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How rare are NVGs?

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Seriously! After playing for nearly 2 months I've visited military bases at least 70 times by now. Even on restarted servers to get fresh loot spawns. As well as at least 10 crashed helis. Even the player kill count of around 30 and never found one NVG...

I've found nearly 12 vehicles...which I thought were as rare since everyone hogs them.

Am I doing something wrong here or am I just the unluckiest person for finding them?

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Doesn't matter how many military bases you raid since the NVGs only spawn by 0.11% chance at 2 small barracks buildings at the north western airport and by 0.40% chance from heli crash sites. And even if you do find a heli crash site with loot on it, odds are someone has already been there and picked up the NVGs. I've raided over 20 crash sites with and without loot and have yet to find NVGs on them.

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The server I play on restarts around 10pm GMT. By that time it's pitch black and noone wants to play on it. So it's usually me and 4 other friends in a freshly restarted server roaming the map finding newly spawned helis and loot at all the military bases and airfields.

I think it's just pure chance we haven't encountered NVGs yet...even with the rarity. After all these raids and time...we should of at least found 1 by now...And I don't feel like jumping on 30 different servers at NW airfield to find them.

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Me and my boy Sephisto have been playing the game for months and have only come across 3 sets (4 if you count the fact that one set got duped when I died and he put my set into his backpack).

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Got NVGs from the guys I killed in Cherno! was sooooo lucky! :) also got things I never saw before like: Antibiotics / RangeFinder / GPS.

Oh wait, just saw the dayZ wiki and it says Rangefinder has NVG on them... so basically i could give my RL mate the NVGs and raid night time together. seems cool! :D

Edited by GetYouBarbara

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rare enough that 2.9 % of the population has them.

And I wonder how many of them were duped?

Like the OP, I've never had any luck finding NVG's in 370 hours of play. I've been to the barracks at NWAF, I've looted heli crash sites.

I did read on the forums that some of the pilot zombies at heli crash sites carry them, so I may start having to shoot them instead of avoiding them.

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Rocket said on twitter that around 2.6% off the player base has nvg's. I've found two so far, both from crash sites in a period off about 2 months.

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I found one in someones tent, together with rangefinder, AS50 and M9SD.

I'm a lucky bastard :lol:

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The server I play on restarts around 10pm GMT. By that time it's pitch black and noone wants to play on it. So it's usually me and 4 other friends in a freshly restarted server roaming the map finding newly spawned helis and loot at all the military bases and airfields.

I think it's just pure chance we haven't encountered NVGs yet...even with the rarity. After all these raids and time...we should of at least found 1 by now...And I don't feel like jumping on 30 different servers at NW airfield to find them.

Well op you don't need to hop on 30 diff servers to find some. That rarely works anyway in the case of NVGs. However, your best option would be to farm both barracks for them. Get your group up and just empty the loot piles in them and dump the stuff, run 200 meters and run back and repeat until you find them.

If farming isn't your style, then your best bet would be to camp the NW airfield and kill the people who move around there. They have a good chance of having NVGs on them. Especially the other campers.

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I've played over 200 hours and never seen them once, and I hardly ever stay on the coast. Well, unless its noob killing time. :P

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I have had 3 so far, currently have 1 equipped and one in my back pack :)

All from crashed heli.

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I wonder what will happed when duping exploit get fixed. How many players will we see with NVGs and AS50s? For now it seems to me that every second person that I meet has them (excluding Electro/Cherno deathmatchers).

Edited by void_false

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Got mine from a heli crash site. I couldn't find anything useful at first and was about to leave the site when my cursor popped up a loot icon near the heli, and lo and behold, an nvg!

Edited by SneakyZombie

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I was given a pair of NVG/guille sniper outfit/GPS which i proceeded to lose by getting eaten by a horde of 1.7.2 undead.

How I miss these rare items. The likelihood of me finding again is slim at best

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my clan has a set on every member plus about 20 stashed somewhere

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Got mine from a guy my brother shot at NW airfield. My brother didn't see the nvgs so I picked it up together with a range finder, but later gave that to my brother... who then died ofcourse

I've totally played DayZ more then 90 hours, probably been alive for 60 hours with 1 char, I always play when its dark because I feel saver that way, because not much people have nvgs.

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I got one by a killed player and 2 out of helicrash sites, one in the grass and one was hidden beneath the helicopter. I'm good on helicrashsite running, and I found a lot, but never saw a FN FAL with NVG mod.

I think a SVD Dragunov is more rare then an nvg, BUT I want one

Many of the nvgs are not "lost", because when you get killed (like me 2 times with nvg) it goes from "hands to hands"

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So you found 1 and duped it to 30? Great job! A way to go.

no actually the clan I play with is BSM, and they've got. more than a few members.

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no actually the clan I play with is BSM, and they've got. more than a few members.

BS detector is WAAAAAY off the charts.

If you have so many people, that just means you'd need to find that many more.

I seriously hope that when they confirm the duplication exploits as fixed, they reset all inventory, tents and vehicles.

Then the duping clans won't have a mysteriously standard, ultra rare item load out. Then they won't act like some kind of scavenging badasses.

I would guess that almost none of the night vision goggles out there were found on "natural" spawn points. They are considered more of a status symbol than their usefulness. It's a point to brag about. But having multiple people in a group that have them? Bullshit.

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