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Temperature system either broken or pointless

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What the title says really, after the first introduction, I haven't gotten ill yet, and I take no care whatsoever over my temperature.

The other day it was raining and night, I was outside trying to find deer stands. No issues with temperature drop at all.

Please make us think about the temperature more?

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As long as you keep moving, your temperature should stay steady.

I was on a rain server the other day, and since I'm a sniper and I stand still, my temp dropped to 36.

Good thing I used a heat pack before I got an infection.

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Infection is still in the game, I got the infection with coughing and shaking after I sustained a temp <32, I think. Even when you temp drops, the chance of infection is random. Only fix for it is antibiotics.

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So it is just an anti-camp mechanism?

Shame, it could be much more.

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  On 7/16/2012 at 6:09 AM, Shag said:

So it is just an anti-camp mechanism?

Shame, it could be much more.

Agreed, it'd be interesting to play around with overheating, making players stick to the shade during the mid-day sun if they want to run everywhere.

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I've been sick once, and it sucks. Finding antibiotics is a pain in the arse.

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Just had that problem. Boxes of medical supplies. No antibiotics to be found anywhere. It took me an hour of searching hospitals.

The weird thing was that I started with low temp (37*) and got infected right of the bat.

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SSSSHHHHH! don't let them know that it doesn't work! it makes the game easier because it doesn't...

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Hello there,

An anti camp mechanism? hmmm.

Whilst i'm no sniper I've always thought that camping is a valuable tool to use in certain occasions, especially in arma etc.

I don't like the thought of not being able to camp if i need to.

Or would it only affect you in certain conditions ie night/rain/etc? Im all for it if it's a survival/exposure thing but if it's purely anti camp then I'll be a bit non plussed.

I'm usually moving to much for my core temp to drop regardless but it would be nice to know if i can be penalised for a gamestance.



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It's funny that we're all healthy at 42C. If you had a temperature of 42C in real life, the proteins in your brain would start to render.

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well u can camp, just not in the rain (for too long)

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Hullo there

splendid, thank for confirming that.



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  On 7/16/2012 at 6:09 AM, Shag said:

So it is just an anti-camp mechanism?

Shame, it could be much more.

It is much more. Your health will drop down to 6k, forcing you to move towards hospitals in a futile attempt at finding antibiotics. It can also spread to those around you.

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  On 7/16/2012 at 6:47 AM, Zipper -82ndAB- said:

It is much more. Your health will drop down to 6k, forcing you to move towards hospitals in a futile attempt at finding antibiotics. It can also spread to those around you.

IMO, getting infected should have a much higher chance (via zombie attacks, getting wounded and etc), but also increased anti biotics spawn chance.

I've been playing DayZ for.. maybe a month now, and I have only found 1 pack of antibiotics, and it was on a player I killed.

I'm pretty sure that Anti Biotics would be a lot easier to find than Morphine or an Epi Pen IRL.

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I'd like to see something added for too-high temperatures. The baseline should be 37C. If you go over 39, you can get dehydrated and need lots of sodas/waters, pass out randomly like when you have low blood, or other symptoms of overheating unless you stop running/drink water/go inside and let your temp go down. It would be a good way of indirectly implementing the "stamina" thing people have wanted to limit being able to run forever as well. And then to make things even, have sickness start at under 35C. Of course, temperature would have to be less finicky and quick to raise/lower in order to make things work correctly, and heat packs would have to stop raising you all the way up to 42C.

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If you stay still in the rain your temp will drop rapidly, especially at night. Anything under 36 you risk the chance of getting sick.

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That's weird, in the past week my temperature dropped to 30 with no reason while I was running at night, it happened a couple times. The first time it happened, I didn't realize it till it was too late. I catched the infection, used my antibiotics, sat near a fire for 10 minutes, and that's about it. Now I always carry a heatpack just in case.

Edited by MeDuzZ-

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you know it's funny, I found Antibiotics at the same time my buddy got infected. That was a good laugh.

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I guess it is my playstyle that I never drop temperature very much.

I stay pretty active moving from loot to loot.

I haven't found a sniper rifle for over a month either, so they will contribute.

i think from dusk to dawn, when it tends to be cold in reality, and it rains, you should have to find cover after 5-10 mins or risk illness. hopefully it gets tweaked a little more to be less forgiving.

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Funny you say this... me and my friends said "We have not heard many peopel couhgin lately!"

Then we foudn some antibiotics and literally the next day two of us both go sick and coughing at different times!

It is there if you are in teh rain for to long of a time!

Being sick sucks! Trust me!

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Temp definitely drops while running. Dropped down to 28 while running to stary and looting deer stands with a friend the other day.

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dropping some quotes on temperature that seem relevant to this discussion

Temperature is a balance of all in game factors at the time, # is percentage not celcius, fahrenheit, etc

How to raise and lower your temperature in game

also, there's a slight chance to get an infection every time you take damage, and as other said to spread infection to nearby players.

Edited by p1n34l

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