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Currency System

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Hi everyone,

I'm quite an enthusiastic DayZ player and I really appreciate the work of the Devs. It's really fun to play and i'm pretty satisfied with what it offers. But i'm actually missing a currency system in the game, like in every RPG. I came to this idea because back in the days we still had the side chat, people often called:"Trade gun for transfusion,gun etc." I always wondered how they would be doing it and not just bait and kill each other.It is important, that you keep every single buck from life to life,just so players maintain a certain status and dont have to start over and over again. Maybe a respawn could cost a %-age of your wealth but not everything. Just as little penalty upon dying .Well there may remain some questions about this.

Money in a Zombie-Apocalypse wtf? Where the hell should i spend it??

In my scenario i don't see the entire world doomed. I rather compare it to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in which just a certain area is contaminated. I thought about placing military checkpoints at the edge of the world with some NPCs. Why would they be there? Just as in stalker, that the infection does not escape the area. With these NPCs players could trade their cash to weapons, gear, small vehicles(motor- and bicycles , ATVs) etc. These NPC places could also act as kind of nokill- and spawnzone. Not sure about the nokillzone. One thing's for sure. They would be hotspots and would be camped. So there need to be many. The NPCs would also offer a a closet to the player for some bucks, which can be used to store some high value items. Not much though. Maybe 1-2 weapons and 10 slots of gear. Just so you have a backup plan upon dying. This is just to maintain a certain status, comparable to a Level system in RPGs. Just it can be rollbacked.

How would i earn my money at all?

The beginning of all money should be a certain amount of cash as soon as the feature would be implemented. But of course there should be more ways. The main source of income should be killing zombies. It would make killing Zs more rewarding and even new players have the chance to access some easy bucks. The amount shouldnt be to high as grinding bucks for OP gear is not intended. It just servers as moneygenerator. The focus of earning money should be trading and helping eachother out. Also selling items like fuel tank parts or scrap metal to the NPCs could yield a good amount. Taking the usage of inventoryspace and the dangerous travels into account there should be quite a big payment in the end. I also connected a bounty system with my idea. If you kill innocent players, a bounty will automatically be set on your head. Not sure about that because many banditing players might complain. But bounty usually is prestige for bandits isnt it? :) If not automatically placed, I would say players can put bounty on somebody's head. But you would have to know the name of the bandits then. Players should not know that the player infront them has got a bounty on his head. But there should be a Top-5-Bounty list at the NPC camps. So accidental kills in self defense are not a problem at all. All in all, bountyhunting would be a way to earn money. NOT only for survivors as bandits often kill each other aswell. Players should not know that the player infront. The next way to get some bucks would be trading with other players. Trade a custom amount of money for something you need. If it is a gun, a transfusion, food - just everything. I though about a special way for bandits to earn money. Players should spawn with a dogtag which can be taken. Maybe there could be added an NPC banditcamp where you can trade this dogtag for bucks. Just as a way to stop camping and encourage the bandits to really confirm their kill. The fact that you would lose a %-age of your money upon dying would reduce the farming of those dogtags. Also giving the bounty to one of your bandit friends wouldn't be possible when you lose more buck then you receive.

So far to earning money.

What is this shit all about? Is there any deeper sense in this stupid idea??!?

Yes there is. The very first and most important thing of my idea would be, that players, that really invest time in this mod, dont have to start all over again all the time. Also this idea should enable more social interaction in form of trading. If you want to earn your money you really need to help the person out to reveive it. Although scamming might be a problem that needs to be fixed. I did not intend to adress a "problem of banditry" by adding in a bounty. I just want to make it more rewarding for "the good ones" to kill a bad guy. Also the zombie hunt gets more rewarding as now every single kill would yield cash. Even some worthless items, such as scrap metal which is really rarely used would now get some more reputation. And maybe it even would kick out griefing. It hardly yields money and has no longterm use. As people will lose a %-age of their collected wealth they WILL definately care about surviving. We are all human and we dont give away freebucks.

