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40% OFF SALE | Premium DayZ Server Hosting | Host Altitude (Ltd)

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Hey i rented a server from you guys and its been a day and its not up and i cannot log into my Altitude Panel and ive opened 2 tickets that have not been responded to. So far im unhappy with your service and your livechat has not been up once since ive checked the last 2 days!!!

O and you guys are getting alot of bad reviews so far i see in my opinion you should take better care of your customers and try to fix all the "Hardware Maintenance". If you rent someone a server and say wait 2 days that should be it not 5 or 6!

Edited by Ves
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Hey i rented a server from you guys and its been a day and its not up and i cannot log into my Altitude Panel and ive opened 2 tickets that have not been responded to. So far im unhappy with your service and your livechat has not been up once since ive checked the last 2 days!!!

O and you guys are getting alot of bad reviews so far i see in my opinion you should take better care of your customers and try to fix all the "Hardware Maintenance". If you rent someone a server and say wait 2 days that should be it not 5 or 6!

(Twitter)Host Altitude@hostaltitude

We are currently having issues with our DayZ server setup system, we hope to have this fixed with all servers online by tomorrow.

Seems like we're going to have to wait a little bit more :/

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(Twitter)Host Altitude@hostaltitude

We are currently having issues with our DayZ server setup system, we hope to have this fixed with all servers online by tomorrow.

Seems like we're going to have to wait a little bit more :/

Thats not good they just got it up now its stuck on "Creating" and "Waiting" so....................

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For those of you looking to purchase a server from this company, expect long waits and piss poor customer support. Incredibly dissappointed in the services I have received thus far. If my issue isn't resolved by 1400 UTC -5, I will be demanding my money back. ticket #740393.

Long waits will be over tomorrow and I'm not sure why you rate our customer support that low, was there a reply we made in particular that upset you?

If you server is up but you are unable to join it for whatever reason make sure you create a support ticket. We currently only have 5 tickets in our ticket system queue with 3 support techs waiting for your issues.

We sent around an email with current ETAs to all waiting customers. We've had an issue with our server provisioning system which has caused some delays, servers were being setup incorrectly. We are working to resolve this and then provision the remaining orders in the queue.

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2 Weeks in I just wanted to say a HUGE thanks to Host Altitude for DE 188.

All questions and queries dealt with rapidly and with infinite paitience and all setup and working as promised ^_^.

Keep up the good work.


A very happy Admin+Clan

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2 Weeks in I just wanted to say a HUGE thanks to Host Altitude for DE 188.

All questions and queries dealt with rapidly and with infinite paitience and all setup and working as promised ^_^.

Keep up the good work.


A very happy Admin+Clan

+beans, I have had host altitude for about 2 months now and they are an awesome host!

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Long waits will be over tomorrow and I'm not sure why you rate our customer support that low, was there a reply we made in particular that upset you?

If you server is up but you are unable to join it for whatever reason make sure you create a support ticket. We currently only have 5 tickets in our ticket system queue with 3 support techs waiting for your issues.

We sent around an email with current ETAs to all waiting customers. We've had an issue with our server provisioning system which has caused some delays, servers were being setup incorrectly. We are working to resolve this and then provision the remaining orders in the queue.

Hopefully you can sneak me into the end of your queue :beans:

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Server crashed for about 8 hours yesterday, when restored received response to ticket (highlight over to see below)

"We've Fixed this, It should not happen ever again now" - by jonners

Server is unknown status again. been down for hours. 2nd time this week. Yesterday ALL our config settings were reset, including our battleye bans on script restrictions, etc.

was told it wouldn't happen again, i didn't expect that, nice gesture, but quite unrealistic considering this seems to be happening rather frequently.

TICKET #287661 please fix my server again.

Edited by Crow Bennett

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Hey! I'm a "co-owner" of a DayZ server on HostAltitude (I didn't pay for the server but i'm helping a friend with admin related stuff.

I would like to know if the server name is going to be set by you guys or how does it work?

Thanks and i've read the WHOLE thread and i'm happy with what i've read :)

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i have a "not installed" item on my CP that is "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

i don't know what this is. but it's not installed

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Please can you check are ticket? Its been three days and we haven't even been able to see or do anything with are server. Starting to feel forgotten here...

