work on there character. It makes me e-peen hard.

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Camping on a hill shooting people who just spawned with no gear is NOT PvP.

I agree 100%

But there *ARE* people out there that hand-wave that notion, rationalizing their cowardice, by saying "I'm a player, they're a player. Me killing them is, by definition, PvP."

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I agree 100%

But there *ARE* people out there that hand-wave that notion, rationalizing their cowardice, by saying "I'm a player, they're a player. Me killing them is, by definition, PvP."

Don't get me wrong, I understand it is a fundamental part of DayZ, but it just doesn't seem like any skill is involved - I know, because I tried it for fun, and it's really not that fun. The person I was grouping with at the time sounded like a 7 year old girl every time we got a kill he squealed with delight.. it was just.. so... disturbing....

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Camping on a hill shooting people who just spawned with no gear is NOT PvP.

Nope it's called target practice.

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Don't get me wrong, I understand it is a fundamental part of DayZ, but it just doesn't seem like any skill is involved - I know, because I tried it for fun, and it's really not that fun. The person I was grouping with at the time sounded like a 7 year old girl every time we got a kill he squealed with delight.. it was just.. so... disturbing....

Meeting 7 year old girls is the only reason I play dayz.

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Camping on a hill shooting people who just spawned with no gear is NOT PvP.


But.... but... but..... the game doesn't stop me from doing it so it must be legit..... you're just trying to be a carebear ruining MY fun.........

Too many people simply take the stupid path here... if the game doesn't specifically prevent me from doing so, I'm going to do it. I understand the intent of Rocket not wanting to purposefully limit pvp as it could create a cool balance of survivor vs bandit, but he seems to have failed to consider that the anonymity of the internets turn people into self-absorbed monsters.

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In all truth I am torn between the two prevailing positions here.

On one hand I fully agree that:

There's more challenge in hunting a well-equipped, cunning enemy; not a hatchet-wielding beach-noob.

On the other, it is true that:

"I'm a player, they're a player. Me killing them is, by definition, PvP."

Both are true, and the fact that DayZ caters to both of these is what makes it unique. It's an open-world PvP shitfest. I think that the only real problem is people QQing about getting killed, where they should handle it with a proper respawn. If you can't loot Elektro because a sniper is camping it, then respawn after you die and move on, away from Elektro, then. Don't be a beach-noob and run in the middle of the street expecting no one will shoot you because you're so used to the hand-holding, baby-fed, unicorn gumdrop mobs you are used to in other games.

You come to DayZ to survive. Some people are better at it than others. For the time being, however, there are exploits that allow terribad players to get away with surviving when they have rightfully been outwitted and killed, then prance off to a spot and scope out new spawns.

In a real apolocypse, I'd say it would be the same. One minute you're on your computer gaming, and the next the world's in shambles with infected marathon runners everywhere, and yea, there's going to be some kid hyped on adrenaline from what's happening that grabbed his daddy's shotgun after watching him get devoured by a horde of infected neighbors... You won't be shouting "no fair, you have a double barrel in my starting area! QQ..." No, you'd book it the other way.

Don't feed high risk areas. Campers can't get easy kills with no one to kill.

Edited by Dokrane

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Maybe, but I've come to realize that some people on this planet are just shitty. Especially between the ages of 11 and 16... I was skyping with this kid whose voice gave him away as being maybe 12, along with other, older, players and the whole time he was just telling everyone how easily he could kill them and laughing. The problem with games like these is little kids who would normally get their asses handed to them if they acted up even slightly have the same power as everyone else. they then grow some sort of uber-napolean complex. I don't know, thats the way i see it.

I was once on a ferry, me being in my 40's and some kids (well teenagers) got cheeky, constantly pulling my jacket in a queue. I turned around and went into one guys face and shouted at them. I can look very very evil and possibly could punch someones face in. Later on, some of their class mates treated me as if I would be some kind of exception. Obviously not used to getting shouted at. What the fuck did they expect?

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But.... but... but..... the game doesn't stop me from doing it so it must be legit..... you're just trying to be a carebear ruining MY fun.........

Too many people simply take the stupid path here... if the game doesn't specifically prevent me from doing so, I'm going to do it. I understand the intent of Rocket not wanting to purposefully limit pvp as it could create a cool balance of survivor vs bandit, but he seems to have failed to consider that the anonymity of the internets turn people into self-absorbed monsters.

You have some beans.

Anecdote time!

