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People are horrible.

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Got some binoculars and turned on 'Peeping Tom' mode, climbing up onto a destroyed castle and looking over a town. I saw a guy running away from several zombies, it didn't look like he had a weapon to fight them off with. Another survivor ran up and shot the zombies down one by one, until they were all dead, and then started to check the bodies. The guy that had just been saved pulled out an axe behind the savior's back and hacked away at him, took his gun, and ran off.

I couldn't even believe it when I saw it. Who honestly does that? I know you want a gun and all, but killing the guy that just saved your life? I don't care how mentally messed up you are even in the situation of a zombie apocalypse, your mind would be able to register that someone just -saved- you.

Far too much senseless PvP, if this is to be considered a simulator and not Battlefield with zombies then stop just killing other players for the fun of it and -survive-. You got bored? Then stay up north and fight other players that stand a chance, pretend that they're other military soldiers that are out for your heart, don't come back south with a high power sniper rifle and all the military equipment you can handle to shoot players that are going to Elektro for the first time(Civilians).

Maybe I'm in disbelief because I play the role of medic. Earlier today I saw a guy with broken legs, crawling around inside a building looking for help. After establishing I was friendly(He had a gun, I was still scared), I put my back to him and offered my morphine from an earlier hospital raid. He only took one of them and healed himself, thanked me, and walked off. I can only hope that he remembers that the next time he's thinking about shooting someone that's just innocently trying to get by.

So far the best way for me to earn the trust of a -decent- human being is to just turn my back to them/look at a complete 90 degree angle away, and start talking over the mic. I believe that it's a lot harder for someone to decide to shoot a person in the back -while- hearing their voice then it is to blow a silent player away that's pointing a gun at them. And it honestly works. If I run up to someone with a weapon out, I get blown away instantly. If I make contact and turn away while communicating, the amount of PvP deaths decreases significantly.

The moral of this QQ story? Stop shooting friendly players in the face for no reason. You don't have to trust every player you see, in fact, I discourage that. In a real apocalypse I would be extremely cautious, but I wouldn't mindlessly kill everyone like a maniac. Keep your eyes on them, and attack only when you feel threatened/are attacked.

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In an anonymous game world, it's easy to be mean.

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The moral of this QQ story? Stop shooting friendly players in the face for no reason.

It's zombie apocalypse, you're starving, all you have is a hatchet, you need a weapon and be healed. Someone comes toward you, heal you, kill the zombies around you. He has a weapon, food, a compass, a map etc.

Letting him run away would be a mistake. So you either do 2 things : start talking to him on skype/teamspeak and play together from now on, OR you kill him to grab his stuff.

That's not horrible, that's the way the game is.

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Or just kill them, take their equipment and then save somebody else so they can do the same to you. :lol:

I have yet to kill anybody in Day Z, though I'm interested to know just what the circumstances will be when I do end up coming to it. I have met Bandits and Survivors alike - all of which seemed much better off than me, yet still threatened me anyway. Hey - if you think an unarmed civ fresh off the shore has the ability to run into you hard enough to make you jostle slightly and discomfort you enough to warrant a fatal attack on them, then by all means.

I, on the other hand, will refrain from just blatantly 'dealing' with those kinds of people. If they're unarmed, in a coastal town/city - why should I care about them? Leave them be.

/End rant.


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People are mean you say? Not to sound like too much of an arse myself but, no shit Sherlock.

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Quit treating some subset of infected as different. Just because they can weild guns doesn't mean they are intelligent. They will kill you faster than their brethren that are in the more advanced stages of infection.

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There's a huge difference between killing to survive - desperately needing food/water, weapons etc, and killing 'for teh lulz'.

It's a shame that they can't make the game age-verified only. I know people could get around it but many wouldn't.

>18 = less pvp and less annoying turds on direct chat too.

Edited by gutzdorf
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Diplomacy may work. I think I would enjoy trading with others. A viable strategy to help out new people would be to carry a (single) spare of a few essential items to either donate to them or trade them for items you may not have. I'd assume Bandits and antsy survivors need to eat occasionally when not resorting to food-hording.

