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Confess your sins here - The worst thing you've d

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Found some unarmed fresh spawn attempting to kill himself with zombies. I shot all the zombies around him and then shot him in the legs, breaking them. I bandaged his wounds so he wouldn't bleed out and listened to him beg me to kill him. I ran back to some hill and just watched him crawl around helplessly for around ten minutes, and shot any zombies that he got close to. He kept saying in chat how much he hated me.

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Found some unarmed fresh spawn attempting to kill himself with zombies. I shot all the zombies around him and then shot him in the legs, breaking them. I bandaged his wounds so he wouldn't bleed out and listened to him beg me to kill him. I ran back to some hill and just watched him crawl around helplessly for around ten minutes, and shot any zombies that he got close to. He kept saying in chat how much he hated me.

Sounds like fun.

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I cripple people from the hills in electro to the north west firestation with a DMR and whatchem crawl around.

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i was metagaming 2 guys via teamspeak, stalking them for about an hour. they split up and i waited in the middle, for when they regrouped. i almost killed the first guy as he was running through the forest (the prick DCed), then i dropped the second as he came over the hill to look for me.

i acted like i had just returned to my computer:

me: "hey guys, just heard the tail end of that, got dropped, eh?"

2nd: "yeah i got hit hard"

me: "did you try DCing?"

2nd: "nah, i got hit in the-"

1st: "yeah, i did, i did. got away too.."

me: "yeah nice man. keen to group up at all? i'm just near *wherever it was, +1km*"

2nd: "nah i'm over it"

1st: "uh, yeah alright, i'm pretty close by"

we met up, and the guy states he's hungry, so we go looking for a pig around green mountain-ish. i was holding an m16a2, and planned on pulling out my DMR and pinning him when he was gutting the pig or something. i hesitated multiple times. i felt really bad about this. yeah, he DCed on me and i was pissed off, but i had actually met up with and been talking to this guy.

we stumbled across a deer stand, and he starts scoping it out with binocs. this was it, i'd hesitated too many times. "i'm just gonna take point in those connifers" i stated, which i did, but then doubled back around the top of the hill. he was in the open, standing still with his binocs out. i was holding the DMR, with a strong sense of pre guilt welling up inside me. still he should have already died so BANG.

me: "dude, i just heard a DMR *over there*.. there he is!! taking shots!!"

1st: "i'm dead..."

me: "what? oh.. well, i got the guy with the DMR.."

i did feel pretty bad about this. he said earlier he'd been alive for 17 days, but he didn't have the rangefinders i needed..

so i hid the corpse, destroying an AS50, M4A1 CCO SD, NVGs and the like in the process

Edit: i got this whole sequence on fraps. from stalking him, to the first time he DCed and i killing his mate, then up to the final blow. will youtube it when i can be bothered :)

post that youtube vid! this i want to see!

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In Cherno I found a kid with a broke bone so I went to mess with him. I found a broke down UAZ and I told him to go inside it, He went and I just threw flares tin cans and chem lights on the UAZ until all the zombies came to him and he slowly died, screaming for help.

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I got back from the north to the coast to meet my newly spawned friends. I met up with my first friend in the firestation in electro. we went on the roof to scope out the area so we could plan a route to find my other friend when i saw to guys on top of the firestation in electro. one guy had a hatchet and the other had a makarov and I said to my friend

me: look on the firestation

friend: whats the big deal to guys with crap gear.

me: should i kill them

friend: nah. they aren't a threat.

me: ok

So I aimed at the one with the hatchet and shot his legs with my DMR. His friend bandaged him up and then when he was done I shot the guy with the makarov ad hatchet man started bandaging him. after they were both done they had broken legs so I let them off the firestation and then started shooting the ground around them which both panicked them and brought a horde upon them. they were killed pretty quick since I had shot them with my DMR, but the guy with the makarov lasted long enough to kill a few zombies. after they died my friend said

friend: I told you not to kill them you asshole

Me: I didn't kill them. the zombies did.

friend: you're fucked up

Abridged version: I injured two noobs and watched them fight a zombie horde until they died.

Edited by theguy8882

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i was comming out of a light house and found a truck, in my excitement i just took it and drove to elektro because i was in a server with only 1 other person. i didnt realise it till i got about halfway to green mtn. that the truck had more guns and equipment then i had ever seen in one place. Im talking 1 akm 3ak74's 1fnal 2fnalwith nvgs like 20 diffrent m4s 3 cz's and a 50.cal. I believe i had stolen a clans stash, i wanted to return it but i had gone so far already, so i stashed it to the left of the northwestern most road behind a cove of trees and over a hill, i forgot which server it was on after i had died shortly after.

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Yell friendly, guys give me blood transfusion, we chill for a minute, he starts speaking french on voip, i shoot him several times, his buddy who i didnt know was around comes around the corner, i shoot him dead as well....take loot leave...

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Killed a kid who gave me one of his blood bags... he told me my gun wasn't very good so i showed him it was by shooting him in the ass.

