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heretic (DayZ)

Consequences of player killing - a new direction!

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I like it, I do think it could be simplified into a Sanity Meter: players start at 100 sanity, every murder subtracts 5 sanity, every hour spent completely alone (no one in direct com distance) subtracts 1 sanity point*. Sanity points can be restored via teamwork, simply killing zombies within direct com distance of another player gives +1 sanity per zombie (I would suggest giving blood transfusions but that could be easily exploitable). This could slow the rampant popularity of PVP for sport while giving legit bandit groups a fairly easy opportunity to remain sane, also the slow decay of ones mind while totally alone in the zombie apocalypse would not be unrealistic and could help promote cooperation. *Note that a 30 second conversation is all that is needed to prevent the -1 sanity for a whole hour.

At Sanity level 90: Players have a 0.1% chance of hallucinating footsteps, breathing or heartbeat.

At 80: Players have a 0.3% chance of hallucinating distant gunfire, or zombie snarls.

At 70: Players have a 0.5% chance of hallucinating voices, particularly accusations.

At 60: Players have a 0.7% chance of hallucinating brief visuals, flashes of light/dark, human-shaped shadows, etc.

At 50: Players have a 1.0% chance of hallucinating apparitions, players pointing weapons, or a player who's back is always facing you.

At 10: Player vision is unstable, colors constantly change and pulse, focus sharpens and blurs, perspective warps, basically a bad trip.

At 0: Player commits suicide (this is after 20 murders or 100 hours completely alone or a combination of the 2).

Thanks for the ideas and beanz! :)

i think that adding a sanity meter would be counterproductive and simply adding another stat to record. Whilst using the existing murder count (or perhaps humanity when/if it is reintroduced) would be adequate.

Additionally, I want to avoid actual in game penalties for players that choose to kill others. i think player suicide due to conscience should be avoided. The events suggested would be little more than distractions and ought to be randomised for maximum effect.

Like a players conscience, they could be ignored!

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He also said he would rather shut the game down than implement rules or punishments for styles of play, including PvP.

Making people go insane is a punishment.

So, yes, discussions are important but they should stay focused on suggestions that are realistic and take into consideration the things that rocket has said he will and will not be doing with the mod.

This is not one of those suggestions.

Insanity is an interesting idea, but arbitrarily applying it to people who kill other players or those who choose to play alone are both a means of punishing people for playing a particular way. So it's just not going to happen in this way. Period. End of discussion.

Everyone in Chernarus is exposed every day to all manner of horrors. Zombies are people too, you know? You are literally slaughtering town after town. Wiping out entire populations. Spilling guts and splashing brains all day every fucking day. The models aren't there, but you can assume among the infected are women, children, eldery people, etc.

And the corpses. You don't think about the corpses.

They would be everywhere. Zombies would be piled halfway up the sides of buildings. Rotting. The stink would be in your clothes. And those who weren't done the courtesy of becoming infected. Partially eaten bodies. Entrails dangling from fences. Flayed flesh drying in the sun like curing leather.

So yeah let's talk about insanity.

Lets talk about how everyone in the fucking game would already be crazy.

Sorry ZDB. My suggestion is not about sanity/insanity or punishing/penalising PvP.

Thanks for your input though.

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So basically this is another thread requesting a game mechanic for something the player may already be feeling. OK

As my kill counter goes up, survival time increases, and I find better loot, my paranoia level goes up. When I spawn, I go to a city and loot mediocre crap. If I die, oh well. But as soon as I get a bit of gear my attitude toward the game completely changes, survival means something. As time goes on and I accumulate more gear and kills, I become much more paranoid. I imagine this is true for most players - you don't want to lose your time investment and have to start from square one. That either eventually puts you entirely out of the action because you don't want to lose what you have, or you slip up and take a risk and pay for it. Then you're on the coast again.

I really don't understand why people want to make this game limiting as is. Now I'm really confused over why in the world you would want to simulate a human emotion that already exists in the player.

Thanks Huuwap, but I think that you may have missed the point of my original post. That being to heighten the emotions/fear/paranoia in players that kill others by simulating a conscience in game with scary/spooky/weird distractions that have no in game consequences.

Thanks for the contribution.

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I think if such episodes are scarce enough it's a great idea. And would add a lot to the game.

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Sorry ZDB. My suggestion is not about sanity/insanity or punishing/penalising PvP.

Thanks for your input though.

Don't apologize.

It's okay.

I read your post.

It's about punishing player killing. I don't care what kind of semantic hoops you want to try and jump through to say it's not.

