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DayZ, What would you do if you were trapped in the city you live in REAL LIFE!

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Good afternoon DayZ dueds, and duedettes. Im just browsing the internet and chilling; and im wondering, what would everyone here do if they were trapped in a DayZ like situation, but in Real Life, and in their current city they take residence in. How screwed would you be? What weapons would you be able to get? What city is it? What would you do? GO!

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I'd die horribly, the only people with guns around here are farmers, and there anti-social inbred assholes, theres lots of nothing but houses for miles, and my only weapons would be my tonfa, and being wood, theres only so long they'd last....

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My city is Orlando. I'd probably contact my family and friends first (if the cell tower still works). If not, I'd probably just lock up and stay holed up in my home. We get frequent hurricanes here, so I have plenty of supplies to last me a while while thinking up of a way to reunite with my family. Beyond that, I dunno' I've only ever been to the Magic Kingdom, so I'd probably try to go to Universal and Epcot Center. That way, if I do die, I'd die happy after enjoying those rides, lol.

Edited by Whattteva

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Good afternoon DayZ dueds, and duedettes. Im just browsing the internet and chilling; and im wondering, what would everyone here do if they were trapped in a DayZ like situation, but in Real Life, and in their current city they take residence in. How screwed would you be? What weapons would you be able to get? What city is it? What would you do? GO!

I'll bite. I don't own a gun but I do have an ax, baseball bats, and some pretty sharp knives in the kitchen haha. I'd immediately break into walmart down the street and steal their hunting rifles, bows, camping/fishing gear. Then I'd take my truck and head to the Rockies :) I'd be so fucked if I stayed in Denver similar to Atlanta in The Walking Dead I'm guessing.

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Seeing as how I live in metro Atlanta, I'd probably Max Brooks it up (ie, zombie survival guide). Immediately bring all the food and water I had upstairs, along with my weapons, barricade the stairs, and wait out the initial frenzy. When that died down, or after I ran low on food/water, I'd get out through my window and start raiding my neighbors houses for any supplies I needed. My response after that would depend on the type of zombies/level of outbreak. 28 days later type infected, or undead zombies in a Class1-2 outbreak, I'd just wait for them to die off/military response to eradicate them. Class 3-4, I'd wait 2 weeks or so then start trying to make my way out and up into the mountains.

Edited by Nidi
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Samething i do in DayZ, Kill al'sons a bitchs.

Edited by Shy Guy Sterlok

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Hole up in my house until my supplies run out or looters/zombies break in. If I survive that long I'd then head for the forest and eat bugs and berries, fashion some weapons out of sticks, die of boredom...

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Uhh well.. would hold out in my apartment for a lil while maybe, for supplies and maybe some huge ass kitchen knife i could find, cause theres nothing else really in. And theres other apartments ofcourse closeby which means it wouldnt be too safe considering the zombies. Get some medical supplies from the house aswell, and god knows.. I'd be pretty much dead most likely if im being realistic.

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As far as weapons goes, I would be screwed... but I would probably go hold up in Costco because they have a lot of food and supplies. :P

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If Americans would just do as you say (eat bugs and berries), we wouldn't be in this obesity mess, lol.

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To be honest, I think I'm set for a while. I have plenty of equipment which could do relatively decent damage. Say, if I wanted to hunt small animals (air rifle), for defense I have hatchets, chainsaws ..hedge strimmers.. I'm pretty sure my local farming community has an abundance of real guns too. I have a naturally filling well and vegetable patch for maintained food and water supply next to my house. A fairly large stack of beans and other slow-degrading food stocks line my cupboards. As an added bonus I also have a horse as a low fuel consuming mode of transport (plenty of grass to go round here..). I live on a hill in the countryside with ''fortifications'' (.. nice thick hedges..LOL, and big iron gates. There is also a lot of scrap metal and boards we have stored which could easily be added to make a better perimeter) and can see for miles around.


(... it would appear my family is well prepared for this kind of event ...)

Edited by BECKiEE

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I live in the uk so id be pissing in the wind if i went looking for a gun. My blunt old samurai would have to do. Wouldnt last long on just the supplys in my house either so escape would be on the agenda within the week. Id probably have a long hard think about where i could get the biggest vehicle and how id get the keys without causing too much noise. Then id head for the coast and hope for a boat of some kind to reach one of the small islands that are close to the coast of britain. Iv had this planned out for years lol sad but true.

