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Finding Nemo - Looking for someone?

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Jackson. I'm sorry for killing you.

We were on a US server today, and all I saw was someone running at me in the dark.

I got you pretty good with my revolver bullets, and figured a mercy killing would do you better.

May we meet again on more favorable terms.

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On a NZ sever, called Lavender, if anyone knows about them or they see this contact me, im very sorry for my idiot friend who shot you dead, he was punished later, we were in the hills around Poshov? i think where he killed you, i waited a while to see if you could make it back but they took your stuff and buried your body, sorry man. If anyone see's a guy called Dematrix, shoot him on sight, he will cap you as soon as you turn your back to him. He always runs with others, im one of them but im normally on point duty or look out. Sorry if anyone dies via this guy, we are on the Aus/NZ servers most.

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to "Jason" playing on a chicago server. i didnt mean to vote to kick you. i meant to click the guy above you whos ping was 800+. sorry

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To the group that banded together on the laggy 100-person server, hit me guys up! You guys were a blast to play with until a hacker killed all of us.

Preston right here!! I found a good stable server we can group on.

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LU7, I had a ghillie suit and my friend had civillian clothing and a coyote backpack, we were check the hangars and headed to the air control tower, someone fired a shot. We were up the control tower and you started firing at us, obviously we went down and booked it to the closest village. If you see this I only have one thing to say, you suck at sniping.

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I was just on NZ6 before it seemed to crash and changed the server client.

We were in the woods, heading for a deer stand, you had a Barret 50.cal and a bus 1km away! I showed you how to do the surrender animation!

Edited by Anton17

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Searching for reliable, consistent, and knowledgable partner(s) to play with on DayZ; preferably with a microphone to speak with.

No newbies, please! ;)

Skype: Clerkius

STEAM: Clerkius

I prefer using Skype.

Edited by Clerkius

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You killed me my roomate and an EU player we just met in an open field.

Nice shots bro

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His name was "Acer" he was brand new to the game and he saw me near Kamyshovo (somewhere in that area) and we started looting houses together. But like 2 minutes later 5 zombies came after us (I just spawned, had no weapons or hatchets and didn't really find anything looting and same with him) and I tried to open a gate so we can go into the house and be safe there, but I was to slow and the zombies started attacking me... All I saw was Acer running like crazy hahaha. But he was a cool guy

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on US 717 Fat Farm

I'd just looted my first map and compass from the supermarket in Polana and was pretty excited, and had retired to a prone position amidst a bunch of trees, hoping to idle for a minute and drink a soda irl. I came back a few minutes later and saw YOU ARE DEAD plastered on my monitor. I respawned in Solnichny and busted my ass to get back to my corpse, hoping you hadn't looted it too badly, or at least left behind my can of spaghettios.

My czech pack full of morphine and blood bags was gone, as was my einfeld, and my spaghettios, but you'd left behind an AS50, 10 clips, a ghillie suit, gps, toolbox, knife, hatchet, matches, a coyote backpack, and one grilled meat.

My name is Yung 2 Wieners. I don't know who you are, why you killed me, or why you spent so long watching me crawl around in the trees so that I could drink an irl soda without logging off (my bad), but I have one thing to say to you: thanks for the stuff.

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I dunno his name, or what server really. But we met up in some place by... Elektro? Yeah, Elektro. I was scared shitless when I saw him but he asked me if I was friendly and I said yes, too scared to use my mic. He asked if I had a weapon and gave me an axe when I said no, saying he'd be really mad if I killed him with it. We hung out for a while... Before being separated because lag made him seem to be going one way, but in reality he was going another. I heard gunshots from his gun, but couldn't find him, you out there somewhere?

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Met a friendly goin' by the name of Tommy. Within a week ago, on July 15th, or 16th. In the office building in Elektro, teamed up for a while 'till we hit the Church up and I removed some Barbed wire from the doorway. Then the guy we'd seen running towards a barn in the distance, while we were on a hill, came in and blew us both away with an AK. It was good finding a friendly, or hell, someone who bothers to ask if someone is friendly. Maybe we can team up again, but it's worth a shot to see!

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I was new and you taught me how to give you a blood transfusion after a lot of running around. You said if I killed you, you would hunt me down. After I gave you the transfusion you shot me in the face.