More killing = more chances for "effects" = people who behave in one particular way are faced with a variety of distractions that would make survival more difficult.

That's a punishment. And you want to apply it for "player killing" which is PvP.

So, yes. You want to punish PvP. Please just admit it and defend your idea or stop bumping the thread. Don't try and skirt the issue.

Again, why not just include paranoid hallucinations in the game for everyone? We're all under all manner of horrible stress. If hallucinations are added, we should all get them.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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well, some people are just psycopatic fellows and have fun by shooting others from far way just because they can/may. i believe the game is about the surviving enviroment/history. if you want just to kill each other, make a free for all server/mod. you dont need the whole zombie background history.

[edit] thereafter you must have a "in game" consience to control there boring murderers [/edit]

i believe these so called PvPlayers are a bunch of "psychos-to-be", lacking all kind of empathy and looking for their own bellybuttons. Perhaps it is what will happen if a true appocalipse arises...

Rocket said the humanity is out of the game only temporarily. it will be back and these kind of discussion is very important, IMHO.

Rocket also stated that the game was meant to be "authentic" and psychopathic fellows in addition to people who retain their humanity is certainly authentic as I see it. You take a risk to snipe, especially in a high pop area, and you bet your ass those psychopathic fellows sniping Elektro from the hills are paranoid and anxious as hell every time they hear a shot.

The main problem is that death isn't permanent in this game (making the overall experience authentic light), so there isn't anything keeping that same psychopathic fellow from respawning/gearing/hill camping....but that really isn't a problem because that's the niche that player fits in the game world. It's easy enough to take routes that are out of sight of snipers, or flank the sniper if you have some basic knowledge of map layout.

Thanks Huuwap, but I think that you may have missed the point of my original post. That being to heighten the emotions/fear/paranoia in players that kill others by simulating a conscience in game with scary/spooky/weird distractions that have no in game consequences.

Thanks for the contribution.

Yeah, I phrased my response a bit confusingly. Basically, normal things that happen in the game world cause enough paranoia in a player putting himself in risky situations (possible contact with players, especially when seeking them out) that an in-game system to trigger emotions is completely unnecessary.

Edited by Huuwap
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Feels unrealistic, but hey as they all say, they cant make a complete blood transfusion in seconds IRL.

EDIT: By the way, if you're really concerned about PVPers/Snipers then you should just develope some skill to avoid/counter them, afterall, we all want a difficult game..

Thanks Demnish. As per my original post I have no problem with PvP etc. I am not attempting to impose a preferred play-style on others. I am merely suggesting a way of invoking an emotional response from those that kill other players.

Thanks for your input though.

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That being to heighten the emotions/fear/paranoia in players that kill others by simulating a conscience in game with scary/spooky/weird distractions that have no in game consequences.

You are going to sit there with a straight face and claim that hearing foot steps and gunshots have "no in game consequences?"

Are you telling me you don't change anything about your decisions or actions in game after hearing gunshots or footsteps nearby?

Come on, man. Hearing gunshots means a lot of time spent scouting the area trying to find out where they came from. After hearing a gunshot I abandon whatever I'm doing and go into scout mode. You're pulling me out of my mission and giving me something to do for 20+ minutes before I'm comfortable going back to my normal routine.

And footsteps? You don't do ANYTHING when you hear footsteps?

These "distractions" would have massive in-game consequences. Maybe not for you, but honestly if you're not responding in some tangible way to the sound of gunshots or footsteps then you are a terrible DayZ player. ;)

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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did someone mention "happy pill's"? whats wrong with that?

as you lose your head a bit you would have to find pill's to keep you saner. this would make it so you had to survive by moving to find pills,to survive.

rather than just camping others. gives looting a meaning to everybody then.

as stated by some whats the point of looting if you have all the best stuff?

and you can only find them outside the big places where everybody is shooting other people.

it also means you can keep your murderous strike going well into the countryside.

more paranoia for everyone then seeing as you could encounter the killers outside of the big cities.

just a suggestion as the forum topic implies.

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Don't apologize.

It's okay.

I read your post.

It's about punishing player killing. I don't care what kind of semantic hoops you want to try and jump through to say it's not.

More killing = more chances for "effects" = people who behave in one particular way are faced with a variety of distractions that would make survival more difficult.

That's a punishment. And you want to apply it for "player killing" which is PvP.

So, yes. You want to punish PvP. Please just admit it and defend your idea or stop bumping the thread. Don't try and skirt the issue.

