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L.T. Smash

Gladiator Arena.

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I was thinking it would be fun to try setting up some sort of gladiator arena. Get some good gear and medical supplies to use as the prizes. Post guards around the perimeter, hand out axes to the gladiators, and the last man standing gets the loot and a blood transfusion. The main stumbling block would be policing the spectators, making sure that everyone knows that there is a large overwatch that will take out any spectator that draws a weapon. If (when) this happens their gear will go towards into the prize pool.

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He is being sarcastic, :rolleyes: as in do you need 2,000 experince points to attend!!! <_<

Bad idea its not gladiator or death match shit, its a game trying to be different! ;)

Edited by Itchy

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ha yeah safe gladiator arena till a sniper team takes you all out from 1k

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do we has to have 2k xp to join team yo?

10th prestige only, please.

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In all seriousness, though, I'll give kudos to anyone who can successfully and peacefully (sans intended bloodshed) organize an event like this amongst random players.

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Bad idea its not gladiator or death match shit, its a game trying to be different! ;)

I thought the game was supposed to be what we made of it. I think that the challenge of gathering prizes, organizing security, clearing the venue of zombies and maintaining order during the event is exactly the sort of thing this game was meant to accomplish. Plus, in this situation the only people dying are a few volunteers rather than a free for all map wide death match. Blood sport has been popular since forever, and I think that a zombie apocalypse where there are no longer any formal laws and a majority of the population are hardened killers this is the sort of entertainment platform that would arise.

ha yeah safe gladiator arena till a sniper team takes you all out from 1k

That's what the security force is for. Also you could just set it up somewhere that the only sniper locations are already occupied by friendlies, a wooded valley maybe.

Or if you do use the city, cordon off an area with barbed wire except for one side and train in a bunch of zombies and the contestants must kill them all with melee and or very limited makarov ammo.

this would just be a massive riot

probably, but it's worth a shot... also GO WOLVES!

Edited by L.T. Smash
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Check this out!

I am sorry for those that like to see the game go elsewhere, but that was bloody awesome! I keep saying it, everyone chooses there own way on how to play Arma/this mod, and this is a fine example of that. In what other gameworld do you get to experience mayhem like that? Sure it's a bit sadistic, but that's a word invented by humans...for humans. Brilliant stuff :thumbsup: :D !

PS: I sure hope this shit wasn't staged, if it was....thx again, it's well performed ;)

Edited by Mercator

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This man speaks the truth...if we could find bunnies.

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