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Me and my buddy (one in a ghillie suit and one without) were fleeing a horde of zombies in Pusta moving Northwest along the road, and we heard gunfire right behind us. I think the person shot some of the zombies and was helping us out. I want to thank this person. PM me if you read this!

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I'm looking for a bro I encountered on Green Mountain. We came across each other and decided to make a campfire to cook the meat I had come across. We talked for a good 10 mins about life and the game. You ended up trading me the box of matches you had for 3 steaks that I prepared before we went our separate ways. Seeing how Green Mountain is a cursed place, coming across you ended the curse for me. Where you at bro? I need you now, lets team up and share campfire stories again, with some cooked steak and beans. Maybe throw a glowstick party on Green Mountain for the whole zombie horde to see?

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I need someone to team up with, someone want to :)?

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Looking for a player named SpirE, i got jumpy in a supermarket and bailed when i saw a player, next server i spawned with a guy pointing a gun at me and unloaded on him. His dying breaths were "friendly, friendly", but it was to late to save him. Basically I'm trying to find him to make it up to him. Every other player i have ever encountered has turned into a gun fight and all my buddies keep getting murdered so I'm kinda wary of people.

Edited by Caitlyn

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To Kasey:

Thanks man/girl for not shooting at me with that enfield on the US server in Elektro. I am glad that someone out here in the world of paranoia didn't shoot on sight after I had shared my dream of uniting the server, as a joke. That guys swore he would hunt me down after I said that. We walked around for maybe 2 minutes and went inside I believe the church. We found a few things before that guy found us. He shot me with his shotgun but missed several times while I was prone. I tried shooting but my enfield woudn't fire. He killed me, but then you avenged my death with your own rifle, knocking that smug grin off his cruel, bastard face. Then you took my matches. To put it simply, I had fun for that 2-3 minutes with you, and just know you are an awesome person. My IGN is Maximilian, and PM or something if you want. I'm doing better now, with an AK and ANOTHER ENFIELD!!! :D If i come across ya, we should catch up on what happened. Oh, also, I was a girl in game, but not real life. Good luck out there.

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Spanish newbie searchings pals in the same time zone for try survive, not bandits pls.

Steam spiritor

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btw sorry those 3 groups of 3 people who i killed with a m4a1 at the airstrip, just ive been sniped enough to figure out its join a group or free for all.

but i am searching to join a group, im very friendly and i like playing with people. i share everything we find together thats for sure and i need someone to watch my back too :)

only 50 hours of gameplay but ive already learned everything but how to put a car together :)

also have a mic

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Hey all iam fairly new player i guess been playing for about month but i have no friends seriously so i got nobody to play this with,i would love to find some consistent players to survive with iam a AMERICAN player from Minnesota i play on any server that i can get into but mostly all US servers.If there is anyone interested in gameing with me please let me know iam a good guy havent killed any players yet but anyways please if your interested let hook up and get it going! :rolleyes: :thumbsup: (iam Mike Game name: KryptikKomatose 28yrs old)

whats your steam name? would love to play with you :)

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lf these ugly [GAY] guys who killed me @ US 30 / Krasnostav Airport

Killing me is okay but DC'ing cause my bro shot at you isn't gently

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Cant remember wich server or who you were but the adventure we had was quite fun.

We met at a deer stand, both of us unarmed and generally empty handed. We decided to team up and after walking around pavlovo headed towords zelenogorsk, We went to almost every building in the city and the store and there wasnt any loot to be found exept for a hatchet. We eventually kept going after trailing almost 15 zeds and killing them to get some loot. We went into the woods and i still have no idea how that happened but we got lost so badly we ended up at the western map edge, we managed to get back to civilization and into a store in Pustoshka where we found food and drink and weapons and unfortunatly a triggerhappy player who killed me, dont know what happend to you after that but it was probably the most fun ive had in a while.

And in case the player who killed me then is reading this, im sorry for shooting you after yelling "dont shoot" after you emptied a clip in the wall behind me. i was stressed too you know xD and i had no way of knowing if you wouldnt fire anyways

Look out for me ingame name is also Julez, i dont tend to shoot enemy player unless you shoot first... wich is probably why i have been killed hundreds of times and only killed one player myself ;)

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