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Suggestion [Blood Donation]

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Miles away from any Electro and Cherno in the wilderness with your buddy, he's hurt bad after a run in gone nasty with some zeds. You manage to patch him up as best you can, but he isn't looking too good; he's feverish, shaking profusely, colour is fading from his world and you've had to expend your last blood bag not long before... But you've been fortunate, sustaining no more than a scratch in your trek from the coastal cities and are arguably in much better shape, you wouldn't mind loosing a pint or two... If only there was a way...

In a game teetering tentatively on a delicate scale of camaraderie, teamwork, and glocking someone ghetto style in West-side Elektro, wouldn't it be an interesting mechanic to be able to donate some of your own life force (given the right equipment) to your friends or other survivors in an attempt to help him keep up with the pack?

Whilst being as realistic as transfusing everyone and everyone you see with B+ve blood found on the rooftop of a hospital and hoping for the best, given the limitations of a video game the ability to donate your own blood to a fallen comrade may provide a beneficial addon, both for the increased survivability of groups and for the instilling of social values of codependence in a game where the whole world is out to get you; it could mean the difference between killing a random stranger or keeping him around for a while with the knowledge that he may be of use later on.

To those who may have tagged onto my previous point of the 'realism' of in game blood transfusions, players could spawn with a random blood type, with corresponding blood bags randomly existing in the world also adding to the increased rarity of the item in the first place thus retaining some difficulty, however I admit that this is a slightly facetious measure to take in a video game.

All criticism and discussion both positive and negative are encouraged (and anticipated :) )

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I think transfusion is a great idea but bringing blood type into it might make it too tricky because the chance of your party having each others blood type isn't overwhelming I'd say yes to transfusion but no to blood type

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The reason why I put blood type into the equation was purely for a little extra added 'realism' and try and ensure blood remains a valuable resource in the game (Even though I agree, spontaneous cooperation in the game remains a rarity) but I too agree that it probably goes a step too far :)

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What kind of items would you need to do this? Syringes? I have no idea. :)

But I like it. Depleting your own blood to get a friend up is a nice risk/reward-feature.

EDIT: Btw, if this is is supposed to be a full scale infection there realistically should be more medical camps around the map so medical supplies could be found in more places then the hospitals.

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What kind of items would you need to do this? Syringes? I have no idea. :)


Bare minimum with no care about ancillary damage or infection? Catheters, IV tubing, and an empty blood bag.

Optional items that make doing it suck a whole lot less: antiseptic, surgical tape, rubber strap, cotton swabs or gauze, a bag stand and all of the items above still in their sterile packaging.

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I was thinking that if it ever were to be implemented it would require at least a [sterile Bloodbag] and perhaps a [Cannula] or [sterile Needle] (edit:and other items listed by Land Squid although a bag stand would be quite cumbersome to implement) depending on just how detailed/difficult this feature would be and its accessibility earlier on in the game.

Items would be found in currently spawning supply crates among bandages and other medical equipment.

*edit1 to take into account Land Squid's post.

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I like the idea. And for the realism:

Just imagine all the blood bags are O- and forget the other complications that can arise :), in emergency surgery its what you use, and hospitals have loads of it in stock.

Imagine all survivors are all the same blood type which gives us the immunity to the virus, as it cant attack our red cells. That way we can all give blood to one another.

and just add sterile to every name, and imagine that there's a bit of care put into the transfusion, and add a random factor to fall ill sometime after.

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What kind of items would you need to do this? Syringes? I have no idea. :)

A pair of scissors and some garden hose.

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Brilliant idea! But the devs would have to add the right tools, maybe some that you can use several times and some that are only for one use.

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Imagine all survivors are all the same blood type which gives us the immunity to the virus' date=' as it cant attack our red cells. That way we can all give blood to one another.


This is a good idea for explaining away the problems you'd have otherwise.

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What kind of items would you need to do this? Syringes? I have no idea. :)

A pair of scissors and some garden hose.

Why use scissors when you have teeth?

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As for finding all the different items, I'd nix that. In my CLS bag I already had everything I needed to start an IV bundled together so I didn't have to go digging for half a dozen different things.

For the sake of simplicity (tossing a bit of medical realism out the window at the same time) I'd make a blood-draw kit a tool item (goes at the bottom of the inventory) and make blood bags be replaced by empty bags when used, rather than just disappearing. Drawing blood from a player may result in just a partial blood bag (after all, if you draw 3000 blood from player A, it shouldn't add 8000 blood to player B when you administer it to them) that only helps the recipient by the amount drawn.

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I like the idea. And for the realism:

Just imagine all the blood bags are O- and forget the other complications that can arise :)' date=' in emergency surgery its what you use, and hospitals have loads of it in stock.

Imagine all survivors are all the same blood type which gives us the immunity to the virus, as it cant attack our red cells. That way we can all give blood to one another.

and just add sterile to every name, and imagine that there's a bit of care put into the transfusion, and add a random factor to fall ill sometime after.


I think that that is a great idea not just for the implementation of the feature into the game but a neat explanation as to the burning "Why did I survive?" question, especially as many of us have been scratched or bitten at least once per lifetime.e O- blood accounts for about 7% of the world's population ( source ), the premise could work out rather well in my opinion.

Also to add on to Land Squid's above comment, having a 'Blood Extraction Kit' similar to the toolkits found around for vehicle repair which in a realism perspective you could assume it simply had all the right equipment and only requires the additional sterile bag found in medical boxes around hospitals.

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