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Or just kill them, take their equipment and then save somebody else so they can do the same to you. :lol:

I have yet to kill anybody in Day Z, though I'm interested to know just what the circumstances will be when I do end up coming to it. I have met Bandits and Survivors alike - all of which seemed much better off than me, yet still threatened me anyway. Hey - if you think an unarmed civ fresh off the shore has the ability to run into you hard enough to make you jostle slightly and discomfort you enough to warrant a fatal attack on them, then by all means.

I, on the other hand, will refrain from just blatantly 'dealing' with those kinds of people. If they're unarmed, in a coastal town/city - why should I care about them? Leave them be.

/End rant.


I agree although your signature suggests otherwise? Anything you wanna share with the group?

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There's a huge difference between killing to survive - desperately needing food/water, weapons etc, and killing 'for teh lulz'.

It's a shame that they can't make the game age-verified only. I know people could get around it but many wouldn't.

>18 = less pvp and less annoying turds on direct chat too.

Most of the people on here who act like idiots are older than 18, so don't blame just the kiddies.

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There's a huge difference between killing to survive - desperately needing food/water, weapons etc, and killing 'for teh lulz'.

It's a shame that they can't make the game age-verified only. I know people could get around it but many wouldn't.

>18 = less pvp and less annoying turds on direct chat too.

In the situation I observed, a friendly player went out of his way to protect another human, choosing to use his bullets to save someone. And instead of being thanked, he gets betrayed. If someone had just, out of nothing but kindness, saved your life, I guarantee they have enough kindness left over to share their supplies. What I'm saying is that you don't have to kill, just -ask-. I keep plenty of supplies on me, I would gladly share if I was asked, because I can easily hunt another animal/refill a canteen at a lake for food and drinks. But instead of communicating, most players think the ONLY way to get what they want is to kill other players.

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I agree although your signature suggests otherwise? Anything you wanna share with the group?



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There's a huge difference between killing to survive - desperately needing food/water, weapons etc, and killing 'for teh lulz'.

It's a shame that they can't make the game age-verified only. I know people could get around it but many wouldn't.

>18 = less pvp and less annoying turds on direct chat too.

Some player ( meaning pvpers and ppl that kill you for the sake of killing ) are even more primitive than zombies because they show how low their intellect is in dealing with other palyers the same way as AI. And some are having weird phantasies they can only realize in an anonymous game such as this.

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I'm sorry, but if you turn your back, I am going to shoot you in the leg and put a morphine in your pack, then run like hell. I still wouldn't trust you.

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There is no excuse for this sort of behavior, but unfortunately it seems to be the norm. You sink hours into somthing and know that people can't be trusted, so even honest players think things like "If i don't snipe him, will I regret it later?"

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There's a huge difference between killing to survive - desperately needing food/water, weapons etc, and killing 'for teh lulz'.

It's a shame that they can't make the game age-verified only. I know people could get around it but many wouldn't.

>18 = less pvp and less annoying turds on direct chat too.

My gosh. Seriously? I'm 16; I like to play DayZ. So your saying because I lie within a certain age demographic, I shouldn't be able to play? Because when you turn 18, you automatically become a mature person? Nope. I've seen plenty of idiots that are 20-30 that act like 12 year olds in game.

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You can only trust players if you have superior firepower and even then there is a risk of getting shot. Unfortunately this "experiment" doesn't reflect anything that would happen in the real world when a civilized society breaks down.

Fond something interesting guide what people can do when society breaks down

See "Rebuilding Society" http://www.wikihow.com/Survive-a-Breakdown-of-the-Social-Order

That's what most likely will happen after some propably chaotic events. Lone wolves will be the first to perish.

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No good deeds goes unpunished and if this was a real apocalypse the worst in humanity will be displayed due to stress and fear. The savior shouldn't have turned his back on no one and kept him in view.

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Its better of to avoid both people and walkers. If one wants to interact with other players one should do so on the forum....or wait its better to just avoid humans.

Edited by derailed000
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Got killed twice yesterday... when I was unarmed. Yeah, I raged a little. I personally never kill anyone if I see they're weaponless. People are dicks.

But not all though. I ran into a guy recently who saved me after I spawned and we ended up teaming up a good hour or two before he got killed. There is hope with strangers but very, very little.

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Interesting thread. Me and a buddy attacked some zombies chasing a dude, killed the zombies and the guy ran off. A minute or two later he is back, prones and sprays my buddy with his AK. He thought there was only my buddy there though, which is why I now I have a new AK.

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