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Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

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My in-game name is Howarden.o4v

Skype is Howarden

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I might jump in for a while and give you guys a hand, BTW there is a dead sniper with a gille suit i saw earlier on, if someone wants to help me get to him ill share the loot.

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I'm crouching only 20 metres north of the Fort...in my hand a Glock 17 and an AKM at my back...carrying a Czech Pack...Maybe I can help you :)

Edited by steffen

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A couple of friends and I are close to Cherny. We will probably be on around 8.30pm GMT and would be interested in helping out.

We are well armed and I have a tent which I can pitch in the camp for spare loot. I have plenty of spare food and drink I will place in the tent for all to take.

I may come alone but ill try get my friends online to help out, this sounds like great fun and glad to see survivors pulling together for a change.

I'll post closer to the time to let you guys know when we can come help out. Keep it up!

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While i was placing some medical loot and food inside one of your tents one guy shots me from behind...im sure it was someone out of the camp...i heared the sound of the weapon...and it was directly behind me...stupid lamer...(sry 4 beeing enoyed...)

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Steffen were sry we thought u were a looter come back man were sry we put ur stuff in the tent

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Haha your jumpy sniper murdered the fuck out of our two almost unarmed friends who we were trying to gear out, and our other buddy was domed by one of your buddies before our overwatch took him down. We were just seeing if there was a trading proposition set up in the fort, didn't want to go in blazing. Oh and the dude who said friendly, were you unarmed and running towards us? I domed you because you began to loot our buddy's body and I figured you were part of the group shooting at us so I didn't exactly want you getting a gun, sorry 8(. We died to a hacker on another server so we can't return any of this gear, but perhaps we can set up some trading relations in the future for some high tier weapons. Again, sorry for the misunderstanding and slaughter on both sides.

It's all good. We have a tent set up with spare gear. Also I crouched and wasn't looting lol.

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i got to the camp declared myself friendly, they let me in, i asked if anyone wanted supplies, they SHOT ME. thanks.

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why dont you guys set up an entrance with a fuck load of chemlights in it, friendlies pick up a chemlight and hold it as they're coming in, that way they cant be armed and theyve marked themselves as friendly

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All friendlies of the fort should probably join a skype or teamspeak channel, that way you can communicate before you reach the fort and gain entry without the risk of being shot...

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Yo Yo,

Good to see survivors joining forces,

some form of signal(green smoke/red smoke) when approaching the fort could be a means of not getting yourself shot, although these things are not always at hand to use. I'll be on tonight to try and lend a hand.

Also possibly setting up small scavenger parties to go out and find vehicles/ parts could be something maybe to look into.

Lets make this a fully functioning safe haven.

See you out there!


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All friendlies of the fort should probably join a skype or teamspeak channel, that way you can communicate before you reach the fort and gain entry without the risk of being shot...

that's a good idea, you cant blame them for being jumpy, i'm going to gear up more on my server and then i'll come in and help you guys defend it

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I'd come hang out, but I'm a bit scared of bringing anything of value after hearing all these reports of people being shot :(

EDIT: Any idea on the teamspeak server so these shootings don't happen?

Edited by Dagyr

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