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About carlgustav

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  1. liking the updates :) this thread has come on a bit since i first saw it :)
  2. Rocket has acknowledged he would like to implement crafting. Poster also acknowledged at the start of the post not everything here is completely unique. And some people are just assholes. I don't know how you made it to adulthood without someone kicking your head in. Probably by staying in your room, avoiding human contact and violently masturbating six times a day.
  3. carlgustav

    Currency System

    In the interview this evening rocket talked about currency. He said he'd like to leave it up the the players to decide which items they use as currency, it might even vary from server to server. If only individual bullets were an item they would make a great substitute for money.
  4. carlgustav

    New Zombie map (Namalsk island)

    Namalsk was awesome :)
  5. carlgustav

    Blood Trail

    Most definitely agree with this :)
  6. Thats your opinion. Feel free to keep bumping this thread which, by the way, I found both engaging and interesting. There are some unique elements to it as well. "Pretty much every point above either completely ignores the direction of the game" is particularly bollocks.
  7. The zombie aggro from gunshots definitely needs to change. The shots should be heard from further away but the zeds shouldn't aggro on the player immediately but rather wander over and investigate the area the sound came from, encouraging players to fire and move etc.
  8. Some of these are definitely worth consideration!
  9. Liked all of these, especially the herds