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Blay Wayne

DayZ is the first game I've ever seen ruined by hackers

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It's completely out of control. First there's debug plains, servers deleting my progress, bugs, and glitches, but now there's immortal teleporting hackers too

DayZ can't handle hackers. Any other game, the worst that happens is you lose a round, or your KD ratio goes down. in DayZ, you lose hours of playing, all your gear, your camp, everything.

I've died three times in the last week to hackers, and I've seen countless more

-people who die to 'friendly fire' and come back where they died every time with the same gear. I've killed the same guy once four times in 5 minutes, each time with an instantly disappearing corpse, no murder, and him coming back less than a minute later

-immortal players who can take any amount of fire, and then suddenly instantly kill me 5 seconds later. on a clean, low-ping, no desync server. It might sound like a lag/server issue, but it's different. They don't just freeze up or lag out, they just keep smoothly moving and looking around like normal while I put half an m240 mag in them, and then just shoot me once and I die.

-players teleporting, not even server hopping, but outright instantly teleporting around

-artillery fire on cities, aircraft carriers in cities, jets, helicopters flying around

I've never been one to cry about hackers in FPS games because they're something you can ignore and move on, but in DayZ it's starting to become a HUGE issue.

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Battle eye isn't upto scratch it seems. Within hours hackers have found another way to get around it.

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While I will agree that hackers in this game do more damage than in others, I won't say the game is ruined. I've put many hours into DayZ and have only ran into 1 hacker, which prompted me to immediately switch servers.

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hahaha first game? I think not.

Also try to bear in mind this isn't a game, its an alpha mod in the form of an experiment.

Alot of the problems people expirence during the alpha, hacking included, will be resolved when DayZ becomes a stand alone game at the beginning of next year.

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At this stage of the game. It's just not able to defend properly against hackers. Unstable and easy to modify. It's just something that you have to deal with, not get rid of. Hackers'll tend to be always ahead especially in something like an alpha version of a mod. Just gotta tough it out for now.

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Thank you for participating in the DayZ alpha test! Your thoughts, comments and concerns are welcomed by the developers and the testing community. You appear to have found either a bug or a cheating issue. You have the following choices:

1. Submit a bug report at http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/8-bug-reports/

2. Submit a cheater report at http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/32-cheat-reporting/

3. Whine and moan like a nine year-old at http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/7-dayz-general-discussion/

If you chose 3, congratulations! You have already accomplished your mission. If you would like to further contribute to the development of DayZ, please see options 1 and 2.

Welcome to alpha!

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It's completely out of control. First there's debug plains, servers deleting my progress, bugs, and glitches, but now there's immortal teleporting hackers too

DayZ can't handle hackers. Any other game, the worst that happens is you lose a round, or your KD ratio goes down. in DayZ, you lose hours of playing, all your gear, your camp, everything.

I've died three times in the last week to hackers, and I've seen countless more

-people who die to 'friendly fire' and come back where they died every time with the same gear. I've killed the same guy once four times in 5 minutes, each time with an instantly disappearing corpse, no murder, and him coming back less than a minute later

-immortal players who can take any amount of fire, and then suddenly instantly kill me 5 seconds later. on a clean, low-ping, no desync server. It might sound like a lag/server issue, but it's different. They don't just freeze up or lag out, they just keep smoothly moving and looking around like normal while I put half an m240 mag in them, and then just shoot me once and I die.

-players teleporting, not even server hopping, but outright instantly teleporting around

-artillery fire on cities, aircraft carriers in cities, jets, helicopters flying around

I've never been one to cry about hackers in FPS games because they're something you can ignore and move on, but in DayZ it's starting to become a HUGE issue.

Welcome to a game in its alpha stage; software generally isn't even released to the public even in beta phase, let alone alpha. Get over it or get out.

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600+ hours with 6 friends and we have seen 2 hackers in that time.

It sucks, but it's hardly as widespread as you seem to indicate.

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I got 200+ hours in game, and seen only 1 hacker. He rage killed everyone on the server :X. Found a new server, no issues since. B)

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Oh boy, OP, you' sure are a joker. It's almost as if you've never even heard of 95% of the PC ports that get no support from devs.

Though, if you're serious about that title, then wow. You must be a PC newbie.

(Also, I don't think my team's ever run into hackers. Granted, that's not that great of an excuse, because we never seem to have the luck to run into anybody, but for what it's worth, our experiences with hackers is very little.)

QUICK EDIT: (Actually, I redact that. I had a problem twice when I was on a server where I thought the map was nuked, but I later learned that was a clanmate of my buddy's coming in to fuck with me. So I've met hackers. They just were coming to fuck with me personally because my friend is a dick.)

Edited by KWilt

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At this point I believe Rocket is using these hackers to help him when Dayz finally goes standalone. This version of the game is being tested as an alpha mod and there are bigger plans for Dayz on the horizon. For now if you are on a server with a known hacker, I would just suggest moving over to another one. Me personally I have not come across a server with a hacker yet, but I have been killed by nasty bugs. It's whatever to me. I am still enjoying my time in Dayz :)

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I've dealt with about 4 hackers in my time playing the game. Only died to them once, and unfortunately had to abort to the rest. I hate having to disconnect, but I refuse to lose my shit to some script kiddy. Two of those 4 were of the invincible variety that the OP has experienced. Multiple .50 cal rounds doing over 30K+ damage a piece, and they shake it off. Sorry but I'm not going to stay in the game with that kind of shit. It'll get sorted out with time.

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^What Xeno said.

Understand what your playing first Op. Its obvious you don't. Read my sig.

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For the record, I'm 21 years old and a veteran PC/fps gamer.

