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Confess your sins here - The worst thing you've d

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Mine's gonna be pretty tame compared to a lot of people here because I just started and, as such, I'm still kind of a straight shooter (more by necessity than anything).

However, today I committed my first murder. I was moving through Cherno looting various buildings at the start of a life. As usual, I had a zombie hoard chasing me, but no big deal, right? Anyway, I ran into the school (at least I think it's a school) to slow down the zombies and catch a breather. I went in one of the side doors with the long hallway. I rounded the corner near the back door and, standing a few feet away, I ran into another player. Fortunately for me, he had his back to me. He was looking out the window and was well armed (I believe he had a Winchester).

With zombies on my tail and a desire to finish looting and head north, I promptly put a shotgun blast into the guy's back. I did feel bad about it, as he never even knew what was coming, but I didn't feel like risking half a pack on the 50/50 chance that he wouldn't shoot me if I spared him. Also, with zombies incoming, holding him up wasn't an option.

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Was hunting in Cherno today when I spotted a survivor running to the fire station, right down the middle of the road. I don't pity the people who run out in the open like that. I shot him in the leg with my SVD just as he got near the concrete wall; he tried crawling behind the wall for cover. Those few moments were all I needed to pull out my M4 holo and drop an M203 HE on top of his head.

I saw his body bounce back out from behind the wall, seeming very dead!

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Last life I finally went full bandit.

First of all I found two bicycles at a lighthouse and was doing dumb shit like this:

I later dismounted and hacked the poor nooby to death. It had begun.

Unfortunately this experience broke my bike, so I spent a little time retrieving the other and headed inland, finding a lee Enfield along the way. Scavenging at one of those big ass barns, I see a survivor run into one of the smaller buildings. Well aware how valuable my Bike is, I creep closer until I'm outside the building.

"Friendly!" I shout. At this stage I genuinely meant it. At first there is no response, and then two flares are tossed out of the doorway. It's quite a zombie populated area, so this pisses me off. "Stop please!" I yell, "Friendly!" I repeat. Finally a response. The guy replies in text with a "Friendly" and begins creeping out of the barn. I'm not convinced. Because of my angle I don't think he can quite see me, and he's clearly scoping the area out. He was armed, well equipped...I shoot him in the face.

"SORRY MAN I COULDN'T TRUST YOU!" I yell. Then I see more movement. There's another survivor with him!

I swear these guys are blind because this one was crouching in the doorway giving me an angle. This time there is no hesitation: Once you kill a man's friend you better be prepared to kill him too. I blow him away.

Anyways, I open their bags and realise I've hit the mother lode: An ALICE backpack, all the survival gear I was lacking, ammunition, meat, a spare shotgun, even a grenade. I was a little low on blood so a few steaks would save my life.

Now what happened next, I'm not entirely sure. It's just possible that I didn't kill the second guy, because I didn't headshot him like the first and saw him bleeding. Maybe he recovered in time. Maybe it was an avenging friend, or a random passerby. But I hear a gunshot and suddenly I'm on the ground, bleeding out.

"Fair 'nuff" I croak as I bleed to death, envisioning an eternity in hell. "Fair...Enough"

Edited by Conor88

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The seven of us exited the camp, fenced it back off with everyone inside, we then surrounded the camp, and opened fire.


There was no escape.

Reminds me of a viking revenge tale I heard. They sat a house on fire. When the last enemy put his head out of the door to gasp for air, the viking cut his head off with his sword, and said "How convenient!"

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My friend and I were on our way to Cherno, arguing over where the AKM i was going to give him went, the second we stopped arguing we noticed two survivors running along the road. We instantly proned and lit them up with double AK fire shooting at least 60 bullets. We then proceeded to Cherno where we found a guy with an empty shotgun trying to hold us up. We freshly load our ak's to show him we ain't empty and he instantly was all "friendly friendly" we are like okay "friendly...right" then right as he turns around we both pull out .45 revolvers and blast two holes in the back of his head boondock saints style xD i liked the shotgun though...i had ammo for it unlike him :P

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As a fresh spawn, no gear, but having a few weeks gameplay under my belt; I legged to to cherno.

I picked up a few zombies along the way but wasn't too worried as they're easy enough to lose in the city. I spotted a reasonably well equiped guy on an ATV just flying around with an AKM on his back, with his friend who had a DMR.

Shouting over direct, I asked him for a ride away from the zombies, told him it was my second spawn. He was cautious, but obliged.

Having driven me to safety I asked him in a most retarded manner "Uh, how do I get a gun. I found an mackerov in one of those red door'd buildings."

He laughed in a jovial fashion, chalking my silly question up to noob's innocence. He said he'd help me get on my feet.

First he brought me to the general store (his friend is providing sniper cover for us the entire time, dropping zombies quite well,) and gets me an alice pack. I pretend to not know how to equip it and he details the steps repeatedly and patiently until I put the bag on. He stocks me up with food, and gives me medical supplies. Blood bags and morphine.