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I was bored one fine night and thought of a fun idea! Ok here is what I did, I took out oh 50.cal and went to Cherno shot at random getting every player and zombie on my ass. Well as I was running shooting at them (Having a blast) I came to a group of 3-5 players, 2 were down and the others said they were out of ammo and don't shoot...well I didn't shoot I ran past. Lets just say about 3 players and 50+ zeds had some fun with that group, as I watched in the trees thought the scope of my AS50 :D (I wish I got a video of it)

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I just respawned, run through a building near Komarovo, go up to the roof and see another player scouting right at the edge of the roof. I slowly walk up behind him and hit him with a hatchet, he get so scared that he jumps of the building and dies. I continued to axe murder other respawns for their beans and bandages till some hacker teleports the entire server.

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My clan mate saw a bunch of people with a UAZ standing around it near the coast, so he ran straight through the middle of them, jumped in the UAZ, ran one of them over and then drove it straight in to the ocean. We found their clan later, they found another UAZ so we stole that too and began driving around. A few hours later one of our scouts in Cherno said that a clan was driving a van towards Elektro. We set up next to the road in a field, waited for them to drive pass and blew the tires. They hopped out and tried to make a run for it, we shot a few in the legs but they all ALT+F4'd. Their van must have been from their camp because it was loaded with high-end military grade weapons.

After taking that we saw a new player calling out and sprinting towards us, obviously wanting a ride, so we drove straight over the top of him and continued on our way. They tried to hunt us down at some point, one player tried to grenade us and ended up killing himself. Good times all round.

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i was by myself in cherno and well a group of 6 fresh spawn was running down the road and i kill them all for pain killers and just to us them as bait for other fresh spawns too this is kinda mean as i put a atv in there way to make them try to take it

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Okay, so... I had just died and spawned on the outskirts of Elektro. My friend was waiting for me at Berezino, so I thought the fastest way to just kill myself in Elektro, was to find another player and if that didn't work, there were atleast the zombies.

I begin to run through the town, looking for zombies and after less than 5 minutes of running mindlessly and with 10+ zombies behind me, I notice that I'm near the church. Well, what the heck, there always could be someone inside.

I run into the church and what do you know, there's a survivor with a Makarov. I act panicked and shout to my mic: "Help me! There's zombies behind me! Shoot them!". I didn't really think he would actually start shooting the zombies, but he did.

After a while of astonishment, I notice there's another Makarov just behind the other survivor. My evil side starts taking over and I'm pondering to myself: "Should I just ask him to kill me, or should I kill him...". After a few seconds of thinking, I decide to let the evil side take over.

I grab the Makarov behind him, and I'm so relieved that there's two mags for it. I whisper to the other survivor: "Thanks for your help. And sorry". I emptied the whole Makarov mag in his back. I felt so bad and hey, I was in the church! Was there a more horrible place to make such a dick move?

Well, I get over it rather quickly and start slaloming through the zombies outside, when I see another survivor just outside the church. I begin to empty the other mag on him, but he manages to hide from me somehow. I run around the church looking for him, but it's no use. He's gone.

Oh well, I had my fun, time to die now. I stand in the middle of the road and listen my character scream as the few zombies left are eating me alive.

Edited by HavokFI

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Had been with our survivors on teamspeak at our tent camp, while on a laptop, everybody well equipped, including a mate in front of me point blank range. After a slight outside distraction I've accidentaly landed my finger on the touchpad I have forgotten to disable, killing him instantly with a M14. He then, after respawning and coming back to the base, saved my life after being zed-raped (an instant blood drop from 12k to 5k, shock+broken legs, B&W vision and a bleeding of 400 BP per second).

That was really embarrassing.

Edited by climatex

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Had been with our survivors on teamspeak at our tent camp, while on a laptop, everybody well equipped, including a mate in front of me point blank range. After a slight outside distraction I've accidentaly landed my finger on the touchpad I have forgotten to disable, killing him instantly with a M14. He then, after respawning and coming back to the base, saved my life after being zed-raped (an instant blood drop from 12k to 5k, shock+broken legs, B&W vision and a bleeding of 400 BP per second).

That was really embarrassing.

The touchpad, almost as evil and cunning as the windows key. Another tip for players, don't alt+tab out then click the icon to get back in, use alt+tab to get back in to the game. Had a clanny misfire several times because he clicked back in to the game and it registered the click as a shot.

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I hope to find forgiveness for my sins here....

but there are not so many ;)

once i walked around a corner in the suburbs of cherno and a player was standing right in front of me... i had nothing in my hands (fresh spawn), und he was standing there with his enfield. he didnt shoot, and started slowly walking towards me (think he wanted to move on as i was no threat to him). as he approached me, i saw green text popping up, open czech vest/bag (cant remember).... well i could not resist the temptation, and looked inside it. there was a makarov, which i grabbed whit an evil laughter. when he saw the gun in my hands things got very hectic, i started reloading and he tried to hit me with the enfield, what is difficult at close distance if the target is running around. finally he won the firefight, but i think he got hit to much by the makarov, and he bleeded to death shortly after. when i searched his dead body i found basically nothing, and im still wondering why he was carrying a gun in the backpack.

i was really ashamed of this action and changed my name instantly ;) well, i think one more player will now shoot instantly when meeting someone, thx to me...

