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Chernarus Height Map

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Just an interesting update: Google searching under images for "chernarus" comes up with quite a few pics from this thread. The first one is my 3d map and some of the colored heightmaps show up later in the listing. B)

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Is there a 1:1 scale map in height map format? That'd be great to get, even if it would end up being a gig big.

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Anyone know how to convert the .rar file into something that Lua or Visual Basic can understand to create a table with the coordinates? Like CSV(Comma Separated Values)

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  On 7/16/2012 at 4:48 PM, andrepcg said:

Since I started playing DayZ, I wanted learn the terrain...

Hello! First of all, thank you man for the post and for the great job your done! It is real awesome! Second - I'm sorry for my broken english :)

Third thing - can you help me, pleeeese?

I try to do that you do with new map of DayZ SA - Chernarus Plus and when I try to make xyz file by Roller - it start but then it say to me - can't allocate memory. I chek (i do not know how it say in english) system monitor - it happens when ruby process use more then 2 Gb of memory. I think it because of 32bit version of ruby in that roller.

I try to make it with old version of map from DayZ Mod, and same thing. I do not know how you do that but you are genius.

Can you make new post with new height map of Chernarus Plus? Pleeeeeeeeeese!

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very good work you doing OP :beans: :beans: :beans:
I like all the map info but for me best one is road map this one ;)

for mee this is how in game map should look, is same like normal tourist style map not too much info but enough for guys to navigate :thumbsup:  :)

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  On 12/29/2013 at 8:45 PM, Panas said:

Hello! First of all, thank you man for the post and for the great job your done! It is real awesome! Second - I'm sorry for my broken english :)

Third thing - can you help me, pleeeese?

I try to do that you do with new map of DayZ SA - Chernarus Plus and when I try to make xyz file by Roller - it start but then it say to me - can't allocate memory. I chek (i do not know how it say in english) system monitor - it happens when ruby process use more then 2 Gb of memory. I think it because of 32bit version of ruby in that roller.

I try to make it with old version of map from DayZ Mod, and same thing. I do not know how you do that but you are genius.

Can you make new post with new height map of Chernarus Plus? Pleeeeeeeeeese!


So I've tried this too, but I got stuck on converting the WRP to 8WVR, I'm getting "Wrp: bad arma mapinfo". How did you get past this? Because Roller can't directly read .wrp files as OP stated.


If someone could upload the XYZ files of Chernarus+, that would be amazing...

Edited by tinu1212

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  On 8/3/2012 at 2:50 AM, moofactory said:

you know what would be cool..

Using Googlemaps to include a street view version of this.

Would probably be one hell of a task but.

some how coding a virtual camera that can do 360 deg snapshotting every few meters along all the roads in the game.

 this could probably be done in modding , just by reproducing what google did themselves. 

make a drone driven by an AI script to screen shot every road inthe game . 

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  On 7/18/2012 at 5:22 PM, Xaiier said:

So after some messing around, I was able to use MeshLab to save the point cloud as a .obj file, usable by most 3d programs. Loaded it into Maya, will work more on it later. :lol:


Did you ever happen to get any further with this project? If you're still around, please give me a shout back as I would like to talk with you regarding this. 

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