Then he brings me to the firestation, and gets me an akm, there's no ammo, so he gives me two magazines of his own. I keep thanking him repeatedly like this is the best gear ever, and he just keeps laughing in an "oh, I'm such a nice uber-pro" kind of way.

He tells me he's going off with his friend, but I'm welcome to keep the ATV. It was in perfect nick.

After we said our good byes, and I wished him all the best, and he the same for me; I put ten rounds in his back, robbed him, and ghosted his friend.

Tim, when next we meet, I'll do it again.

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I was running through the forest I and I see 2 seemingly helpless noobs (both of them only had pistols), and they asked if I knew which way to Cherno (I guess they were lost). I tell them which way (the actual correct way) and as soon as they got about 50 meters away I pulled out my Enfield and shot them in the back. I got an Alice pack and some matches and food for my trouble :P

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I Was at the NW airfield yesterday. Some clan was killing zombies and looting so I used my AKM from the trees and shot one dead. One guy must have accused another of killing his firend and shot him in the face. I proceeded to pop that guy in the skull as well as another buddy of his. Got some nice loot. Left a DMR as it's not my choice of weapon but was able to pull 4 mags for my AKM as well as a Coyote pack. Thanks morons!

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Me and a friend were looting the store in cherno (was my friends first day playing), he suddenly tells me a guy with a crossbow is looking at him, saying friendly, i walk in from the back room to them, (friend had no weapon, i had an ak) tell him to leave if he's friendly, moment his back is turned i load a few bullets into him, then take the crossbow for my friend.

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Was scoping out Stary the other day from the southern hillside when I noticed zombies had already spawned. Getting into position with my DMR, I watched and found two guys shooting at zombies on the eastern edge of the town. One of them had and AKM and couldn't tell what the other one was, sounded like a small pistol though.

Assuming a group with good weapons was going to be dangerous (and might have good loot), I decided to set up and take a shot. Turned out perfectly as the first guy decided to go the construction site on the east edge of the town and climb up the stairs slowly. Waited for my shot at the second though and it payed off as he stopped on the stairs and turned around to shoot at the zombies following them. One shot, he went down.

Couldn't see the other guy in the construction site at the time but kept an eye out and eventually saw him crawling across the catwalks, probably hoping I was on a lower elevation and couldn't see him.

Right before I shot I decided to check the dead body on the stairs, just in case, and sure enough another guy was there on the landing trying to get the items back. Seems there was three of them and the first was a diversion. One shot, the guy on the landing went down too.

Think the last guy paniced and ran around the catwalks for a bit after that. When he finally realized the only escape was down the ladder (bravo to him for not d/c'ing), I managed to get two body shots in and dropped him too.

Once that was done I went into the city to see what they had, taking it slow and careful to avoid other snipers and the zombies that infested the area. As I got close, I heard a shot just over a small hill, on the other side of the construction site. Froze for a full minute before moving on, not able to see anyone. Went up the stairs and checked inside the construction site, seeing the dead bodies of the two on the stairs and the one at the bottom of the ladder was good, but then I spotted another player. I think this was the guy who fired the gun on the other side of the building and he had entered into the ground floor of the building and was now looting the guy who had been on the ladder.

Pulled out my M1911, thinking maybe he was with the same group as well and would be looking for revenge, and popped a full clip into his neck. Guy dropped like a sack of potatoes and now I was stuck with the overbearing sound of four dead bodies, all with flies, in one building. Joy.

Worst part is that they really didn't have anything good on them, except the AKM (which I didn't need). Only got a thing of morphine and an empty water bottle off of them, felt really bad about it afterwards.

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guy was being chased by about 16 zombies, I shot him with my m24 in the leg and he broke it and the zombies ate him, was fun.

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My worst thing would be stalkinga player thru nw air field allowing them to loot the items and helped him out with a blood bag and grouped up for about 20 mins till we were in the quite forest then i shot him multiple times and lootedhis body.

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I killed a player after i asked if he was friendly, he answered yes and asked me the same question, answered yes. Shot him in the back of electro's firestation out of fear for him killing me instead.


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Worst thing I've Done... Pose as clan leader of SOH, add peoples steam ID's. Recruit them, Make them run to me, Get to know them on skype, and Lastly finish them and take everything they got.


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It's mainly mur- well it's the sin forum but those who go into other peeps teamspeaks.....

Use a VPN and good protection, the way the internets work is if you have your IP, in their logs, and they know what 4chan is..................

I dunno but....

what am I saying?

I don't know, chuck.

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To my first kill, the poor bastard on a hospital roof standing bolt upright with his back turned.

I don't think he was armed... I honestly didn't think I had any hope of making that shot. The CZ was new, unfired and apparently I estimated the distance and had the zeroing more accurate than I gave myself credit for... right in the back of the head from 600m.

I laughed, cheered... then felt kinda bad. First ones always the hardest right? I'm sure there will be more.

