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Doyle McPoyle

My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

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Dr Phil,

How do I carry 2 guns besides my pistol in my backpack? I have a czech backpack. Which is 16 slots.

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Dr Phil,

How do I carry 2 guns besides my pistol in my backpack? I have a czech backpack. Which is 16 slots.

Edit: Oops. Find an alice pack(supermarkets/apartments/dead bodies) and you'll be able to put two primaries in there(they take 10 slots).


Edited by iminnocent

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a) always look emo eske

Are you implying emo girls are not hot?

Screw blondes and petite girls, it's meh.

You know what's the best?

Brunettes (Or... OHMAIGOD Redhairs <3), with glasses (Yes, I dig glasses, feel free to make fun of it), 'some meat on their bones' if ya' know and most importantly, a brain.

That. Is. The. Shit.

I would personally never spend my life with a girl that is as smart as a rat. A women needs to be intelligent, so talking to her would be fun and intellectual (it's much more fun to discuss the ramifications of the LHC discoveries or space than it is about clothes and "do I look fat in these jeans?").

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I have boobs. How to get better?


I suggest slowly rubbing ointment onto them. I'm thinking of joining the medical profession and need lot's of practice.

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Monster always seems pretty nice around the boards so I dont want to call "her" out too much, but I am curious.

Why do all supposed gamer chicks photo's:

a) always look emo eske

b ) always seem to have this "on the pc pic" where they are fully dressed to impress. I know I personally look like shit on the computer, dont you?

c) always make that cute sideways glare look in their photo's?

d) always attractive? I know tons and tons of gamer chicks, some are attractive but more in a natural way, but usually their finest quality is their personality which makes them beautiful. They definitely do not look like the next Suicide Girl pinup.

Just sayin, this may or may not be you Monster.

That is a picture of when I was 14 years old, surely I've had enough time to put it on my PC :lol:

I was categorised as 'Emo' back then too, unfortunately. Myspace was my thing, definitely - the sideways glare was a Myspace shot in it's most basic form lol. I do have another picture of when I was 19 - I can post that if you'd like to oggle me further.

On a side note; you think I'm attractive? D'aww. Most people just outright call me male.

I suggest slowly rubbing ointment onto them. I'm thinking of joining the medical profession and need lot's of practice.

I was in that business until recently - ruins boobs for you. :(


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don't know whether i want to laugh, cry or struggle myself, i think its struggle myself ... yep :|

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Dear Dr.Phil,

After putting in my first few hours into the apocalypic world of DayZ, I am enjoying it heavily, even with it's obvious flaws. I've been watching tutorials, streams, and ofcourse getting my hands dirty as I try to scrape a living that will last longer than half an hour. All this aside though, I feel like I am not really becoming the true survivor citizen that our world needs. I know I can be better through practice, but it seems like such a long road, when I try to give other surivors some goods, they seem to think I am about to kill them, and then we play this wierd game where I dance trying to avoid a slug in my small toe. I am really baffled on how I try to do the right thing to help build up this great post-apocalypic society we are building upon the sturty and proven foundations of paranoia and bullets, but it just doesn't seem to be enough.

Though I would like to pass my n00bdom now, I have come to terms with it and it's simply something most will just have to 'grow out of'. How ever I do not feel like I am really making the difference in my infected infested nieghbourhoods. It's becoming to the point where you just cant trust that 9 year old with the berreta to deliver the morning paper anymore. What has this world come to, and how can I as a survivor-citizen, help?

Best regards,

- MD

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Dear Dr.Phil,

After putting in my first few hours into the apocalypic world of DayZ, I am enjoying it heavily, even with it's obvious flaws. I've been watching tutorials, streams, and ofcourse getting my hands dirty as I try to scrape a living that will last longer than half an hour. All this aside though, I feel like I am not really becoming the true survivor citizen that our world needs. I know I can be better through practice, but it seems like such a long road, when I try to give other surivors some goods, they seem to think I am about to kill them, and then we play this wierd game where I dance trying to avoid a slug in my small toe. I am really baffled on how I try to do the right thing to help build up this great post-apocalypic society we are building upon the sturty and proven foundations of paranoia and bullets, but it just doesn't seem to be enough.

Though I would like to pass my n00bdom now, I have come to terms with it and it's simply something most will just have to 'grow out of'. How ever I do not feel like I am really making the difference in my infected infested nieghbourhoods. It's becoming to the point where you just cant trust that 9 year old with the berreta to deliver the morning paper anymore. What has this world come to, and how can I as a survivor-citizen, help?

Best regards,

- MD

Mr. Phil isn't in right now, but I can take a crack~

In regards to how society works now, there is not much one person can do. If you wanted to barter with people and trade goods as though an actual community was working together - then you'd have to organise this beforehand - you'll find death if you try it on the spot with a majority of the other survivors.

