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The shooting bugs and why this game will become a sniper war...

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I like this game. It's both intresting and fun. The problem I have is that despite this is the addon of a (tactical?) FPS it feels as tho the the actual shooting is out of sync.

I've been in quite a few firefights and despite me shooting someone point-blank in the torso, the player still seems to get up and chop me to death with an axe. Just now I unloaded two mags

of my pistol on two unsuspecting survivors (they were trying to take my mall), yet I killed not a single one.

This is the problem I have with the game. The shooting mechanics are so clunky and wonky that the only thing to do is hunt for something with a scope and use that weapon instead. I, and many others, want the aiming and shooting to be superb in any FPS otherwise chance and luck will deside if you kill anyone or not. This is naturally becoming a sniper war because any other weapon is too unreliable.

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It's not the shooting physics, it's the net code.

Desync is rampant, even if you're not red-chained, at least for me.

A lot of it might be based on your unique situation (ISPs, server location, local activity, &c.)

When I read about clans co-operating, I wonder how they do it, when stuff like this seems pretty common. I tried to play along with m y fisncee for a couple of weeks, but we could rarely tell where the other person was, even when we were just a few meters apart.

Zombies also appeared to be in different locations for us, so it was a little scary as we might accidentally shoot one another.

Easier to play solo, though far less rewarding.

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it's still in alpha lol and I feel your pain too. Shot a gun point blank with a double barrel yet he kills me with his makarov.

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i agree, the hit detection has been wonky since the recent update to Ill easily unload half a dmr mag into someone with my m14 and id be lucky to hit them with 1 shot to take them down...

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I have problems shooting anything with any weapon without using bore sights (2 right cliks and hold the second one down). Those floating green sights are worthless even when zoomed in.

Edited by HanoverFist
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It was a 'no sights' server so I had to use the wep iron sight.

I'm somewhat glad that others are having this issue as well. I hope to see the developers adress the stability of the FPS part in this game.

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This is really an issue to be honest. On zombies it works fine to use nonscoped rifles and sidearms. But on players it's pointless.

I was sitting on a corner, 15 meters away when another survivor was crouch-walking across the street. I lined up my M1911 with the iron sights, held it still as he walked into my sight and I squeezed off right in the torso. The player immediately "bungee corded" 5 meters back (sorta like he was ghosting) and I lost sight of him. Didn't get a kill message either. I know it was a dead-on shot, but given how he more or less warped away immediately when hit (and probably ALT+F4'd out) I was unable to tell if it was a true hit or not.

I had many cases like this with assorted weapons, ranging from shotguns to rifles and makarovs to G17's.

If you want to kill something you need to just spray like hell and hope the goddamn code has him synched up by your sights.

Lately I've stopped going near residental areas where I know there are players due to the unreliable hit detection. Much safer to just scavenge deerstands and isolated buildings or factories, and just pop people from 500-600m out with a scoped rifle.

Yeah it's alpha, but come on... is hit detection this wonky in Arma2 on multiplayer? No reason it should be in DayZ.

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It's an alpha and the hits are registered accurately. I would suggest avoiding contact as much as possible and play on low ping servers.

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Its the desync.. (If you see the blood hit effects, but the guy does not go down)

Basically all the clients are playing their own little game - Just trying to mysteriously synchronize the games to appear to look like the same. And frankly, often the Arma 2 engine / DayZ seems to be doing a pretty damn bad job at it. :P

It is sometimes possible to unload a whole mag of even AKM bullets to a person at close range, seeing the blood splashes and all, and still the guy just keeps on running. Then some 20 seconds later on or such the guy may suddenly drop dead as the hits finally sync to him... or he might just continue living happily regardless of being shot.

I've similarly mysteriously died after watching another guy chewing his beans from behind. All of the sudden I just ended up dead on the ground for no apparent reason... At first I though the guy was a decoy and had a friend that had shot me in the back, but soon realized that the game had just been desyncing really bad. I thought I was looking the guy from behind, but at the same time, he had probably already ran at a totally different position, aimed at me and taken some shots at me on his own computer. Then eventually the whole thing just synced so that I ended up dead on the ground. I didn't have any clue that we were supposed to be in a firefight already. I though I was observing him from behind, because that was the case on my screen.

The one advice I would give, is that if at any time you notice trying to pick up loot takes very long or that shooting zeds takes a long time for the zeds to actually react, etc. - then you know there is probably another player nearby who is desyncing badly. (Or you yourself are desyncing.) You can also go check out the player menu for the desync values.

When that major desync happens, it's best to get out of the area or stay hidden rather than to get into a fight, because the fight could end up in a total mess, where people just warp all over the place, etc. and you can't be sure the hits really register, etc.

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I have this problem!

I shot a guy at point blank

In the head with an AK

He turned around and axed me.

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I have problems shooting anything with any weapon without using bore sights (2 right cliks and hold the second one down). Those floating green sights are worthless even when zoomed in.

I gave this beans not because of the actual statement, but because you're name is a reference to My second favorite Heavy Metal segment. Fun fact: The voice of Hanover Fiste is Roger Bumpass who is also the voice of Squidward from Spongebob Squarepants.

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I have had this happen as well, however... my guess is the sync issue will probably be fixed with the A3 engine, I think the sync has been a problem for A2 for as long as MP has been around since it used to happen in Warfare BE as well

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Maybe you just have terrible aim, because I've never had this problem before.

Even though I've only fought zombies I haven't had a problem with my Winchester every shot I take hits direct and with a one-shot kill.


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I killed a player from ~10 meters - he was sitting on the first landing of the apartments north of cherno, looting, and looked up at me as I was aiming - with two M1911 shots. First shot missed, I am positive, and the second shot killed him immediately.

It really does depend on your latency, their latency, and how bad a day the server is having.

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I've had this happen to me as well. I was looting the power plant fire station in Elektro just before it became too dark to see without a light. Hearing footsteps behind me, I whirled around, brought my AKM to irons, and put 5 rounds into the torso of a survivor with an axe. Nothing! He closed the last few feet, hitting me once, while I continued firing into him, and hit me a second time, killing me. I fired 10 shots on semi-auto at a range that shrank from 3 meters to point blank. I didn't miss, and I didn't even damage him.

Lag isn't the issue here. The US servers I play on show up at 15 or 16ms. Desync is always possible, but you'd imagine that goes both ways.

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