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All (8) of our vehicles gone. How?

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I check and save our vehicles every day. I ride around on an ATV and check they are still there and save them or restock them. We have 2 ATV, 1 Blue bus, 2 off road trucks, 1 (red) GAZ, 1 Blue Ural, 1 Green V3S.

I checked them sunday night and headed on a ATV to electro. 30 min later i arrive. I give me friend a gun, we shoot some people. Park the ATV out in the woods. Server resets as usual at midnight.

Next morning i go and check the atv, its gone. ok, no big deal, it wasnt real well hidden anyways and when you park them on a hill in a tree they tend to roll down it anyways. So i start the 40 min walk/run up north to our camp. Check the first spot, gone. run another 15 min to the next spot, gone. So, after 2 hours running around. All of our vehicles are gone. They are all parked way way way away from eachother. How did someone in 1 day. Get all of our vehicles?

I dont see it being possible. Can anyone explain? Also our server no longer for the past week has shown up in Six Launcher. I have to launch a server from the launcher. Click disconnect. And then go to multiplayer, and then search for the server to join.

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Either looted or a server restart made them all disappear. If they all disappear then they should come back with another restart of the server

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Let me help you, because no one on these forums will provide you the 'help' you're asking for, and it'll save the rest of them the trouble.

"It's alpha, bro."

"Don't get attached to your gear/vehicles."

"A clan could have organized that theft easily, don't just blame hackers, or bugs."

Sucks though, eight vehicles. I struggle to find any. Did you get those from their original spawn points, or steal them from the woods?

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Surely you could have kept only the vehicles you needed and let some other guys experience them. Sucks that you lost all your shit though, i know that feel bro.

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Server has had about 2 restarts since we lost all of our rides.

There are only 6 of us and we are all RL friends. Nobody took them from our group.

I never seen a vehicles spawn in a place they should be. I shot and killed for every vehicle i have found except the V3S. I took it from a guy filling up his jerry cans.

We had just about 3-4 of every gun in the game. We would all load in the big blue ural and go on raids. We would just drive up into a city/air field and get out guns blazing.

This 2 part video shows a little of how we got the vehicles.

Edited by headbasha
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Hackers can see every vehicle and tent location on the map, they're pretty rampant with this latest patch unfortunately. Happened to us too, but not only us, every camp on the server was hit within a 6 hour period, over 50 tents, and 20 vehicles all gone/destroyed.

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my group stopped messing with vehicles when they randomly started disappearing.

Had; 2 atvs, 1 UAZ, 1 dirtbike, 1 bus, 1 V3S, 1 ural, 1 offroad truck.

Since Thursday, they have been disappearing at the rate of one a day. Not being stolen, tents full of shit about 20m from vehicle, impossible to miss. Either database is corrupted or they are getting despawned. I've also seen a teleport closest vehicle script that hackers are using. Nonsensical to spend hour or two retrieving them only to have them randomly disappear.

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I check and save our vehicles every day. I ride around on an ATV and check they are still there and save them or restock them. We have 2 ATV, 1 Blue bus, 2 off road trucks, 1 (red) GAZ, 1 Blue Ural, 1 Green V3S.

I checked them sunday night and headed on a ATV to electro. 30 min later i arrive. I give me friend a gun, we shoot some people. Park the ATV out in the woods. Server resets as usual at midnight.

Next morning i go and check the atv, its gone. ok, no big deal, it wasnt real well hidden anyways and when you park them on a hill in a tree they tend to roll down it anyways. So i start the 40 min walk/run up north to our camp. Check the first spot, gone. run another 15 min to the next spot, gone. So, after 2 hours running around. All of our vehicles are gone. They are all parked way way way away from eachother. How did someone in 1 day. Get all of our vehicles?

I dont see it being possible. Can anyone explain? Also our server no longer for the past week has shown up in Six Launcher. I have to launch a server from the launcher. Click disconnect. And then go to multiplayer, and then search for the server to join.

