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War on banditry!!! Join the fight!!!

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Apologies, but this method will that you are using is flawed. Giving noobs some guns is essentially saying to them "Ok, you have a gun. Enjoy" and the first thought that will be going through their minds is "Who can I kill" believe me. Also, is there no saying that a bandit who kills noobs may find the equipment first? Well done, you've helped a bandit.

As for cutting off supplies, it will not affect him in any way, shape or form. He still has what he has on him. He can just rebuild it by...you guessed it. Killing.

Another issue is that it is impossible to be sure that that is a bandit camp you are grieving. If it is a survivor camp, then you are making the issue worse.

Overall, this method requires a huge amount of people across many servers to even make a dent in the bandits resolve and even if it does, think of the effects. They could just cheat to get weapons. Oh and lay off the underline please. It's annoying, isn't it? ;)

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Don't worry we don't snipe randoms trying to loot, just people sat in ambush.

So, when I'm providing anti-Bandit overwatch for my team from a hill you're going to assume I'm a bandit?

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A relatively safe way to target bandits imo is to hide in popular bandit areas (woods and hills near Stary Sobor and Elektro, NW Cherno, etc.), quietly observe to see if they're noob-hunting, then put a well-placed shot right into them while they're aiming at something else. If you can get the headshot, you can prevent them from trying to disconnect while under fire, which they do more often than other players to my experience.

If you're not quite that patient, you can simply target anybody with a sniper rifle in their hand or on their back. Of course there are plenty of players that use sniper rifles as anti-bandit weapons, but considering it's the most popular type of weapon for bandits that pick off noobs, I've always considered using sniper rifles as a better indicator than none at all.

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I play with a group of 7. We only kill those who give us reason to, and with our numbers, most solo players run for the hills if they catch sight of us. I protect me, mine, and anyone who proves themselves worthy of our protection. "Griefers" exist in real life, and in an apocalyptic environment, you better believe there would be those who would kill for fun.

"Some men just want to see the world burn."

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Only "some" though, in DayZ, it's "all."

I'm getting sick of the "in reality..." statement, it's total BS when you consider that in reality, they would run out of ammo and be zombie food within days instead of some overlords that everyones wants to be.

Gamers WANT to be mass murderers, DayZ does nothing but prove all our "videogames cause violence" campaigning is futile.

Edited by Virfortis

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war on banditry

Didn't they start something like this back in 2001? I wish I could remember how it turned out.

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Only "some" though, in DayZ, it's "all."

I'm getting sick of the "in reality..." statement, it's total BS when you consider that in reality, they would run out of ammo and be zombie food within days instead of some overlords that everyones wants to be.

Gamers WANT to be mass murderers, DayZ does nothing but prove all our "videogames cause violence" campaigning is futile.

Actually, I disagree with you here. Gamers want to win. Other games have ingrained into a subset of gamers (largely the younger crowd) that killing is winning. If you were to remove any ingame indicator as to number of 'murders', and possibly to adjust the loot incentive for such types, there would be fewer of these sort. These are the same kids that kill their teammates in squad-based FPS games - they will always be there.

The fact that this thread exists, that there ARE kind people out there (demonstrated on the forums), is part of the brilliance of this game. DayZ breeds distrust, and doubt, and causes you to question your own morality. My squad outfitted some random kid with an AKM and sidearm the other day (he had a hatchet when we found him). For all I know, if there hadn't been six of us at the time, he would have tried to shoot us in the back. It doesn't matter. There is no oversight - you can only protect yourself and those you might call friends. Do the best you can for most, and avenge the rest.

PS My comment about "reality" was limited in scope, for obvious reasons (this is a video game).

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Thats because you have become the monster you are hunting. Nice feeling isn't it? Finding a nice tent full of goodies. Sure, go ahead, say its justice, make yourself feel better. Tell yourself it has to be a bandit camp. In the end, we're all the same. :)

not really, i just stoped playing a survival game and started to search for camps and vehicles to blow up... havent killed anyone...

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Here is a simple thing I do. When somone is being a bandit write down their user name. Then if i join a server w/ a username I wrote down I will keep an eye open for him. Now if dayz community could get the leader boards up and running i could just look up the guy's name and see how many murders he has then I could feel much more confortable hanging out with a random stranger.

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What is this, neighborhood watch 2.0? Ridiculous! You either take this game way too seriously if you honestly believe doing what the OP proposed is even necessary or you are just bad at DayZ.

I'm gonna hunt the shit out of you guys, even though I never killed anybody for no reason. You deserve to die in this game and every additional bandit pointing his ironsights at you is one more person fighting the good fight.

So having players police other players is bad and we should all just let bandits continue doing what they are doing?

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Kay, lets say you do manage to eliminate all bandits, and now everyone is armed. Eventually everyone will back stab each other out of greed or envy lol.

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but now and a days we cant fight them instantly1 we or i atleast dont have a gun to start out with anymore!!!

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this is why i became The Punisher, I like sniping snipers and killing bandits, its fun searching the sniper hotspots and taking out the killers. its great to see i'm not the only one adopting to this playstyle, it really gives you a reason to keep playing the game and gives you something to keep doing because there's so many bandits!

also this thread


Edited by ThePunisher

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Haha i think this is a great and fun idea - basically its a vigilante clan - and why not? I got a real laugh from some of the guys bitching about this - i mean really 'bandits' - about time you got a slug between the eyes hehe

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Now you will receive us.

We do not ask for your poor or your hungry. We do not want your tired and sick. It is your Corrupt we claim.

It is your evil that will be sought by us. With every breath we shall hunt them down. Each day we will spill their blood till it rains down from the skies.

Do not Kill...

Do not Rape...

Do not Steal...

These are principles, which every man of every faith can embrace. These are not polite suggestions, these are codes of behavior and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost.

There are varying degrees of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth, not to push the bounds and cross over into true corruption, into our domain.

But if you do you, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three, and on that day, you will reap it. And we will send you to whatever God you wish.

'...and shepherds we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee, power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. We shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be...'

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti..."


Edited by Lincolnshire Poacher

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Take my camps and i will seriously hunt your ass. i carry enough ammo to kill 30-40 people on my person so....

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Take my camps and i will seriously hunt your ass. i carry enough ammo to kill 30-40 people on my person so....

One round to the head my friend. Your day is coming.

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In my opinion this is a war against organisation and is a ploy to gain a large bandit army but brainwash them.

Fuck it, I'm in. I could do with the loot.

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I already do this. Except I just take what I need, flatten the tents, and blow up the vehicles. I don't want to risk leaving anything on the coast for a bandit to easily find.

I have also adopted a shoot-on-sight policy for armed individuals. If you have a hatchet armed, I may make an exception and let you go.

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