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War on banditry!!! Join the fight!!!

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So would that make Americans terrorists too?

Definition of terrorism: "the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes".

So I'm sure some would argue so.

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we;; we ahve almost nothing to start out with so what r we gonna do/ the bandits should just quit and we can all team up... imean if bandits r tryin to be cool they need to get a li...simple as that

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we;; we ahve almost nothing to start out with so what r we gonna do/ the bandits should just quit and we can all team up... imean if bandits r tryin to be cool they need to get a li...simple as that

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My friend and I have begun our war on bandits, but we cant do it alone. Rocket has stated that if you don't like the rampant pvp and banditry that we must do something about it and police ourselves. While we cannot completely eliminate it, nor should we try to. We can however make it a whole lot more difficult for them. Our take on this, is to attempt to level the playing field. Basically this is achieved by simply Griefing the griefers. Searching for camps and packing as much of the gear that we dont want or need into the often camp provided bandit vehicles. Followed by running over the tents and driving the vehicles down to the southern beach. Saving and abanddoning these vehicles for any new spawns to use as they see fit and hopefully giving them a chance to fight back. Cut the bandit off from his stockpile of supplies and he's going to find it difficult to just lay on a hill outside of cherno, stary, electro, and NWAF right? The problem is that with there being only 2 of us we will never make much of a dent so we invite anyone who would like to help us in this quest to do so.We don't mean to team up and don't need to know you but if enough people are doing this it may just help...... Also yes this does indeed put our own camp at risk but it's better that our gear supplies a new spawn a means of defence, rather then just fueling more bandits as it currently will.

The easiest way to identify bandit camps is vehicle hoarding. They may also be clan/group camps.... But many clans/groups are just organized bandits and griefers. keyword: "many"

Also while some of the camps maybe legitimate survivors trying to stock up we apologize. Although look at it this way your gear may save the life of an honest survivor from the dick-in-ass coast camping bastards.

For those that would say im "butthurt" from being killed by bandits. My current character has survived 15 days and we have only started doing this because of the complaints here in the forums. I'm not bragging and, do not have the best gear by any means but, I can see in the dark...and the bandit camps will provide what I need lol. We are doing this because we want to try and change things/feel like it. Our own story right?

Those that would say this is just another form of griefing. YOUR RIGHT thats the point. But it's much better then shooting your face on the coastline because im bored/an asshole. Any attempts to rid our lands of blood thirsty idiots should be welcomed and are better then just crying about losing your precious makarovs/beans to them on the forums. Your camps will be found and robbed eventually anyways.

What are you doing about it?

TL;DR: Go find Bandit camps Take what you want/need. pack the rest of their crap into their vehicles and drive that shit to the coast and drop it off. A bandit without supplies cant camp a beach allday, and a new spawn with helicopter loot can shoot bandits back. Grief the griefers lol.

TROLLS: Hey there anonymous internet dick tasters! I know you don't care what I think, keep in mind it's mutual. Go eat a bullet and remove youselves from the gene pool please. lol <---- Use this as a generic response to any and all wastes of: text, gifs, jpegs, etc., and time. Go fuck youselves. Thank you. .l.. ..l.


Something about your screams "Fish"

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I live most of the time in the dense forest almost at the edge of the map up north with all the essential supplies i need, popping zombies from time to time with no bandits/griefers/sniper trolls to worry about. Killing just makes you a bandit yourself as you might end up killing a friendly/survivor by accident( which adds murder count to your stats) If you see me as carrying a sniper rifle walking about, does that make me a bandit? How do you know I'm not just going about my business looting? I'm fine by the idea of policing the game but it needs to be a large group full of trusted friends that does not abuse their power... and most of the time it happens. Have you heard of the JLA group( an independent police group for griefers that went over the line) on Second Life that cause a person to commit suicide rl by trolling his home and family for being a griefer, keeping rl information of members through hacks and IP farming?

So a griefer who when treated to his own medicine commited suicide? sorry but i can't feel sorry for that considering there are suicides that are caused by internet trolls like that.

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