So you and your gaybros are bandits, shooting randomly? There truly is a god when he has smited all your illegally obtained goods. The only way it could be better is if god dropped bombs on all of your tents.

Good riddance! Love the tears!

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Hackers can see every vehicle and tent location on the map, they're pretty rampant with this latest patch unfortunately. Happened to us too, but not only us, every camp on the server was hit within a 6 hour period, over 50 tents, and 20 vehicles all gone/destroyed.

Good, the vehicle hoggers ruin it for everybody

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Hackers can see every vehicle and tent location on the map, they're pretty rampant with this latest patch unfortunately. Happened to us too, but not only us, every camp on the server was hit within a 6 hour period, over 50 tents, and 20 vehicles all gone/destroyed.

what this guy said.

vehicle hacks are rampant again after the last ban wave. Its just a game of cat and mouse, they will get banned sooner or later.

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I love the part where you smack about your kill from 600 meters.... on a regular server that hands you the range :D

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Yeah, you shouldn't be hogging vehicles like that. It's complete bullshit that you're fucking everyone else out of having one because you want to just look at them and circlejerk your epeens with each other.

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Yeah, you shouldn't be hogging vehicles like that. It's complete bullshit that you're fucking everyone else out of having one because you want to just look at them and circlejerk your epeens with each other.

give me your loot, it's not fair because, even though you found it, I didn't, so I deserve it more.

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I have no idea what you people are on about vehicle hogging. You can't even hog vehicles since you cant stash em beyond the boundaries anymore.

Person 1 finds a vehicle at spot A. He then takes it and hides it at spot B.

Person 1 also has 3 other vehicles stashed at points C, D and E.

What difference does it make if person 2 finds a vehicle at spot B instead of spot A? or spots C, D and E for that matter?

If anything people trying to hog vehicles make it easier for other people, if he puts em all at one location. Then when someone finds em, he can tell others where they are, and more people get fully fixed vehicles at the ready. Or he can just leave them be for others to find, or he can blow em all up and return them to spawn locations. Either way, they're still all in the map and anyone can find em just the same.

Explain what's so bad at trying to hog vehicles since all it ever does is change spot A to spot B, which is no different.

Edited by Daddy'o

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Yeah, you shouldn't be hogging vehicles like that. It's complete bullshit that you're fucking everyone else out of having one because you want to just look at them and circlejerk your epeens with each other.

I am by no mean hoggin all of the vehicles on our server. I was on our way back to our 2 vehicles when i got shot at several time by a m107. I took 20-30 min to look for the shooter and came up on his camp. I took his main vehicles and waited. killed him, and then destroyed their 3 out of 5 vehicles. I destroyed them 3 min before a random server restart. 2 days later the vehicles i destroyed we back in the exact same spot i parked them to destory them.

I am not hording vehicles. I lost and found about 6 ATV and 2 dirt bikes. The only vehicle i cared about was the V3S. It had all of our loot. The rest we would take into town and get into gun fights with.

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give me your loot, it's not fair because, even though you found it, I didn't, so I deserve it more.

loot respawns. vehicles sit in the woods and are never seen again

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Hackers can see every vehicle and tent location on the map, they're pretty rampant with this latest patch unfortunately. Happened to us too, but not only us, every camp on the server was hit within a 6 hour period, over 50 tents, and 20 vehicles all gone/destroyed.

Yes, they can see your tents and where you park your vehicles unfortunately. Move on, try a new server. Until they really start to care about security in this mod the problem is going to persist.

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loot respawns. vehicles sit in the woods and are never seen again

Not true, unused vehicles despawn back to their spawn locations after a period of time

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loot respawns. vehicles sit in the woods and are never seen again

lol vehicles respawn after 7 days of no use. (sometimes before)

if you realized how much effort went into procuring a fleet of vehicles, you wouldn't thrash anyone for doing it.

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