Mhh..this should be everything for now. I apologize for typos and wrong grammar. Just in case :).It's 5am and i didn't read over my own wall of text once more ^^ . And I am very thankful for your attention so far. I hope i could convince some of you of my idea. Also dont forget to let me know what you think! Improvements to this idea? Or do you think it sucks ass? If youre interested in this topic stick to it, as i will update THIS post right here with. Either information i forget or new ideas(by myself or other post. I will link you to them aswell). I am really looking forward to your opinions. Please be constructive and polite. I'd like to have a nice and clean discussion here.

Edited by DestinyAscension
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I can't get behind currency in a zombie apocalypse; I just can't do it. Players are better off sweating it out trying to negotiate amonst eachother. It keeps that risk element alive. A simple trade could easily be a ruse for a bandit ambush; or could go awry based on player reactions and situational context. Or it could go down smooth. You never know.

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Sorry m8 ...thought out idea ..but not a good one tbh ..last thing you need in a zombie apoc game like dayz is currency. My current currency is bullets ( I load them into my gun and give the bullets to you by shooting you with them ) in exchange for your loot especially your beans.

Edited by Massicor
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Ill Trade you two cans of Mtn Dew for a MK 48 :D.

Just kidding. :3

I don't think currency would be that great in a Zombie game. Seems a bit silly.

Trading equipment sounds legit, however.

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I like the currency system of metro


It gives you the choice to either use them in a weapon or use them to buy items.

And just like different notes and coins are worth different values.. so should ammo.

ranging from the most common amo to the most rare.

Id say only 2-3 amo types.. or just 1 ammo type like in metro.

I want a new set of armor..

"that will be 200AK's and 40makrofs change"

Ammo as currency would be added or removed to use in a weapon.

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  On 7/19/2012 at 3:14 AM, U.B.C.S. Ravin said:

Ill Trade you two cans of Mtn Dew for a MK 48 :D.

Just kidding. :3

I don't think currency would be that great in a Zombie game. Seems a bit silly.

Trading equipment sounds legit, however.

Trade away, nothing stopping you.

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1) In a zombie apocalypse you are not going to see currency of any kind unless you are talking about a coalition of sorts that could maintain a form of realistic currency (of which this game can not come up to scale to).

2) In this kind of environment a bartering system without guidelines and/or rules suffices.

3) I can see your trying to make it so that when you die you don't lose everything and that just removes some of the thrill out of perma death. For example, "Its fine if I die I will just go buy more stuff when I respawn" allowing for people who have the massive bases and gear to stay that way.

4) Overall currency in a fight to survive zombie apocalypse shouldn't exist period.

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Currency is not a good idea for this mod. Currency is a medium of exchange without inherent value, but it has an agreed or "enforced" value from some form of government. In theory, you can take your currency to that authority agency and trade it in for what it represents. In the earliest days of real currency, it was in the form of notes that represented an actual amount of gold that could be redeemed. But this whole system just does not fly in an apocalypse. Civilisation has been destroyed. You want to give me some bits of paper for my gun? Get real.

Assuming that there is some significant change that stops people shooting other people on sight, the more natural system would be for players to barter.

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Currency could be a resources in large quantity that can be traded in small amount. The brass from spent rounds, unused rounds, salt, sugar, dried foods like jerky, spark plugs, fan belts, etc. Of cousre some skills or abilities would have to be created to make these resources wanted buy everyone.

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Your currency is the goods that you are carrying. Money means absolutely nothing in a crisis, because money has no intrinsic value. Food, water, medical supplies and weaponry are the only things worth anything.

I don't even know why you would want money. If you're not carrying anything valuable, no amount of zombie dollars is going to change that. Who is going to possibly give you something valuable in exchange for something that is completely worthless to their survival? You can't eat money, you can't defend yourself with money. Money is pointless.

Edited by aversionfx
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Currency? Check

NPC's ? Check

Wall of text ? Check

All posted before, all shot down and even ridiculed by the Rocket man himself on the forums and the presentation he gave at Rezzed ( which should be sticked and forced down the throats of new posters)

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I agree with the poster above, another order to chaos post. Sorry mate, its a zombie apocalypse, if it happened in real life then currency wouldnt be viable either.

