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Bandits > Survivors.

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Seriously, i feel like this is the horde vs alliance in WoW. On one side you have the survivors(alliance). Which is full of either kids who think everyone in the world is nice or self-righteous bandit police that end up getting destroyed by the ones they hunt. On the other side you have the bandits(horde) full of mostly mature skilled players(minus the ones that go randomly PKing on the coast for the lulz) who see the zeds as just a sideshow to the real attraction of hunting a more intelligent prey. In their forum they're looking for groups to try to hunt us with or talking about how they got killed for trusting someone. On ours its full of bad-ass stories and sick, yet fun, games(kneecapping). I can say I'm glad to be on the dark side and look forward to seeing some of you in the field and maybe trading a few shots too :P .

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Talking of knee capping, the first thing I wanted to try when I heard about breakable bones in this mod was to snipe someones legs out and then laugh as I watch them try to struggle to cover before finally finishing them off.

Yet to actually turn completely to the dark side, I killed two survivors today though and I can feel it drawing me in.

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i prefer to kill bandits but only because they usually have better gear, cant believe how many survivors i killed far north that only had a winchester

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I got nothing against you bandits, but the OP seemed incredibly ironic to me. The survivors are fully of immature kids, while the bandits are mature skilled adults? The mature adults who kill for fun? Who mock attempts at forming civilised society? Swap 'bad-ass' stories? Have fun kneecapping people?

Again, I don't have problems with banditry, but claiming to be the mature ones? Even if you take a Realist approach to life (resorting to banditry because you are the only one you can trust, not for the fun of it) that's just cynicism- not maturity.

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I'm speechless. Maybe OP should take a look at the mirror. If you ask me, playing as a survivor is the HARD MODE.

Constantly trying to avoid other players and not to shoot anybody.

EDIT: The reason survivors in the north are carrying shotguns is because they are for killing ZOMBIES, not every player they bump into.

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Never trust ANYONE .

Im not a survivor killer if see someone won't kill him but i'd run the other way.

If i see a bandit you will Bleed ....

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We will see who the better players are when I send a 5.56 your way fucker. You've got some old school opflash veterans gearing up and prepping for some serious bandit hunting. I hope they introduce cannibalism... I am going to make it my mission to eat every bandit I kill.

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I got into a debate, well more of a me being reasonable, and someone else arguing something else entirely and interpreting my point as his... the other day in a server. He called me a hypocrite when I was merely making the point that Survivors and Bandits alike need to stop applying psuedo-comforting reasons to why they do what they do and just... do what they do.

You're killing to teach people a lesson to not make mistakes again? Idiotic reasoning, that can be seen by the other side as just being a prick. So where does that leave us? Right back where we started, so it seems the only solution is to just think and act... not judge.

In the words of Col. Kurtz, "It is judgement that destroys us".

People need to stop glorifying/reasoning/bargaining with their chosen lifestyle to justify it somehow and just be cool with it. I'm a Bandit, you're a Survivor. Not more valid than each other, but we behave differently.

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Sorry Katana67, but I don't buy into the whole moral relativism thing.

In the context of the game, yes, we need you bandit scumbags, but that doesn't make me despise you any less.

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The vast majority of "bandits" are Call of Duty types who come here to deathmatch.

Nothing more mature about it, and no interest in creating the kind of survival-oriented atmosphere this mod is supposed to be focused on. People can invent whatever rationales they want to justify it, but it's mostly about killing other players for fun and always will be.

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Mostly its the bandits that are immature(not all). I am a survivor and the only guy I have killed was a bandit that shot at me.

Strangely no one has betrayed me and they have had their chances.

I am a bit careful about survivors but bandits I shoot on sight.

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Honestly...I think survivors are mostly and mainly the faggots. Or how you pro-nounce....it...Specially retarded.

