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Please do a complete database/server wipe with next update

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So much duping and exploiting happened with Lets have a fresh start with the next release.

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I guess someone just got killed.

Nah I havent even played in a few days. Kinda pointless when people have tents with 50 NVG in them.

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Nah I havent even played in a few days. Kinda pointless when people have tents with 50 NVG in them.

Post server and grid up, there won't be 50 in there for long.

Edited by BennehBoy

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i think they should reset everytime they update. i mean its an alpha and the only purpose should be testing it.

still on day 19 now.

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I think there should be a Hive wipe every other 1.7.X.

(1.7.0 = wipe, 1.7.2 = wipe, 1.7.4 = wipe, etc.)

It's an Alpha and it'd probably remove a few exploits and duped items, as well as increase performance(?).

Though I AM AWARE that it'd kick a few legit players in the balls.

But then again, I've played in betas that did character wipes every 2 weeks.

Edited by Dr621

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Post server and grid up, there won't be 50 in there for long.

well at least not until server restarts

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I'm up for this. So that everyone can start on the same level again, though cherno and elektro will have more players then zombies :P

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I agree. A wipe of everything may be the best for all. Will keep the game fresh for many.

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unless the next update also fixes the numerous ways to dupe (that existed well before 1.7.2), wiping the database is meaningless

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unless the next update also fixes the numerous ways to dupe (that existed well before 1.7.2), wiping the database is meaningless


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unless the next update also fixes the numerous ways to dupe (that existed well before 1.7.2), wiping the database is meaningless

Mostly agree. Although most of those dupes took a little effort. The major one introduced in was happening without even trying.

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I think server resets would be nice. It would certainly make coastal encounters interesting... especially now with no-weapon spawning system. It would certainly take all the heat away from the North and more down to the coast. It would make for a very interesting first 2 weeks or so.

I vote for it.

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all the servers will prolly be wiped when we goto beta....

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Sorry but i think gearing up and such has been tested now for a good time so, no need to test it over and over and over again, pointless at all.

A wipe means nothing to guys that hack in there stuff, then loose it and other pick it up and so on, you only waste the time of players that got there stuff legit.

What should i test while gearing up? How good i can run, how good i can shoot zeds?

Spawn of loot testing?

I get your point of duping and such, well shit happens and not that i would care so much about not getting the stuff back i now have, i for sure know how and were i get my start gear and from there it is only a question of a bit of time and i get all i realy need.

A wipe only prevents me from testing things out like vehicles or other stuff that gets put in, i do not get the point why i or others should waste there time over and over again for gearing up, even if it only takes about 30 mins to get a gear that makes you fit enough to stay out there for a very long time.

So in terms of testing and all, wiping would not do anything then pissing some players of that got there stuff legit, the duper and hackers or what ever will not even care a secound, they know they will get there gear asap.

And sorry, if you like playing dayz at the coast, fine do it, i do not like it that much down there so why not let me play how i like it?

Even after a wipe you will find the coast guys at the coast and the others still go up north, all do what they like, wipe means nothing at all in terms of that.

Were i could agree is a wipe at the point DayZ goes beta or even better stand alone.

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A wipe for the sake of cleaning out duped gear is meaningless unless the exploits/hacks are removed prior to the wipe. Once those holes are fixed then 100% a wipe should occur. Before that happens *shrug* it will only hurt legitimate players and not really the cheaters.

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I'd vote for a wipe of everyones items as well, so much hacked stuff is floating about. It isnt like its the end of the world having to find stuff again, infact its half the fun!

Edited by raw

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