Ticket #134359

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going on around 20 hours of no service this month. about 12 of those hours are SERVER STATUS UNKNOWN. Each time this has happened, i have received no response before the server has gone back up, nor a reason why this happens or why it says the server status is unknown. I'm going to bed now as i don't want to play on another server. i hope you guys get it figured out.

Edited by Crow Bennett

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I tryed this morning to log in my new server for the first time after the creation but its impossible !

This message displayed after loading :

This server is runing an incorrect version of the server side appilcation. You cannot play on this server. If you are the server admin please contact dayz staff.

this incredible.

i have a ticket support : 505330

Please help me to resolve this issue !

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I tryed this morning to log in my new server for the first time after the creation but its impossible !

This message displayed after loading :

This server is runing an incorrect version of the server side appilcation. You cannot play on this server. If you are the server admin please contact dayz staff.

this incredible.

i have a ticket support : 505330

Please help me to resolve this issue !

I'm having exactly same issue and would like help to set my server up and running. Support ticket: #352770

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US 401 has had two 8+ hour outages in the period of two days.

Currently our server has been down for over twelve hours. Starting on 7/30 at around 1900 hours CST.

On 7/29 the server went down at approximately 1300 CST and wasn't back up til after 2100 CST. And when it came back up it was brought back up as a newly configured server...all our config settings had been reset to defaults and the email we received in response didn't address why our server was down, it was the same kind of auto-generated email which we got when our server was first brought up.

We dealt with it and reconfigured our config settings and let it go at that. Server stayed up about 14 hours then went down again...and its still down right now and we've yet to get any response to the issue.

Effectively I'm not saying HA is a bad service, but the turn around times on their support queue are very substandard to expectation.

Whats more this New York colocation facility they have our server at continually has the same problem, but their network status page says their New York nodes are fine.....obviously they must just be checking the gateway IP and not bothering to check down to their individual server IP's cause this is very far from the case.

We send in support tickets, we send them Twitter messages, hell one of our UK members even tried to contact them by phone.....it gets us no where. Which is rather unfortunate because the HA guys seem like they want to do the best they can by their customers but I think that the DayZ side of the business isn't getting a lot of attention since they have a lot of customers in relation to Minecraft and web hosting as well.

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Response Received from HA

"Hey There, We are really sorry but our datacentre made a mistake and replaced the harddrive on your node by accident when it was meant to be replaced on another server. "

end quote

i can't make this stuff up.

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Is there an ETA on when Host Altitude will have the time changing script ready?

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Yeah we're supposed to be GMT -6, we're GMT -8 after a few weeks and we're not entirely sure why.

Seeing as the server location is GMT -5, not sure why we got drifted back to Pacific Standard Time when we specifically set the server up to Central Standard Time.

But oh well, we're still waiting on our server to get reinstalled...apparently they replaced our hard drive...with a blank one...twice.

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Jonnerz what is the ETA on the server time change module? Its been more than a "few days" since i last asked about it.

I would also love a response to this ticket #146735

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Ticket #933133. I ordered a server a couple of days ago, I was told it would be online yesterday or early this morning at the very latest and.. nope. It's now been several hours with no update. I'm starting to lose patience here. I've ordered custom-built dedicated servers from other hosts many times which were up in a matter of hours.. this is the worst setup time I've experienced yet, and it's a managed SHARED server?!

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Ticket #933133. I ordered a server a couple of days ago, I was told it would be online yesterday or early this morning at the very latest and.. nope. It's now been several hours with no update. I'm starting to lose patience here. I've ordered custom-built dedicated servers from other hosts many times which were up in a matter of hours.. this is the worst setup time I've experienced yet, and it's a managed SHARED server?!

If you did the $1/slot its managed.

If you did the $50 VPS its not.

Have patience my friend I was in your shoes several days ago. I too was really frustrated that it was taking long. However once I did get my server I forgot all my woes. The performance is amazing for a manage server. Remember this is a small company and it will take time since it seems they are backlogged and had issues with server installs.

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