I...Yes, me...Typed "Friendly". He agreeded with me and stopped next to me. I sat down to eat as he re-leased a few round into my head, while I was about to click enter on a message that contained "Mind watchin' out for bandits, needa eat"

I dont konw....if the word 'Eat' triggered him to attack me and yet..I didnt post it. Or it he just..A sheer faggot. Atleast banits kill with pride. Not lying and then executionering you.

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Once you progress so far you almost need to shoot on sight; or team up with people you know. I've been shot in the back for my gear by someone who claimed to be friendly too many times to trust anyone with lesser weapons than me.

Shoot on sight, watch the world burn.

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Atleast banits kill with pride. Not lying and then executionering you.

That made no sense whatsoever. You can be a bandit without the skin, it's all part of how you play to then get your humanity to climb back up et voilà, you're the nice survivor ready to betray some gullible idiot.

I personally don't like killing survivors for fun. Happened a couple times, but mostly because I was startled by someone jumping out of a bush.

Bandits, on the other hand...

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Sorry Katana67' date=' but I don't buy into the whole moral relativism thing.

In the context of the game, yes, we [i']need you bandit scumbags, but that doesn't make me despise you any less.

You misinterpret. I don't seek to remove any type of morality from people's thought.

Merely trying to get people to realize that... it's subjective... and the more you try and reason with your own morality, the more it gets warped (bad or good).

It's not moral relativism that I'm advocating either, just moral neutrality and not thinking oneself is special by trying to reason off actions.

Obviously, this is up for interpretation, as are all philosophical arguments. But people, bandits specifically, spend FAR too much time bargaining off why they kill people (with misplaced sentiments of "I'm doing this for the good of my victim so he/she won't make the same mistake again", when in reality... for whatever reason, you're just killing people just the same as a blunt murderer.

Point being, it's just silly trying to assign all of these arbitrary reasons and justifications when we're all doing the same thing as bandits and that nobody is special.

Furthermore, there are indeed, legitimate reasons for killing others. Such as the objective of the game, survival, but it is when these idiotic notions of a "necessary evil" come into play that people start thinking they're special. The assigning of some twisted morality to something that is (arguably) immoral is just futile, and doesn't serve any end.

I'm not asking for bandits to be liked, just better understood... and part of the misunderstanding is generated by idiot bandits who're overthinking the simple fact of what they're doing.

DISCLAIMER - This is entirely within the context of the game, I hold very, very different philosophical beliefs in the real world.

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Seriously' date=' i feel like this is the horde vs alliance in WoW. On one side you have the survivors(alliance). Which is full of either kids who think everyone in the world is nice or self-righteous bandit police that end up getting destroyed by the ones they hunt. On the other side you have the bandits(horde) full of mostly mature skilled players(minus the ones that go randomly PKing on the coast for the lulz) who see the zeds as just a sideshow to the real attraction of hunting a more intelligent prey. In their forum they're looking for groups to try to hunt us with or talking about how they got killed for trusting someone. On ours its full of bad-ass stories and sick, yet fun, games(kneecapping). I can say I'm glad to be on the dark side and look forward to seeing some of you in the field and maybe trading a few shots too :P .



No, you're not a badass for being a bandit. You're a child trying to gain self-validation by circlejerking.

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Bandits see this game as a simple deathmatch with zombies. Survivors see this game as a survival game with human controlled enemies.

I don´t have problem with bandits, they make the game more exciting, although I am afraid that with Day Z´s popularity, a lot of FPS gamers arrive in the game and decide to go on the easy way filling the game with bandits and making it completely unbalanced and unfair.

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I'm not asking for bandits to be liked' date=' just better understood... and part of the misunderstanding is generated by idiot bandits who're overthinking the simple fact of what they're doing.


I agree, to a large extent. I think many people here are guilty of committing the action first and then trying to justify it long after the fact. Of course you can find a way to justify an action you've already done! The important thing is why you did it in the first place.

DISCLAIMER - This is entirely within the context of the game' date=' I hold very, very different philosophical beliefs in the real world.


As do I. :D

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why does it matter why a bandit kills someone? does it really make you feel better if he killed for loot and not for fun? why do you think one worse than the other?

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