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Lady Kyrah

A kill tuning mechanic from a PVPer's perspective.

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I will be the first to admit it, there is no fear of death in DayZ unless you have good gear.

And likewise, no restrain in killing for the lulz.

This is a pretty simple idea, it doesn't make player killers insane, it doesn't respawn them as convicts. What it does, however, is add a respawn delay mechanic.

Every time you kill another player, from self defense or in cold blood, your respawn timer increment by 5-10 minutes.

When you finally die, the game will not let you respawn until your respawn time is over.

Why is this good:

  • It doesn't affect how you play during the current life.
  • It doesn't prevent you to satisfy your thirst for player blood.
  • It doesn't brand you in any ways to other players, you do not become a walking "shoot me sign".
  • It doesn't target specific play styles, even the "good guys" will end up with their own tab.

Why is it bad:

  • It's adding some form of karma to the game and i hate karma, but at the same time it only affect the time between two lives.
  • It is, in essence some form of punishment.
  • It lack realism, the effect is realistic (fear of death, hesitation to kill) but it's not the best "cause".

I believe this could add an interesting twist to the game. It gives value to your own life, lets face it, if you survive for any period of time you WILL kill others, and the longer you survive, the larger the penality will grow. This is an incentive to value your own life, beyond the gear you are carrying.

It should curb pointless kills, making freshly spawned players literally not worth the bullet. And if you really get off on padding your kill count, well when you get killed you will have a few hours to chill and you will be out of the picture for a little while.

It also allow to decimate a group/clan and keep them out of the picture long enough to make an attack on them or their camp lucrative.

I don't think it will change much the reaction when two players arrive face to face, getting 10 more minutes on your tab is a small price to pay as long as you don't have to "pay" your tab.

Edited by Lady Kyrah
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I kill most people on sight who have a gun, but i like the idea.

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I think the morality/karma/ethics tied in with bandit skin or no bandit skin was taken out because of the following realisation:

Sometimes people kill and there are no consequences.

Besides, most people put down the game for a bit when they have died, so if they've murdered a bunch of people, they could very well just walk away from the computer and there'd be no punishment or difference.

Just sayin.

Although out-of-game mechanics are not a bad idea and could be implemented for things like alt-f4'ers, (e.g. they keep bleeding while offline), real parts of the game should not have effects on the exterior part of playing.

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Interesting idea, but personally I'm not a great fan of real life timers as a consequence of in game actions.

If and when DayZ goes standalone, timers that prevent people from playing a game that they've paid for are going to be immensely unpopular. So a negative on this idea from me.

And I'm not even a PvP'er!

I posted a different idea re. player killing in this post; http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/36799-consequences-of-player-killing-a-new-direction/

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Interesting idea indeed.

I think, that the bandit skin wasn't perfect, but it kinda worked. This idea might work too. It's not perfect either, but I think, it breaks immersion to a much lesser extent. And as you said, it's an indirect form of "punishment". I like, how this would work on a psychological level, somewhat more subtle than the bandit skin.

Will the respawn timer reset? It is somewhat karma-like, but only like a one-time-karma, if the timer resets every time, the player spawns new.

Edited by Eiskrem-Kaiser
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Yeah the idea is that it only affect your next life, the point is not to end up with a penality so long it prevent you to play at all.

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Considering how few answers where added and how no one has been beating up this idea to a pulp, i guess it means it's a good idea :D

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I guess so :D

I'd like more discussion on this as well. But there are so many suggestions worth checking out and so little time :)

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This is a great idea, even though I class myself as a player killer, I wouldnt mind waiting.

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It is a good idea, but why punish bandits all the time? What did they do wrong? Other than. Erm. Killing people. And stuff..

But what I mean is, DayZ is a game with no rules. And to have anything that puts down bandits creates rules. I do, however, think the idea should be taken as a whole. Like, everyone gets a 5 minute respawn no matter what. This would stop people unrealistically running to their corpse, or respawning to spawn in a 'better' location.

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You play with a clan, you ran into another clan, there is a firefight, and everybody who defends himself gets punished.

I'm not going to call names here, but that's because i'm in a good mood. You're mad cause you get shot? Play smarter. Get shot in NWAF? Play with a group / Don't go there.

Sniped while looting stary? Don't go there, or go with a group or hunt the possible snipers (make a little research with the words "how to engage a sniper with balls", you'll see a real hero in action)

There is no "mindless killing". If somebody wants to act like a douch, let him do that. You just have to sneak beahind him with a dinner bell and make him cry over his precious lost gear.

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So what you are saying is, after I get all the gear and vehicles I can, the only thing I am left to do is sit in the woods and eat and drink once every 2 hours?

No thanks.

Why is it bad:

  • It's adding some form of karma to the game and i hate karma, but at the same time it only affect the time between two lives.
  • It is, in essence some form of punishment.
  • It lack realism, the effect is realistic (fear of death, hesitation to kill) but it's not the best "cause".

Bandit system (karma system) was removed because it wasn't working how it was intended to work.

They will not punish peoples playing styles.

Removing realism from a military sim is a bad road to start going down.

Edit: Guy shoots at me because he wants my gear. He misses and I shoot back and kill him. Now if I get killed I have to wait 5 minutes to respawn? That isn't very logical.

Edited by Zipper -82ndAB-
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Edit: Guy shoots at me because he wants my gear. He misses and I shoot back and kill him. Now if I get killed I have to wait 5 minutes to respawn? That isn't very logical.

What are you talking about? Of course it's logical. You're not allowed to shoot survivors, you dirty, disgusting bandit. Penalties are to be put in place against becoming a bandit make sure of that, so you aren't allowed to kill them on sight anymore without completely hyperbolic and unnecessary repercussions!

It's the only way to promote people working together!

Oh, and don't get me started on that self-defense card. You killed a survivor, even if he shot first! You're a bad person for protecting yourself! You're not allowed to shoot back! Words are mightier than bullets. Didn't you learn that at carebear academy?

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No I dropped out. Teachers always told me I would never amount to anything. :(

Then I shot them and took their beans. :D

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