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Why I've Stopped Playing DayZ

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Welcome to alpha, this isn't the final product, QQ more about making yourself available for others to kill you, and get a better PC.

Not a finished product? Sorry but "It's not finished" is hardly an excuse.

Incase you hadn't noticed, almost no games are "Finished" - Just the fact that they recieve patches and game updates attest to that.

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FFS People This game is Alpha, None of us should be playing right now so stop slagging it off, Alpha Testing is normally private testing so if you cant put up with its "MINOR" Glitches Then Fuck Off, We Don't Need You Cause your all a bunch a idiots!!!

Glad i got that off my chest! :)

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I cant even get into a gun battle with another player because i always lag and end up dying. Wish this would move to console or somthing.

For some FPS gain, you could try some tweaks mentioned here http://forums.bistud...466#post2081466

And while I understand your frustration when game lags, I have to say NO to consoles.

The only way Arma 2 or Dayz could be on consoles would be if they dumbed it down to the levels of Battlefield 3 or COD which would be practicaly lobotomising of this awesome project.

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"But i can agree point three, dayz it's a deathmacth in a very big map, that makes you bored because takes a long time to find someone to kill. "

Its only that if YOU play it like that. Personally I hardly ever see any other players, I survive in the wilds hunting for player camps and building up my own camp.

If your playing it as a dm game you deserve to be bored and should probably play something else. Especially as with the ALT F-4 exploit most fights end with people just logging off.

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first off, dayZ team didnt only do stuff like making new models and animations, they programmed a master server reacting on players profiles, saving them etc., they rogrammed the zombie AI (which is still bugged, but what the hell do you know about programming?)

Oh but they did. ARMA 2 doesn't have zombies nor anything that uses the same textures, as far as I know. And the zombie attack animation/crawler walk? That's definitely not in the game before the mod was announced.

and what the post things have to do with alpha? the OP cries about balancing issues, zombie behavior, fps issues and clunky movements, which are all things mostly adressed in a BETA, and you guys are just forgetting this is a non-profit mod ALPHA and the devs dont owe you anything, you guys bought arma2oa, not dayZ the game

FPS issues are mostly because of the game, ARMA 2, itself. It hammered FPS before the mod, and it keeps hammering FPS even now, even though computers have become much better.

No need to tell me what I keep telling to everybody else. (The thing about mod being non-profit, etc.)

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Thanks, you've just proved my point, being too critical too soon. Why would you need to review a game in development? That's like a food critic going into a restaurant that doesn't even have the ovens fitted with no staff and making a review of their food saying it's tasteless and the service is awful. It's utterly pointless and is not needed in that stage of production.

As I said, come back when the mod is completed when your reviews will be valid and needed.

Take the "reviews" as feedback from what people experienced while they where playing, in this case he thought the animations where clunky, he had low fps and more stuff, we already knew this why? because several people have posted it in the forums and some of us have experienced this ourselves.

So theres no point in saying "HEY GUYS DIS ALPHA CALM DOWN EVERYTHING FIX ITSELF WHEN BETA" when you could just write a post that lets the devs know what were your first experiences in the game and how some graphical or gameplay bugs made you go away and or how to possibly fix them.

Sure being the internet you'll probably won't even miss the guy but at least his putting up his oppinion instead of recycled ideas.

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Take the "reviews" as feedback from what people experienced while they where playing, in this case he thought the animations where clunky, he had low fps and more stuff, we already knew this why? because several people have posted it in the forums and some of us have experienced this ourselves.

So theres no point in saying "HEY GUYS DIS ALPHA CALM DOWN EVERYTHING FIX ITSELF WHEN BETA" when you could just write a post that lets the devs know what were your first experiences in the game and how some graphical or gameplay bugs made you go away and or how to possibly fix them.

Sure being the internet you'll probably won't even miss the guy but at least his putting up his oppinion instead of recycled ideas.

its how he said it tho, that annoyed everyone he made it seem that the game was finished, and started complaining about it, the answer to his problems... hmmmm his computer his shit if he has low FPS So Buy a new one :D

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Long story short, I've kind of given up on DayZ. It's not because everyone kills everyone, the forum is inhospitable to anyone even remotely new (yes, I have played DayZ for quite a while, thank you), and anyone who even tries to express a differing opinion on the game's current direction is grounded into the dirt, lit on fire, and then has a 747 crash into them. Sure, those may have had a BIT of influence on my decision, but they were by no means the only thing that set me off.

