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Help this kid out with getting DayZ.

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It's $24 on steam...

..Though I don't live in poverty so tough luck kid.

Edited by Vanglory

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mfw OP is actually the kid asking for money. <_<

Why would i Ask for money If I'm already playing... Can't someone actually give money toward a kid who wants to play a video game? I put money toward this kid myself..

Edited by mejle12

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>make note of OP's username

>click link to OP's "friend"



This isnt 4Chan Anymore, Learn to understand people actually want to help others. If i Was the kid trying to get money, DO you really think i would be this obvious? I mean Seriously.

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I'm going to be honest with you here. I'm going to help out this no matter how many Things you may come up against me with. I honestly believe That everyone should enjoy the game. cause TBH if the game was withing my budget I'd buy him the Whole game myself.

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Then buy him the Arma 2.

In my comment I said"

if the game was with in my budget I'd buy him the Whole game myself.

. So, I clearly cannot bless this kid.

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So your username coincidentally happened to the same as your friend's gmail address? You should put the money to better use... Such as buying yourself a styrofoam helmet.

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You type in exactly the same broken English as your 'friend', and the money he's begging for just happens to be going to your paypal?

Piss off.

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Times are hard for every one if he really wants the game he will go out wash cars cut gardens do what ever he can to buy the game .....To be honest i find it rude that people ask for money over the internet when clearly they have money to pay for broadband !

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None of you guys have to believe me, In all honesty Its fine. I just believe that this kid deserves a chance at the game whether we want to give it to him or not. If no one helps him, he will not get the game simple as that. I agree that he should be out looking for ways to find his own riches, such as a lemonade stand or what not. We don't know his situation, and what may be going on in his life, this is the only reason why I'm supporting the kid.

Edited by mejle12

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I swear the whole thing just screams bullshit.

Why would you beg people on the Internet for money anyway? It would seem like you're just trying to get the money yourself. (if you weren't, why wouldn't the kid make his own PayPal account?)

And even if this is legit, it's $23 on Steam. If you really wanted him to play, you'd've given all the money yourself. Video games are not that important, and asking for donations on forums is sketchy. We don't know if this is really what you're raising money for. And there's no way to fully prove it.

There is more to life than games. And there are lots of F2P games if he is that desperate.

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I swear the whole thing just screams bullshit.

Why would you beg people on the Internet for money anyway? It would seem like you're just trying to get the money yourself. (if you weren't, why wouldn't the kid make his own PayPal account?)

And even if this is legit, it's $23 on Steam. If you really wanted him to play, you'd've given all the money yourself. Video games are not that important, and asking for donations on forums is sketchy. We don't know if this is really what you're raising money for. And there's no way to fully prove it.

There is more to life than games. And there are lots of F2P games if he is that desperate.

Very True.

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I'd rather give my money to a charity then some kid who will likly only add to the banditry and nerd rage that surround this mod. Besides that, I honestly can't imagine a kid geting very far in Dayz, or becomeing anything more then a noob bandit who will see the game is not an ADD COD bunny hoping type game and get bored within days. I might just lack imagination though.

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