To the Rocket Apologists, go fuck yourself. nobody cares that it's an alpha. I'm not going to format my feedback in whatever saccharine way you demand. And yes, I AM going to whine, because it IS an alpha, and it IS broken, and there are so many things to whine about. It's called honest feedback. Much more valuable to developers than endless threads of "omg best game ever" and pussyfooting around real issues

Rocket is not developing battleeye. The widespread hacking is a part of arma 2, not DayZ itself. The fact that somebody has decided to call DayZ an "alpha" (an alpha that has by now filled BI's coffers quite nicely, I'm sure) doesn't make DayZ any more or less susceptible to hacking. an "alpha" mod is susceptible to exploits and glitches. not hackers. Don't make me explain the difference, google it.

And simply because YOU have only run into X hackers in Y time playing doesn't mean shit. Browse reddit and 4chan's /vg/ and it quickly becomes painfully obvious how widespread hacking is in DayZ now. It's not the kind of hacking done by a few clever programmers, it's the kind of widespread download-a-file script kiddy bullshit.

once again the butthurt dayz forum force comes in to defend DayZ with cries of ITS AN ALPHA, as if I'm mortally threatening their game and their land

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How can you ruin a game when the game itself does not exist yet?

This is an ALPHA TEST of a MOD.

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It's like you didn't read what I just posted at all.

Well, you are a furry. I'll make sure we don't play on UK8 at least

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You say your a vet of gaming at 21, hell I have been playing games longer than you have been alive. There is not one game out there, PC at least, that hasn't been plagued by hackers/cheaters/botters. I agree that things need fixing, but for how much $ I have invested in this compared to how much :) I have got out of it, I would say it's a good investment.

Regardless of what game you play you will run into hackers, it is just a fact of life.

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You have a point, it doesn't matter what phase the game is in, hacking still has the potential to ruin it for people. However, the fact these hacks have not been stopped dead in their tracks instantly is excusable, the hackers are always one step ahead, it's the same for any game. Look at x22, for example. They are the reason you still get people running around with wallhacks on CS:S, even in high level league games with their own personally developed anti-cheats, which take screenshots of the game at random. If they can get around that, they sure as hell aren't going to have any trouble getting around battle eye.

So whilst I think you should calm down a bit and except things can't be perfect, I do agree that hackers can ruin things, no matter if it's Alpha, beta or a final release.

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-immortal players who can take any amount of fire, and then suddenly instantly kill me 5 seconds later. on a clean, low-ping, no desync server. It might sound like a lag/server issue, but it's different. They don't just freeze up or lag out, they just keep smoothly moving and looking around like normal while I put half an m240 mag in them, and then just shoot me once and I die.

I had this happen to me the other day, and now it makes so much sense. I couldn't understand why this guy wasn't dying and now it's clearly a hacker. Got the jump on on guy in Cherno and snuck up behind him. I dropped two clips of my Makarov into his back before he even decided to turn around, and I couldn't understand why that hadn't killed him. So I pulled out my crossbow and stuck an arrow in his head... still not dead. He was showing that he was bleeding, so I dodged his fire and literally ran circles around him for 5 minutes waiting for him to bleed out while he kept on trying to kill me (I had run out of ammo and didn't have a melee weapon). After 5 minutes he still hadn't died and then got one shot to connect from his lee enfield which insta-killed me. The entire fight made no sense.

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The hacking is not uncommon at all. I personally witnessed hundreds of player deaths to hackers this weekend. So, the argument that goes "Its not that common get over it I hardly ever see it" is false. You have been fortunate, nothing more. The OP does make it sound like its over and settled when the game is under construction, which is clearly not true, however this is general discussion, and he is just discussing how the hacker ruined his game experience. Just because you do not think it should have ruined his experience does not change the fact that it did, and he would like to discuss it. I do not think its necessary to flame him for using the discussion forum as intended, even if the game can clearly be fixed despite his hopeless tone.

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I agree something should always be done about hackers, but I have put a ridiculous amount of hours into this game and have only seen 2 hackers

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You must not play games that much. Hacking is pretty common. Terms like "aimbot", "wall hack", "teleport", etc... have long existed long long before DayZ came into existence.

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It's completely out of control. First there's debug plains, servers deleting my progress, bugs, and glitches, but now there's immortal teleporting hackers too

DayZ can't handle hackers. Any other game, the worst that happens is you lose a round, or your KD ratio goes down. in DayZ, you lose hours of playing, all your gear, your camp, everything.

I've died three times in the last week to hackers, and I've seen countless more

-people who die to 'friendly fire' and come back where they died every time with the same gear. I've killed the same guy once four times in 5 minutes, each time with an instantly disappearing corpse, no murder, and him coming back less than a minute later

-immortal players who can take any amount of fire, and then suddenly instantly kill me 5 seconds later. on a clean, low-ping, no desync server. It might sound like a lag/server issue, but it's different. They don't just freeze up or lag out, they just keep smoothly moving and looking around like normal while I put half an m240 mag in them, and then just shoot me once and I die.

-players teleporting, not even server hopping, but outright instantly teleporting around

-artillery fire on cities, aircraft carriers in cities, jets, helicopters flying around

I've never been one to cry about hackers in FPS games because they're something you can ignore and move on, but in DayZ it's starting to become a HUGE issue.

how about stfu? if i would be a hacker i would fucking enjoy to harvest your tears. just Stfu the devs/admins know whats going on and they will fix it sooner or later. STFU!

For the record, I'm 21 years old and a veteran PC/fps gamer.

rly, you sound more like an angry kid from mw3 on the xbox

Edited by Alex988

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