1. I'm not a graphics whore. I'll reduce everything to zero to see a game run at 60 fps constantly, but when I'm running DayZ, and even just ARMA 2, I find that most of the time, I'm at 25-35 fps. This is not ENTIRELY the DayZ crew's fault, (I have nothing but respect for you guys and what you're trying to do) but I find that even they must take a small amount of blame for what happens when 5 zombies are in the middle of a flat field.

I'm the same, but is this a reason to quit or?

2. Clunky movement irks me. I find that it's immersion breaking and is plain unrealistic. This is not limited to the players, although they do possess this trait most of the time you run into (and subsequently shoot) survivors. The movement of the zombies is jerky and unrefined, it's almost as if they're missing multiple frames in their respective animations. You can't tell when they're about to take a swing at you, and most of the time, I can't tell if they're running. Running zombies can work very well in terms of horror and gameplay, as they provide a fast moving threat that the player has to take down with a well-placed shot. However, when the zombies move and act the way they do in DayZ, they seem more funny and quirky than terrifying and rush inducing. They'll run right pass me when I'm approaching a town, and then double back, then double back again, until they're running away from me. Besides, wouldn't a dead person's body be terribly stiff due to the effects of rigor mortis? Clunky animation irks me because it's something that is fairly easy to avoid, we don't move in canned ways with clunky execution in real life, so why should we move that way in games.

Yeah, the movement irks me too but once again... Not a reason to quit. It's an alpha and Rocket has said he messed it up.

Also the "zombies" are more infected by a virus, Rocket wants to introduce stages to recently infected so they're more like regular humans and then constant deteriorating (Is what I got from his Rezzed Q&A) so rigor mortis is a non-sequitur.

3. You guys. You know who you are. Whenever a new player attempts to join in on the deathmatch that is DayZ, you chew them up, spit them out, then feed that to your household pet, and then make them spit it out. They don't emerge from this stupidity and cruelty as "Battle Hardened Men of the Internet", they leave scared, confused, and angry. They're going to tell other people how hospitable you are, and less people are going to be interested in whatever it is you call this clusterfuck. The DayZ development team is already working with bohemia interactive on a DayZ esque mode for the eventual ARMA 3, and with the way that you guys scare those people off, how do you expect the good old folks making your oh so precious hardcore game to make more for you when they have no money. Hardcore games like ARMA aren't something that should scare off newcomers, veteran players should be helping the new ones, teaching them how to survive, mentoring them. Not frothing at the mouth and screaming about how they should go back to farmville.

You don't fool me. You started by saying "Long story short, I've kind of given up on DayZ. It's not because everyone kills everyone, [...]" and then it comes when other people may have forgotten about it...

I came into DayZ wanting to become yet another bastion of hope for humanity. Idealistic, yes, but I wouldn't call it a stupid idea. The way things are now, It's hard to see them as doing much other than becoming stagnant or becoming yet another failed experiment. I have nothing but faith in you guys, and I know that you want to do something great, but you have to make your idea grow, rather than attract a trickle of people who just barely keep things afloat.

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Long story short, I've kind of given up on DayZ. It's not because everyone kills everyone, the forum is inhospitable to anyone even remotely new (yes, I have played DayZ for quite a while, thank you), and anyone who even tries to express a differing opinion on the game's current direction is grounded into the dirt, lit on fire, and then has a 747 crash into them. Sure, those may have had a BIT of influence on my decision, but they were by no means the only thing that set me off.

1. I'm not a graphics whore. I'll reduce everything to zero to see a game run at 60 fps constantly, but when I'm running DayZ, and even just ARMA 2, I find that most of the time, I'm at 25-35 fps. This is not ENTIRELY the DayZ crew's fault, (I have nothing but respect for you guys and what you're trying to do) but I find that even they must take a small amount of blame for what happens when 5 zombies are in the middle of a flat field.