As for your noobishness; This can be easily remedied by having a guide to show you some things in-game. I asked Acebane to show me around and he did so without question, giving me a variety of knowledge and experience to help shape my own play-style. If it wasn't for him, I'd still be crawling through houses looking for weapons to this very moment.

Where it's had to find any kind of friendship in a game such a this - the players when spoken to beyond the virtual reality are often easy to communicate with and extremely helpful. Don't be bashful now~


[EDIT: Your text is pink. Feel the power of my colours~!]

Edited by M O N S T E R
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Dear Dr.Phil,

After putting in my first few hours into the apocalypic world of DayZ, I am enjoying it heavily, even with it's obvious flaws. I've been watching tutorials, streams, and ofcourse getting my hands dirty as I try to scrape a living that will last longer than half an hour. All this aside though, I feel like I am not really becoming the true survivor citizen that our world needs. I know I can be better through practice, but it seems like such a long road, when I try to give other surivors some goods, they seem to think I am about to kill them, and then we play this wierd game where I dance trying to avoid a slug in my small toe. I am really baffled on how I try to do the right thing to help build up this great post-apocalypic society we are building upon the sturty and proven foundations of paranoia and bullets, but it just doesn't seem to be enough.

Though I would like to pass my n00bdom now, I have come to terms with it and it's simply something most will just have to 'grow out of'. How ever I do not feel like I am really making the difference in my infected infested nieghbourhoods. It's becoming to the point where you just cant trust that 9 year old with the berreta to deliver the morning paper anymore. What has this world come to, and how can I as a survivor-citizen, help?

Best regards,

- MD

The only thing you can really do is to keep on being friendly. In time, the assholes/children/immature adults will realize that shooting a person with nothing grants nothing. Trust me, there are some good samaritans out there who are just like you(me) and you will come across one of them. The positivity will spread slowly, but thoroughly. Just last night, some guy gave me a bandage and I tried giving him a transfusion but he shot me in the back for some reason.

Seems like you've already passed your n00bdom by trying to help others. That, is a true veteran of Dayz; being able to grow out of shooting people for no good reason except to make yourself feel good.

If you ever require assistance or want to go on some journeys with me, feel free to send a PM.

And thanks monster.

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[EDIT: Your text is pink. Feel the power of my colours~!]

Why do I get the feeling that you're a boy who didn't get enough hugs as a child?

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Why do I get the feeling that you're a boy who didn't get enough hugs as a child?

Dunno. Maybe you're just creepy.


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Why do I get the feeling that you're a boy who didn't get enough hugs as a child?

well, "she" did say that she would show a picture of her at 19 in an earlier post.

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Good stuff, man. I've recently been trying to help out new players, or at least fresh spawns as they come off the beach, giving them basic supplies and such.

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Heya again, Doc. How are your travels coming? I hope you're doing well and write to you as a fellow field medic hoping to make a positive change in the community.

Holding you in high regard-

Dr. Cocks (Mercutio)

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Good stuff, man. I've recently been trying to help out new players, or at least fresh spawns as they come off the beach, giving them basic supplies and such.

Thanks. I've only helped out a few people but I'm usually in Elektro/Cherno. Very populated servers but somtimes I can't find anyone.

Heya again, Doc. How are your travels coming? I hope you're doing well and write to you as a fellow field medic hoping to make a positive change in the community.

Holding you in high regard-

Dr. Cocks (Mercutio)

They're slow but I've helped a few people(and got shot a few times in the process). Hope you're having more luck than me. Any suggestions on where to find more people besides elektro/cherno?


Edited by iminnocent

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well, "she" did say that she would show a picture of her at 19 in an earlier post.

I said I 'COULD'. I'm not one for flaunting.


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I said I 'COULD'. I'm not one for flaunting.


Monster dear, don't feel like you need to post pictures of yourself online to mollify angsty antagonists. You're beautiful, don't let anyone tell you different.

Stay safe-

Dr. Cocks (Mercutio)

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Monster dear, don't feel like you need to post pictures of yourself online to mollify angsty antagonists. You're beautiful, don't let anyone tell you different.

Stay safe-

Dr. Cocks (Mercutio)

Why do you tag your name at the bottom of your posts? We can see who you are, gawd.


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Why do you tag your name at the bottom of your posts? We can see who you are, gawd.


Sometimes I forget... Haha, no. I could, however, ask the same question to you.

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Sometimes I forget... Haha, no. I could, however, ask the same question to you.

That was the point.


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Nothing wrong with adding your name at the bottom of posts.. I do it all the time out of habit, i guess I write too many emails. -_-


Edited by Sturmen
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Ah, what a nice topic.

- iminnocent

- dr phil

I said I 'COULD'. I'm not one for flaunting.



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