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Suggestion for close combat weapons

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i would like to see some simple tools which would be reasonable. i understand (ukraine as an example) that there is besides power and chemical industry, quite some agribusiness, mining as well as logging going on.

- shovels, spades, pickaxes, cant hooks, pitchforks, sickles, scythes, double-headed axes, different sorts of hammers and sledges, types of scissors and my personal favourite: a bolt gun ;)

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Im not a great fan of these suggestions my reasoning follows...

1. Chainsaw. Maybe but it should, by all rights, be far too loud and cumbersome.

2. Power tools like nailguns, buzzsaw, sander. Some potential, if electrical outputs are in the game I would like to see quick drain and long charge time, though without electricity then I feel they would be quickly rendered obsolete. Maybe as a class of 'desperate times' weaponry.

3. Machete. I rather like this idea but it would have to be almost another axe only with a different skin, a mixture of axe and hunting knife (instead of cutting trees its a melee that guts animals)

4. Cleaver... Calm down Dr. Mundo. Seems like another fun for five minutes weapon.

5. Katana blade. As has been said, I couldnt seeing it being applicable at all. Its eastern europe not east asia.

6. Chain. What for? Making sure nobody steals your pedal bike? Unless you can use the chain on your fists and punch people in which case sorry for the misunderstanding.

7. Spear (throwable) or metal rod. A spear is not a close range weapon by any means.

8. Baseball bat (combined with nails for extra damage). And maybe attatching m16's to a wheelchair? I apologise for the criticisms, but again this should only be another axe in my opinion and to that I say, theres already an axe.

9. Molotov cocktail. I like it but if it was in the game I doubt I would ever use them, they would have to attract alot of attention.

10. Flamethrower ... Just no. I shall elaborate, although it has been said, the fire should not kill zombies for several minutes in which case the flamethrower would be useless as a means of defense.

Just putting my two cents in.

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A flamethrower would be hilarious, the tank should take lots of inventory space to simulate how cumbersome they are. LPO-50 flamethrower has range of 70 meters with thickened fuel, it fires its fuel in 3 bursts. I dont see a problem if it was made super rare.

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put all those empty whiskey bottles to use, allow them to be used one time to break over a zombie/survivors head. I can't tell you how many times i've ran into a building cornered by zeds and all i have is can's and bottles around me.

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i want a top hat monocle and suit in the standalone...either that or a fking kilt!...i'll start chucking telephone pole at thum SCUTLAND!!!!!!!

Edited by NeedzBeanz

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I don't see why this hasn't been suggested already, but why can't we use the hunting knife for melee? The hatchet can be used as a melee weapon AND as a tool, there's also the crowbar though I don't know why anyone would want to use it since it's inferior to the hatchet to damage and has no utility use. Those both take up the primary weapon slot logically since they typically require two hands, so why can't we have the hunting knife as a side arm? I can't hit zeds in super close range with the hatchet if they're mobbing me, so why not be able to use the hunting knife as an alternative? Give it like 2-4 hits to take down a zombie, maybe 1 if used from behind (backstab).

you might not think anything about it, but i would not use the same knife to kill infected individuals as i use to clean my food.

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