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Ihave a long hard think about where i could get the biggest vehicle and how id get the keys without causing too much noise.

Skip the large vehicle. Bicycle. Light (for portage), doesn't need gas, quiet, and assuming the zombies aren't ridiculously fast, you can easily outrun them. Plus you can fill the basket with beans :)

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I'd be just peachy. Small town by Edmonton. I'd have no issue with weapons, what with my gun cabinet. Lots of food in my cold room and tons of frozen meat from hunting every year. If I ever needed supplies/barricade materials, I'd just swing by the local Canadian-Tire and/or Wal-mart with my truck/trailer.

Huh...Zombie apocalypse seems kinda lame and easy now...

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To be honest, I think I'm set for a while. I have plenty of equipment which could do relatively decent damage. Say, if I wanted to hunt small animals (air rifle), for defense I have hatchets, chainsaws ..hedge strimmers.. I'm pretty sure my local farming community has an abundance of real guns too. I have a naturally filling well and vegetable patch for maintained food and water supply next to my house. A fairly large stack of beans and other slow-degrading food stocks line my cupboards. As an added bonus I also have a horse as a low fuel consuming mode of transport (plenty of grass to go round here..). I live on a hill in the countryside with ''fortifications'' (.. nice thick hedges..LOL, and big iron gates. There is also a lot of scrap metal and boards we have stored which could easily be added to make a better perimeter) and can see for miles around.


(... it would appear my family is well prepared for this kind of event ...)

We brits have been surviving the Chav apocalypse for years now. Zombies are overrated.

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Skip the large vehicle. Bicycle. Light (for portage), doesn't need gas, quiet, and assuming the zombies aren't ridiculously fast, you can easily outrun them. Plus you can fill the basket with beans :)

One small problem with that. Sooooo many hills around here. Best hope its a good bike lol.

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I'd be just peachy. Small town by Edmonton. I'd have no issue with weapons, what with my gun cabinet. Lots of food in my cold room and tons of frozen meat from hunting every year. If I ever needed supplies/barricade materials, I'd just swing by the local Canadian-Tire and/or Wal-mart with my truck/trailer.

Huh...Zombie apocalypse seems kinda lame and easy now...

Most conventional fossil fuel power plants would need people to keep fueling them or they will shut off after a few days. Nuke ones have enough fuel to keep running for two years, but their spent fuel pools require conventional power plants to keep it from boiling away, so it'd probably automatically shut down too. Only hydro-electric power plants would keep running for years. I hope you get your power from hydro-electric plant, because it's lights out otherwise.

In this situation, your frozen meat prospects don't look so good anymore, huh? Not so lame and easy now, is it? Well, there's hope, if you're well-versed in the arts of survival, you would know that there are other ways of preserving meat (salt), but did you know that?

Edited by Whattteva

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Samething i do in DayZ, Kill al'sons a bitchs.

In b4 shoot-on-sight hahaha

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Samething i do in DayZ, Kill al'sons a bitchs.

Consider changing your profession to be a crime scene cleaner, trauma unit doctor, or even slaughterhouse butcher.

If you can actually do those professions for a month without throwing your guts up and getting PTSD, congratulations, you "may" have the qualities to be a murderer. If not, go back to where you belong and cry to your mommy with your tail in between your legs.

Edited by Whattteva

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There's a gun shop about a mile away from my house and a grocery store a 3 minute walk away, so I think I'm in a pretty good spot. My dad owns a 20 gauge and a .38 revolver, so that would be a start in self defense until getting what I can from the gun shop.

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Suicide. Not down for zombie shit, man. Probably just get really plastered and kill myself.

Edited by Ywain

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I live in London so not only do I have no access to a firearm, the military would likely point their guns into the city rather than out. Trying to contain the higher density populations of infected.

That said, if I made it to the south coast I have a friend of the family that owns what was a military supply bunker, built into a hillside with secure steel doors. I also have a friend that has a very decent yaught, so I would go on an extended holiday!

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If we're talking about a zombie infection that spreads quickly enough to convert most of the population, then the most probable outcome is that I'd become infected.

Then I would come after you, dine on some human tartare, and shamble off to my next meal.

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No guns here so Melee weapons all the way for me. I'd Mad Max it out in the Aussie bush

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