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Neat how some prove so clear that they did not read the post at all.

"Zombie Apocolypse. That is all."

Found in the beginning post:

"In my scenario i don't see the entire world doomed. I rather compare it to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in which just a certain area is contaminated."

But the unwillingness to realy read stuff and to accept that others may have another opinion that, if not shared, should at least be accepted, is what ruining that forum and the game as well.

"You want pve servers? Screw you, its not how the game is meant to be played."

"But it would make no difference for you but I would enjoy it more? And btw, who are you to decide how its meant to be played?"

"Screw you, you not gonna get it!"

Awesome attitude. Just like that "It has been said and shot already" crap. If you dont like it, dont read it. Maybe there is a reason why ideas like that spring up again and again? Maybe cause many people would like it that way? But enough time wasted on the trolls here....

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  On 7/19/2012 at 9:16 AM, Piotr said:

Neat how some prove so clear that they did not read the post at all.

"Zombie Apocolypse. That is all."

Found in the beginning post:

"In my scenario i don't see the entire world doomed. I rather compare it to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in which just a certain area is contaminated."

But the unwillingness to realy read stuff and to accept that others may have another opinion that, if not shared, should at least be accepted, is what ruining that forum and the game as well.

"You want pve servers? Screw you, its not how the game is meant to be played."

"But it would make no difference for you but I would enjoy it more? And btw, who are you to decide how its meant to be played?"

"Screw you, you not gonna get it!"

Awesome attitude. Just like that "It has been said and shot already" crap. If you dont like it, dont read it. Maybe there is a reason why ideas like that spring up again and again? Maybe cause many people would like it that way? But enough time wasted on the trolls here....

We'll you're right, I didn't read the whole post, I just needed to look at the title to realise it's SHIT.

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  On 7/19/2012 at 3:03 AM, LockeDown said:

I can't get behind currency in a zombie apocalypse; I just can't do it. Players are better off sweating it out trying to negotiate amonst eachother. It keeps that risk element alive. A simple trade could easily be a ruse for a bandit ambush; or could go awry based on player reactions and situational context. Or it could go down smooth. You never know.

If you think about it there would undoubtadely be currency in a zombie apocalypse. If not, there would be absolutely no community, and then it'd be a deathmatch and everyone would be dead in months.

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Currency is useless ...makes no difference if you got killed for your gear or for your money...you are dead anyhow.

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  On 7/19/2012 at 9:32 AM, Worrun said:

If you think about it there would undoubtadely be currency in a zombie apocalypse. If not, there would be absolutely no community, and then it'd be a deathmatch and everyone would be dead in months.

not even close. Stop pretending to be intelligent. there would undoubtedly be currency? Wtf are you smoking?

No, there wouldn't be. When society collapses, the only thing of any value are trade goods.

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sorry mann, its a no from me, currency during a DayZ Is unbelievable there wont be any shops and with all these ideas that are coming up for RPG and the game will sooner and sooner turn to runescape that i would want to nuke it :D

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Well. I guess I would not mind if rocket adds a money item in the game and then let the player choose if they want to put some value in it. But no to NPC shops and artifical currency systems! Me personally I would not be able to care less about a piece of paper when I am starving...

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It's a cool idea, but I don't think it would be ideal for DayZ's setting, it's a zombie apocalypse survival mod, I highly doubt there'd be any type of currency a bunch of random un-knowing individuals would use and would know to use in the setting even in a real life scenario.

The players are what influence and help expand the thoughts and imaginations of players in the mod, if you start doing trades and do it right, you could influence some people to do it as well till it eventually spreads around. We don't NPCs to sell items, if we did have NPCs, like you said it would make things easier, and easy is kind of not what rocket and a lot of players want the gameplay to be like.

Edited by SgtPapaya

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  On 7/19/2012 at 3:26 PM, aversionfx said:

not even close. Stop pretending to be intelligent. there would undoubtedly be currency? Wtf are you smoking?

No, there wouldn't be. When society collapses, the only thing of any value are trade goods.

Anything you trade is counted as currency you damn idiot0

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