2. Clunky movement irks me. I find that it's immersion breaking and is plain unrealistic. This is not limited to the players, although they do possess this trait most of the time you run into (and subsequently shoot) survivors. The movement of the zombies is jerky and unrefined, it's almost as if they're missing multiple frames in their respective animations. You can't tell when they're about to take a swing at you, and most of the time, I can't tell if they're running. Running zombies can work very well in terms of horror and gameplay, as they provide a fast moving threat that the player has to take down with a well-placed shot. However, when the zombies move and act the way they do in DayZ, they seem more funny and quirky than terrifying and rush inducing. They'll run right pass me when I'm approaching a town, and then double back, then double back again, until they're running away from me. Besides, wouldn't a dead person's body be terribly stiff due to the effects of rigor mortis? Clunky animation irks me because it's something that is fairly easy to avoid, we don't move in canned ways with clunky execution in real life, so why should we move that way in games.

3. You guys. You know who you are. Whenever a new player attempts to join in on the deathmatch that is DayZ, you chew them up, spit them out, then feed that to your household pet, and then make them spit it out. They don't emerge from this stupidity and cruelty as "Battle Hardened Men of the Internet", they leave scared, confused, and angry. They're going to tell other people how hospitable you are, and less people are going to be interested in whatever it is you call this clusterfuck. The DayZ development team is already working with bohemia interactive on a DayZ esque mode for the eventual ARMA 3, and with the way that you guys scare those people off, how do you expect the good old folks making your oh so precious hardcore game to make more for you when they have no money. Hardcore games like ARMA aren't something that should scare off newcomers, veteran players should be helping the new ones, teaching them how to survive, mentoring them. Not frothing at the mouth and screaming about how they should go back to farmville.

I came into DayZ wanting to become yet another bastion of hope for humanity. Idealistic, yes, but I wouldn't call it a stupid idea. The way things are now, It's hard to see them as doing much other than becoming stagnant or becoming yet another failed experiment. I have nothing but faith in you guys, and I know that you want to do something great, but you have to make your idea grow, rather than attract a trickle of people who just barely keep things afloat.

Are you sure that's it...or is it because your vagina started hurting.

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If you're so determined to "Group up" do it with Real Life friends, Everyone else is an enemy.

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1. It's one of ARMA 2 limitations, not Day Z team's mistake.

2. It's in alpha stage and it has all ARMA 2 limitations as the mod is bounded to game's features.

3. It's a sandbox Zombie Apocalypse survival game. People can do whatever they want as long as it's not against the game's rules. There are many friendly survivors are willing to help newbies out there in Cernarus, you just need to find them.

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The OP in point 3 speaking about the DayZ forum community, not the in game peeps you come across.

You know who you are, The Rocket Vanguard! who roam this forum seeking to humiliate newcomers? Who somehow think they are not trolls themselves? who somehow think they are doing this game and rocket justice? who somehow think they are coming across as rationale logical game loyal fans, rather than epic grand canyon cunts.

Whats worse is most of the time they dont even suggest anything themselves. They just literally sit their browsing, waiting to find a comment to belittle, then complain about time wasting?!?!?! They are the fucking trolls!

Also the amount of you peeps who are mistaking point 3 for being "in game" rather than "on the forum" is making me ashamed of y'all.

Edited by 3rdParty
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The OP in point 3 speaking about the DayZ forum community, not the in game peeps you come across.

You know who you are, The Rocket Vanguard! who roam this forum seeking to humiliate newcomers? Who somehow think they are not trolls themselves? who somehow think they are doing this game and rocket justice? who somehow think they are coming across as rationale logical game loyal fans, rather than epic grand canyon cunts.

Whats worse is most of the time they dont even suggest anything themselves. They just literally sit their browsing, waiting to find a comment to belittle, then complain about time wasting?!?!?! They are the fucking trolls!

Also the amount of you peeps who are mistaking point 3 for being "in game" rather than "on the forum" is making me ashamed of y'all.

Seems like you don't know what I've been talking about explicitly for the 3rd statement. By saying Cernarus, I mean in-game and in forum. Don't try to talk so almighty and trolling people if you don't know the meaning from people's writings.

Aside from that, yeah I agree with you that trolls must die. Just don't feed them with yummy tears and rage then they'll die eventually.