the other story is about our camp, well we were (or still are) total noobs, and marked our camp at the ingame map. we went out for some robbery, and as we came back half an hour later we found our tents partially empty. i wouldnt even have noticed it if the m16 was still there. as we were going out for some barbeque this evening, we didnt have the time to move our tents. so we just logged out and thought "shit".

after taking a shower and so on, some minutes before i had to leave, i decided to go back to my pc, and check our camp. i laid down where spawned (i always log out a few metres away) and waited. after less then a minute i saw something behind a tent directly in front of me, but it instantly disappeared. i wasnt shure if my friend logged in again, so i decided to wait. after a few seconds i saw the head again, and it was clearly an hostile player... my heart started racing, and my hands began to shake, but i got him with a clean headshot form my enfield. i knew those guy, because i had spotted him twice before, and i knew that his friend must be near, very near... so my heart started racing even more, what a shock on sunny saturday afternoon.. the second player came around a tent on the right side of me, only 5 metres away and instantly openend fire with an m16. i hit him in the torso, and not single bullet of him was on target.

i plundered their bodies, took everything i could maybe use and then i have hidden them both, just for revenge. if i only could, i would have burned those scavenging rats.

Edited by Axe Murder 2

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I had just spawned in at balota so I ran to the airfield, there I met two nice guys who killed the zombies chasing me and they also provided me with a g17. I had a graphical error so I decided I would re-connect and they had gone when I came back, off in the distance I saw a man in a ghillie suit running towards me so I decided to open fire. He was probably a hacker, he had an Fn Fal, nv goggles, ghillie suit and all the rare essentials one would need to survive so I looted him and began making my way towards Cherno where I had organised to meet with a friend of mine.

When I met up with my friend in Cherno he called out two guys he saw lurking in the darkness, he asked if he could shoot them but he only had a m1911 and they proceeded to reveal themselves and call "friendly" in chat, I realised it was the guys from before and they were both heavily armed by now. I stopped to talk to them, telling them my friend was with me but then all of a sudden my friend opened fire on one of the guys, missing nearly every bullet he shot (I think he hit him once or twice) and I freaked and shot my friend at point blank with the FAL, my friend didn't let me know he was going to open fire through skype. They had both dispersed but after a minute I called them out on chat and they came to my position the guy my friend had shot was bleeding and he got medical attention from the other rand, I thanked them for the g17 they had given me because it had aided in killing a bandit with nice loot and they seemed very surprised. While they were healing I proceeded to pull out the g17 they had given me and I popped both of them twice in the head, finishing my friends failed attempt at murder.

So basically I had killed my mate and two guys who had helped me kill a bandit for nice loot.

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All the people here are awesome/terrible including me! I killed someone in a gillie suit with a hatchet as he was logging out xD funniest thing was he rejoined and raged into VIOP

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Simple - what is the worst thing you've ever done to other players?

Here is my story: I walked to the Krasnostav airfield to see if I could find some military grade weapons. I found much more than that - a helicopter, a tent with an AK-74, Remington, and AKM, all with full ammo. Also inside the tent was a full list of car parts and medical and utility gear.

I tell my friend to log on and get here so we can distribute our loot. He arrives at the airstrip and we are about ready to leave when - all of a sudden - my friends yells, "OH SHIT, there is a car coming!"

We book it into one of the hangars and hear him park the car near us and get out. We wait. One minute goes by - silence. Two minutes. Five minutes. Finally we decide to move out when gunfire begins. He opened fire at us from the opposite hangar, but luckily my friend spun around and shot him in the head like a boss. We promptly took his car, blew up the helicopter, and left.

y not take the car and the chopper

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called friendly then had my buddy snipe him so i could get some water.

don't feel bad about it tho

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Simple - what is the worst thing you've ever done to other players?

Here is my story: I walked to the Krasnostav airfield to see if I could find some military grade weapons. I found much more than that - a helicopter, a tent with an AK-74, Remington, and AKM, all with full ammo. Also inside the tent was a full list of car parts and medical and utility gear.

I tell my friend to log on and get here so we can distribute our loot. He arrives at the airstrip and we are about ready to leave when - all of a sudden - my friends yells, "OH SHIT, there is a car coming!"

We book it into one of the hangars and hear him park the car near us and get out. We wait. One minute goes by - silence. Two minutes. Five minutes. Finally we decide to move out when gunfire begins. He opened fire at us from the opposite hangar, but luckily my friend spun around and shot him in the head like a boss. We promptly took his car, blew up the helicopter, and left.

everything was perfectly normal until i read "blew up the helicopter".. seriously? whats the matter with you? just steal it nigga..

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I was looting elektro, and i saw this guy running around, and it looked like he had a gun, so i killed him, walked over to loot him, and he didnt have any gun. I felt so bad after cause i hate when i killed unarmed people ;(.

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okay.... I'll admit it... I did something pretty fucked up and wrong. I saw a survivor running along the coast (was going to meet up with a friend), and rather than kill him... I shot him in the legs and left him. We were probably between Cherno and Balotta. Yeah, pretty messed up. I felt bad. But then I moved on with my life.

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