There was almost a second, bleeding to death she was. I thought I'd save the bullets and let blood loss do the rest... I felt REALLY guilty about that one, but I didn't have much ammo. Suddenly they dissapeared! What! Damn they disconnected! Didn't feel bad at all after that.


Haha, I was your first kill!

I was playing the game the first time, i was just running around. I actually found a Compass and a silenced MP5 in the Hospital! Didnt know they are so rare. My girlfriend distracted me, i was pretty much away from keyboard - then BANG! Dead.

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Yesterday me and my friend were walking to our tent, both wearing enfields.

i see 2 noobs crawling with my binoculars, so far away.

We go closer, they only have axes..

me and my friend run towards them and just practically stand on top of them ( maybe 2 meters away), killed them execution style. Poor guys, probably their first time up north.

Edited by AluCaRdBe

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There was this guy in cherno he was being attacked by some zombies i watched him kill them all he say me said friendly. i said im "friendly" too so he could allow me to approach him once i got near enough he said want to join me on my *i shot him* never knew where he was gonna take me :S. when he died he started to scream i couldn't stop laughing.

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I went to a server with only three other people on it. It was night. I went to stary sobar (no nvg) looting the military tents, when ich saw someone throwing roadflares and shooting Zs. I went back in a tent and thought about what I should do now. It would have been easy to run away, but I was starving and needed to go further in the city, where this guy was (one day earlier two friends where shot in this city)....

...he then came up to the tents looting them, too. I'm not sure, if he had seen me, but I guess not. When he came out of one of the tents, I shot him and took most parts of his gear. He saved my life with the food and the matches.

However I feel still sorry could at least have asked if he was friendly...

Perhapse my victim takes some comfort in the fact, that I still have his matches... three weeks later.

ah, and sorry for shooting some one with an silenced m4 near gorka somedays ago. He was running away chased by one Z. I think he didn't want to shoot the Z 'cause this would have attracted the attention of my buddies and me.

300m away one of my buddies shouted "there's one! SHOOT!" and we all shot.

Normaley we are happy not to shoot other survivors, but that went wrong...

strange thing with "group dynamics"...

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strange thing with "group dynamics"...

think the term is "peer pressure", i think some psychology students can get alot of data from this game and see it as a little 'human experiment' :P

Also, u shot a guy in order to survive, thats about the cleanest kill u can get. Survival of the fittest, by killing that guy u just improved the human race. Thats Darwin for ya.

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So im very new to DayZ, only played for 3 days, its great!

While i was wandering through Elekto looking for a gun I picked up my first rifle, a Lee Enfield.

In the same building i noticed another player..his back to me looting some items on the ground,

I stood behind him, wondering if i should shoot him before he gets me.

He turns around with a Revolver in his hands and nothing...no movement.

He starts moving from side to side using Q and E....at the time i had no idea this was some kind of a way to say you mean no harm...

Unfortunately I took it as a threat and embedded some lead into his skull.

And it happened, early in my DayZ life i was a bandit. Several minutes later i was scaling water towers and lying in wait to snipe the next person i see.

First guy was running across a wide open space, so i took him out, not for loot but for fun.

And have taken to the tactics of wounding rather than killing, give it enough time and their friends will come out of hiding to try and help.

So far I've shot 8 and i'm really enjoying the bandit life style, live by the sword and prepare to die by it! ( often )

Do i feel guilty? Only for the guy who tried to tell me hes friendly.

Sorry dude, but your revolver kicked ass :)

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So it was my second day playing. I was with my friend Justin and we were a lil southwest of stary sobor. We had separated a bit when suddenly I lagged out. My friend went prone under a tree and alt tabbed out while waiting for me to re-log.

Well lo and behold some random guy walks up behind my friend while he is prone behind the tree and ask over the mic "hey, you there?" So he tabs back in and quickly announces himself and asks not to be shot. At this point the guy had backed off behind a church and was hiding again so my friend didnt have eyes on him, he told me over vent where he thought he was and told me to log back in.

So I come back into the game and I can hear them chatting over the mic. My friend is telling him he is alone and acting scared, the stranger is saying the same thing and also acting quite nervous. I decide to pretend like I have just stumbled across the 2 of them and announce myself over the mic. Now our stranger is quite excited, he believes he has made some new friends to quest with. He couldnt be further from the truth.

So after a bit of intense "I wont shoot if you dont" back and forth we all decide to come out into the yard in front of the church at the same time. Our new "friend" says "I'm so glad to finally meet some pe-" BANG.....thanks for that gps bro :)

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After about 30min of gathering supplies in BZ i reached the Lumber Mill. I climbed up top on some sort of powerplant/silo to see if there are any lootable buildings. After 15 seconds I see a wave of zombies running my way, and a guy with a hatchet in the front. I pull out my M249 and gun the guy down where he stood.

I felt bad for him knowing that with a weapon such as the M249 i could'ave saved him by killing all of the zombies around him. On the other hand he had a toolbox on him, a item that I did not have before.

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