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Seems like you don't know what I've been talking about explicitly for the 3rd statement. By saying Cernarus, I mean in-game and in forum. Don't try to talk so almighty and trolling people if you don't know the meaning from people's writings.

Aside from that, yeah I agree with you that trolls must die. Just don't feed them with yummy tears and rage then they'll die eventually.

Well, i wrote that while your comment wasnt even present on my screen, so wasn't directing at you, if you scroll back through the thread youll see the amount of comments that assume comment 3 was "in-game"

But seeing as youve responded. Nothing about your point 3, suggests your talking about the forum. Everything suggests, your talking about in-game. The OP is specifically talking about the DayZ forum community.

And i aint speaking almighty at all, im actually ranting about the peeps who DO consider themselves almighty and feel they have the right to aggressively dismiss any suggestion because it wasnt in rockets ten commandments, or because theyve "seen this thread before". They are the real trolls.

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The OP in point 3 speaking about the DayZ forum community, not the in game peeps you come across.

You know who you are, The Rocket Vanguard! who roam this forum seeking to humiliate newcomers? Who somehow think they are not trolls themselves? who somehow think they are doing this game and rocket justice? who somehow think they are coming across as rationale logical game loyal fans, rather than epic grand canyon cunts.

Whats worse is most of the time they dont even suggest anything themselves. They just literally sit their browsing, waiting to find a comment to belittle, then complain about time wasting?!?!?! They are the fucking trolls!

Also the amount of you peeps who are mistaking point 3 for being "in game" rather than "on the forum" is making me ashamed of y'all.

What is the point to post a suggestion the mod author will never implement? This is a suggestion forum, not a community project, an idea being popular doesn't mean it will be implemented, this isn't a democracy.

Edited by Lady Kyrah

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What is the point to post a suggestion the mod author will never implement? This is a suggestion forum, not a community project, an idea being popular doesn't mean it will be implemented, this isn't a democracy.

Err soo? Whats that gotta do with telling "experienced" posters not to be such unnecessarily aggressive wankers?

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Well you have to understand everyone, after a while you get tired of seeing the same suggestion over and over and over, there is like 3 suggestions on poisons where the topic title is nearly identical.

My sugegstion would be to ditch the suggestion forum for a bug/suggestion tracker that allow easy merging and flagging of duplicate reports.

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Well you have to understand everyone, after a while you get tired of seeing the same suggestion over and over and over, there is like 3 suggestions on poisons where the topic title is nearly identical.

My sugegstion would be to ditch the suggestion forum for a bug/suggestion tracker that allow easy merging and flagging of duplicate reports.

Ok yea fair enough, ive been using this for forum for over a month now and yes there is incredibly repetitive topics. But ffs you dont belittle and attack someone new, (and lets be honest its always the newcommers) who tries to post up an idea with enthusiasm, genuine desire to contribute, only for it to be castrated by "bohemia hipsters" (rockets words! i prefer rocket vanguard) leaving them feeling impotent towards any contribution they wanna make towards this game.

As much as I love what Rocket has done, he didnt think of it first, guess what the hundreds of thousands of peeps who joined this like wild fire have been thinking about it for years, getting messy with mates describing the perfect zombie game, finding it, rushing with joy and excitement to the forums to get involved, only to find a bunch of leather skinned rocket reptiles wishing to replenish their cold blood.

Sorry i dont mind telling peeps "this has been suggested before but i like dislike your idea...", but if you havnt got the time jsut ignore it. Dont chase em down and humiliate them. Its pathetic.

Edited by 3rdParty

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Well you have to understand everyone, after a while you get tired of seeing the same suggestion over and over and over, there is like 3 suggestions on poisons where the topic title is nearly identical.

My sugegstion would be to ditch the suggestion forum for a bug/suggestion tracker that allow easy merging and flagging of duplicate reports.

Also im not to sure about your second suggestion, not in terms of being critical, jsut that i dont understand how that works?

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The game itself runs nice now, i've got a pretty old pc now because of my recent study years and it works fine on 99% of the servers. Yes the zombies run weird, they even phase shift sometimes and wallhack but hey its how it is right now so might aswell just adjust to it.

