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Currency System

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Anything you trade is counted as currency you damn idiot0

Then what the hell is the point in making a thread about currency? There are already plenty of things to trade.

Goddamn some of you people are stupid.

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You know how money just got invented? People searched for a way to avoid trading in exchange for other items. Imagine a peasant got 1 Kilo of corn and wants to get some milk. The shepherd actually does not need 1 kilo of corn but 10 eggs. So now the Peasant with the corn has to look for 10 eggs to be traded in for his 1kilo of corn in order to get his litre of milk. To avoid this complicated and time wasting way, they looked for a currency. An overall payment system which is used for every trade. So now the peasant can sell his kilo corn for 5pieces of gold. And with this gold he can now purchase his milk.

Thats what a currency would actually be good for.

Regarding to the zombie apoc = no currency: I clearly stated that i don't think of an entirely doomed world.

And as we all havent seen such an apocalypse yet we cannot say, that there wont be currency anymore. I took an example of several games like Fallout, Metro and Stalker. Now some people will say:" K GO PLAY DIS GAME THEN".

Stating that a currency is a means of governmental control is wrong. Even the most forgotten tribes of black africa have currencies aswell. For example seashells. They may have a chief though, but this cannot be called a government.

That a currency system would make the game easier is not a must. With some good balancing and appropriate penalties up on death it should get quite hard so save enough. I was not saying 10k a zombies head and 3500bucks for a chopper, Thats just not real. I can see this by myself.

Edited by DestinyAscension
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currency is the inevitable future in a post apocalyptic scenario. Barter starts to become burdensome, that is why in every civilization a currency arises to help in trading.

I like the idea of having 3 military camps guarded by npcs against bandits where players can go to trade and form groups. A fiat currency of some kind is accepted there. Getting money can only be done by selling what you have at the military camps. That money is accepted at any of those camps as a means for easier barter. In a real life scenario, you probably wouldnt see this too soon after a breakout but sooner or later these kinds of things would start to pop up in real life. I like DayZ as it is now but I wouldnt mind trying something new like this out.

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My impression from DayZ is that we're in the middle of this apocalypse. There's a ton of zombies, and more where that came from.

From a mechanic standpoint, this is too safe.There's very little risk involved, esp. considering your suggestion of trading with NPCs. They aren't dynamic. They'll take whatever you have and give you something in return, that doesn't sound the least bit realistic to me.

By having to trust another player in a trade, you're offering more risk, more dynamics... With a fixed cash rate, the game would just be too safe, gear would be too easy to get.

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Just to make one point clear:

Have you been in a Zs apocalypse yet except dayZ? Can you for sure say currency is not developping?

An apocalypse in my eyes is also a kind of reset of a civilization(if there are survivors). A new start. everything will develop to the state as it was before. Maybe better. People just dont want to stick in that mess forever. Progress is wanted to be made.

Edited by DestinyAscension

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Dont necessarily need the NPCs selling rare items. Just buying supplies from people and then allowing other players to buy them. Its a community designed for trade. IT will motivate more coop and more objectives and more trading. AS the game stands right now, you just CANNOT trade with anyone. Its way too risky because 90% of the players shoot on sight.

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My impression from DayZ is that we're in the middle of this apocalypse. There's a ton of zombies, and more where that came from.

From a mechanic standpoint, this is too safe.There's very little risk involved, esp. considering your suggestion of trading with NPCs. They aren't dynamic. They'll take whatever you have and give you something in return, that doesn't sound the least bit realistic to me.

By having to trust another player in a trade, you're offering more risk, more dynamics... With a fixed cash rate, the game would just be too safe, gear would be too easy to get.

Totally agree. I wouldn't want to see a currency at all. Sorry OP.

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and will never be implemented makes us trolls. Also OP this is a terrible idea, this is not Call of Duty, I shouldn't be rewarded for killing zombies. Why do people like you have to come on the forums.

Edited by Womb Raider

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Neat how some prove so clear that they did not read the post at all.

"Zombie Apocolypse. That is all."

Found in the beginning post:

"In my scenario i don't see the entire world doomed. I rather compare it to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in which just a certain area is contaminated."

But the unwillingness to realy read stuff and to accept that others may have another opinion that, if not shared, should at least be accepted, is what ruining that forum and the game as well.

"You want pve servers? Screw you, its not how the game is meant to be played."

"But it would make no difference for you but I would enjoy it more? And btw, who are you to decide how its meant to be played?"

"Screw you, you not gonna get it!"

Awesome attitude. Just like that "It has been said and shot already" crap. If you dont like it, dont read it. Maybe there is a reason why ideas like that spring up again and again? Maybe cause many people would like it that way? But enough time wasted on the trolls here....