Again, why not just include paranoid hallucinations in the game for everyone? We're all under all manner of horrible stress. If hallucinations are added, we should all get them.

Scary/spooky events/distractions without in-game consequences are punishment?

I feel that we will have to agree to disagree on that.

i don't know about you, but I enjoy the scary moments in DayZ. i want more not less. If you wish to be a player killing PvP machine who feels nothing... no problem. Play that way. I'm not trying to stop you.

Personally I want both the environment and other players to scare the cr*p out of me. That is why I play DayZ. That is what I perceive to be fun. If you don't... well hey, it's your story!

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did someone mention "happy pill's"? whats wrong with that?

as you lose your head a bit you would have to find pill's to keep you saner. this would make it so you had to survive by moving to find pills,to survive.

rather than just camping others. gives looting a meaning to everybody then.

as stated by some whats the point of looting if you have all the best stuff?

and you can only find them outside the big places where everybody is shooting other people.

it also means you can keep your murderous strike going well into the countryside.

more paranoia for everyone then seeing as you could encounter the killers outside of the big cities.

just a suggestion as the forum topic implies.

I'm beginning to think that happy pills for some folk may not be such a bad idea! :rolleyes:

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haha is that implied towards me my good man?

Edited by fishgutt
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haha is that implied towads me my good man?

No definitely not at you. My bad. But there are some folks that just seem really, really, really unhappy in these forums. :)

By the way Fishgutt... I feel that you deserve beanz too for being so patient with me. Beanz given.

Edited by heretic
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You are going to sit there with a straight face and claim that hearing foot steps and gunshots have "no in game consequences?"

Are you telling me you don't change anything about your decisions or actions in game after hearing gunshots or footsteps nearby?

Come on, man. Hearing gunshots means a lot of time spent scouting the area trying to find out where they came from. After hearing a gunshot I abandon whatever I'm doing and go into scout mode. You're pulling me out of my mission and giving me something to do for 20+ minutes before I'm comfortable going back to my normal routine.

And footsteps? You don't do ANYTHING when you hear footsteps?

These "distractions" would have massive in-game consequences. Maybe not for you, but honestly if you're not responding in some tangible way to the sound of gunshots or footsteps then you are a terrible DayZ player. ;)

I think that's called paranoia... and I kinda like DayZ invoking that kind of response in me. I also understand (perhaps mistakenly) that emotional responses are a part of Rocket's grand experiment.

And because you can't beat stimulating discussions... I'm giving you beanz too ZdB.

Edited by heretic

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I think if such episodes are scarce enough it's a great idea. And would add a lot to the game.

These would make the game atmosphere deeper than ever , awesome suggestions dude , i support!

Thanks guys. And atmosphere is just the kind of thing I hoped this idea would evoke. Beanz for both of you!

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perhaps alucinations for everybody: for non-murders, zombie sounds (and once zs can be found in the jungle...), for murders, gunshots &/or green dots...

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Heres a thought. When your killed by another player it says..."you were killed by xyz" Now if you choose you can go to website and "report" that you were killed by xyz. Now if xyz is indeed PK'r it will soon become evident my the number of reported murders assosciated with. Then they can be flagged or something (maybe given a bandit skin). Maybe you can also report people who help you. But in those situations you would actually need to ask the players name. This way we don't nee name plates.

Edited by playZ
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I like the voice and hallucinations, but maybe they could be implemented when a player is low on blood/water/food, maybe that can of food you see on the other side of the room is really just an empty ten can once you get close...

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I think I said this before, but personally it'd be really good to get some tension into the game; I WANT to be scared at night in DayZ.

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Heres a thought. When your killed by another player it says..."you were killed by xyz" Now if you choose you can go to website and "report" that you were killed by xyz. Now if xyz is indeed PK'r it will soon become evident my the number of reported murders assosciated with. Then they can be flagged or something (maybe given a bandit skin). Maybe you can also report people who help you. But in those situations you would actually need to ask the players name. This way we don't nee name plates.

Good idea.

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Still don't understand why you guys want to give bandits a unique experience in this game.

Granted, this isn't nearly as idiotic as bleeding out from PKing, but I still don't see why we have to effect bandits at all, simply because they kill people.

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Still don't understand why you guys want to give bandits a unique experience in this game.

Granted, this isn't nearly as idiotic as bleeding out from PKing, but I still don't see why we have to effect bandits at all, simply because they kill people.

Keep tryin....if you take some care to read through threads relating to this matter you might understand. If you still don't then I can't help you, and maybe these types of threads aren't for you Edited by playZ

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