Reading further i don't think you grasp a 100% of what you were getting yourself into, this is a hardcore permadeath survival simulator...

It's a game not everyone will like that have been holding hands to long with developers catering to much to the wills and whims of player communitys. This game is pretty damn hard with elements in it that will make you want to ragequit half a dozen times a day.

But it works wonders, finally a pc game that is once again hard to play and i seriously hope it opens the eyes of all developers out there and makes them create games that are hard to play aswell because the world might have finally realised that a serious life threatening challenge is what most games are lacking these days.

Where it is right now, it's not a hard game. It has bugged mechanics that you're required to abuse to succeed. It's actually qutie an easy game if you decide you don't like fun.

You can crawl and crawl to your heart's content and get all the survival tools and weapons you need, but you probably won't have a lot of fun doing it.

Yah, it's alpha, so no one can complain, and yah, it's alpha so things will inevitably change for the better. Best we can do now is to keep playing, keep kvetching in the forums, and wait for the game to grow. It's in alpha and we're all testers. You're doing more harm by stopping or saying it shouldn't change than the game's flaws are doing to you.

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Where it is right now, it's not a hard game. It has bugged mechanics that you're required to abuse to succeed.

It's not hard, but you have to cheat to succeed?


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Man, believe me.

With a little "dedication" to the game you become harder to kill, used to avoid playersand the survival iseven more intense.

Ok, the world is in ruins, society is all fuc*** up, but you can learnfrom whatever you did in your past lifes, you keep evolving and leveling up without a damn EXP bar that wouldl ruin your notion of learning stuffs.

Eventually, after some days you will see that you learned alot and will manage to survive a lot more.

From my 3rd day and 5th-7th char on I survived one week with him, only dying by the fucking debugforest.

This game, even with the !¨@%#!¨@% CoD fraggers this still one of the best games ever made, because in here the only perks/skills/abillities you gain or unlock willbe directly unlocked in your brain and not on a virtual sheet.

So, man, give it another try. Think well on what you are doing in-game and surely you will find your way.

You can even find a group. I found one and none of my RL friends are in(they don't play DayZ yet). Found my group on a local community(dayz.com.br) and we are doing fine, in one week we had a lot of good stuff and was doing very well, now we are even better.

You can do it too, it's just a matter of patience.

And remember, this is a game where the most simple decision can fu** your so beloved char so bad, so you need to play it like a war vet. And even though, you can still have fun, and nice moments.

In what game a chat between 2 players is more intense than inside DayZ?

Edited by n4ndoz
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It's not hard, but you have to cheat to succeed?


No, it's not challenging at all. You have to crawl around. Mob of zed behind you? Hop into or corner or run on a dock. Bim bam boom. Success is measured by gathering supplies and not dying. Success comes through bugs.

Standing your ground and fighting zombies is either A. Tedious and dull (Oh look, another one is running at me BANG) or B. Will result in an unsatisfying death. And yes, dying in games can be satisfying. Epic standoffs that end in blazes of glory are always a plus.

EDIT: Oh! You can also just run into a building where zombies are forced to walk. (A widely recommended 'strategy'.) How is that fun? Sure, pile o' dead zombies, but no real fun.

Edited by Moriarti
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Well, i wrote that while your comment wasnt even present on my screen, so wasn't directing at you, if you scroll back through the thread youll see the amount of comments that assume comment 3 was "in-game"

But seeing as youve responded. Nothing about your point 3, suggests your talking about the forum. Everything suggests, your talking about in-game. The OP is specifically talking about the DayZ forum community.

And i aint speaking almighty at all, im actually ranting about the peeps who DO consider themselves almighty and feel they have the right to aggressively dismiss any suggestion because it wasnt in rockets ten commandments, or because theyve "seen this thread before". They are the real trolls.

I'm sorry for accusing you for the post I've made then. The 3rd statement has an explicit meaning. It's the game's community, in-game and in its forum. I said Chernarus cause there's only 1 Day Z map atm and forum is a part of Chernarus community. That to clear things up.

Also, I agree that dismissing suggestions of new people is a bad thing but they should have used the search function before they make the same new topic again. Just a thought .

Edited by Jean Jacques Serrault
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