Yes, as us not liking a currency system which has no place in Day Z and will never be implemented makes us trolls. Also OP this is a terrible idea, this is not Call of Duty, I shouldn't be rewarded for killing zombies. Why do people like you have to come on the forums.

Well. I guess I would not mind if rocket adds a money item in the game and then let the player choose if they want to put some value in it. But no to NPC shops and artifical currency systems! Me personally I would not be able to care less about a piece of paper when I am starving...

That is never going to happen though, he's said he is against it.

Edited by Womb Raider
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You know how money just got invented?

It certainly didn't get invented while people were struggling simply to survive with man-eating people wandering the countryside.

So your stupid question is moot. Thanks for playing, please don't come back.

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In the interview this evening rocket talked about currency. He said he'd like to leave it up the the players to decide which items they use as currency, it might even vary from server to server. If only individual bullets were an item they would make a great substitute for money.

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There really is no point, there is nothing in-game that would convince players to use currency when trade is perfectly fine and just as easy.

Think about it this way, in real life we need money, because the government makes us use money to represent the value of many different things. Money in turn to pay for things people work hard on to make for you, but in DayZ, everyone is basically scavenging for what they can find, there is no government or higher authority to represent anything like a government unless the players decide to make one and roleplay it themselves. Perhaps if players could do that, then maybe currency would be useful, but right now there is nothing that would convince players to circulate a type of currency as they can just as easily acquire what they want by looking for it. Loot in the game is free and nobody needs any kind of special skills to create anything, people do not have control over how loot is available, therefore there is no need to kind of "sell" or "buy" items as currency is not needed.

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I can't get behind currency in a zombie apocalypse; I just can't do it. Players are better off sweating it out trying to negotiate amonst eachother. It keeps that risk element alive. A simple trade could easily be a ruse for a bandit ambush; or could go awry based on player reactions and situational context. Or it could go down smooth. You never know.

I agree with this. We already see currencies IRL being worthless when debt and inflation get out of control, why would anyone stand behind any currency when the world has gone to absolute shit?

Unless it's things like gold/silver/precious metal coins, I think the barter system is the way to go.

Either that or ammo becomes the new currency such as in Metro 2033.

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I've read two words in your 12 page thesis - enough to say to hell with that.. I've said it once and I'm saying it again

Bullets are the only currency that should exist in DayZ.

Unless it's things like gold/silver/precious metal coins, I think the barter system is the way to go.

And what use is Gold in an apocalypse? It's heavy as hell and the only good property is possesses is conductivity, and that's useless...

Edited by whatbadguy

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I'm pretty sure that humanity would disolve into "Hey he has stuff I need" *lines up shot and squeezes trigger* if the zombie apoc really happened lol. They'd trade some items (food for water/shelter etc) for sure, but there'd be a tonne o' murdering going on.

I don't think currecy belongs here because it's unfeasible that it would exist if SHTF in reality

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Currency would ruin this idea.

This idea ruined this idea.

Edited by aversionfx
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This is a world were governing bodies no longer exist. "Money" Currency is nonexistent and valuable item are the new currency.

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I don't think currecy belongs here because it's unfeasible that it would exist if SHTF in reality

It wouldn't, period. Money only has value because your governing body tells you it has value. When society falls apart for whatever reason, the only things of value are the things that are going to keep you alive. Those things being food, weapons, and medicine. Everything else is secondary.

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You mean how people trade rare items for things in game now?

This doesnt really need to be implemented, you just need to find a trustworthy person to trade with ;)

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You mean how people trade rare items for things in game now?

This doesnt really need to be implemented, you just need to find a trustworthy person to trade with ;)

Yeah. "Hey, give me a blood transfusion and I'll give you my Colt 1911"

Not "Hey, give me a blood transfusion and I'll give you well wishes and otherwise absolutely nothing of value for you essentially saving my life."

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''Hey give me your colt for a transfusion so i can kill you with your fresh new 12k hp afterwards derp"

This is what happens most of the time. But as I'm talkin of a currency that is not connected to your inventory and cannot be looted people would really have to make an exchange to get to your money.

Edited by DestinyAscension

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you cant eat money or bullets (without terminal indigestion) and barter is working just fine. Perhaps what you want is something of value that weighs nothing and doesn't take up inventory, like gold in most games.

Barter works fine, I just made a trade for antibiotics with an M24.

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I can't speak for everyone, but I think trading will come into play naturally, when/if radios are implemented. People will then be capable of communicating across the map, and able to set up areas the individuals will meet and trade.

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