I have a friend that... I love him to death, but simply doesn't understand the concept of "Just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD." Case in point, we were foreigners in a foreign land. We weren't exactly experts on the culture. A nice person invited us to the mountains, where others like to hike for sight seeing. We kept noticing that in some spots, we would see rocks oddly stacked on top of each other like so:

Now, Neither of us knew why these rocks were stacked. All we knew is there were bunches of them all over the place out in a beautifully scenic mountain area that people come to visit and see. These rocks could have been stacked by some bored kids, a dedicated monk trying to gain enlightenment about balancing his own life, students studying gravitational forces in high-altitudes, or a psychotic fucking sniper on the next peak over waiting for his next mark. No clue.

I observe them with a bit puzzled amusement, wondering how easy it is do do that.

My freind?

He wanders over, looks at them for a moment, then casually lifts his leg forward and starts fucking knocking them over.

Here we are, guests of a foreign country and he is knocking over mysterious structures.

I have a horrified look on my face and he's like "What? It's not like it's behind a fence or something. No one's yelling at me..." Some people are just like that I guess.

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Nope it's called target practice.

I find this to be the only form of challenging PvP in DayZ, dodging rapid DMR rounds hugging my hatchet through the streets of Cherno that is. The rest is just about being more patient than the other guy in a random empty field which feels more like anti-PvP.

Edited by Electrolyte

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The problem with games like these is little kids who would normally get their asses handed to them if they acted up even slightly have the same power as everyone else. they then grow some sort of uber-napolean complex. I don't know, thats the way i see it.

Uber-napoleon complex, lol. Nice term!

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If youre dumb enough to run into cherno without a gun you deserve to get shot.

I run into Cherno without a gun almost every time I respawn and rarely get shot, maybe shot at more often than in the middle of nowhere, but I'm not sure why everyone says it is dumb to run into Cherno.

Edited by Electrolyte

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I apologize in advance if anyone wants to print this out and file it in the cabinet labeled: "Sh!t we already know!"

I've been thinking about gameplay, difficulty, and the human nature to follow the path of least resistance. I think some of the players who PvP on DayZ, came here because this game offers "softer targets" than games that offer 100% dedicated PvP.

WHAT?! Explain Yourself For This Heresy, Now!

Generally speaking, in other, dedicated PvP shooters, every single player is there for the same reason: Combat against other players. They practice, they get good, and they learn every trick in the book. Every player becomes very good at a very specific gameplay style.

DayZ, being a sandbox game, has offered many elements apart from PvP. There's survival, stealth, team-building, zombie-hunting, scavenging, collecting, driving, player-interaction, and role-play.

So, it's not outside the realm of possibility to say some players, who find dedicated PvP (and thus their opponents) too difficult a challenge, migrate to a sandbox game with PvP elements. That way, they are accessing a pool of players who aren't all PvP-centric. They can murder newly-spawned players, zombie-hunters, players simply scavenging, role-players, etc.

You Just Butthurt You Are Died!!!1!!1 I R Hardcorez Manhunter! The Most Dangerous Prey!111!

I'm sure you have such a sense of accomplishment. But before you want to gloat, remember:

Going on about your kill-streak in DayZ, is like bragging about being the most attractive person in Walmart down the street from the Professional Modeling agency.

So basically you're saying that bandits who have played ARMA 2 for years absolutely destroy survivors who bought the game specifically to play DayZ?

You don't say?

And I'll continue doing what I do best. DayZ choked the life out of my favorite ARMA 2 servers, so I shall visit my wrath upon the Day Z players.

Edited by The Poacher

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I run into Cherno without a gun almost every time I respawn and rarely get shot, maybe shot at more often than in the middle of nowhere, but I'm not sure why everyone says it is dumb to run into Cherno.

Yup. Any fresh respawn is best started by going to cherno/elektro or balota. Whichever happens to be closest.

- Nothing to lose. So if someone just shoots ya, big deal.

- And usually, once you know what you are doing, you're not even gonna get shot, but rather just get stocked up on the gear fast.

- And the cities actually are the safest places from sniper fire - lots of buildings to give you cover unlike in the small towns, etc. (As long as you understand to stay behind said cover!)

All of this PvP/deathmatch doesn't really bother me so much anymore... I mean, yeah, it would be nice to have some other kind of coop experiences, interesting encouters and all that in the game, but I've played the game enough already. Just hanging around until I get bored. I couldn't care much less if someone shoots me in the game. A fresh respawn just means something to do again, having something to loot.

...The only thing I think is unfortunate in all of this, are the new players that stumble in the game expecting something else and then get stuck in the middle of the PvP deathmatch going on.

They'll be missing a lot of the game's potential and atmosphere. (Like the night time play, using flares and all that which used to be kinda fun, but nowadays, I think playing at night time servers without NVGs is going to be mostly suicidal.) But I guess my view on this might not really be correct - I can't really place myself in the position of a new player anymore.

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